Tudors Theme 3 - Challengers to Henry VII Flashcards
Who were Henry VII’s rivals that had stronger claims?
John de la Pole, leading Yorkist claimant.
Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick: placed in Tower. Nephew of Ed 4 and Rick 3.
Edward IV’s children: Princes in the Tower.
When was the Battle of Bosworth; what were the sizes of the forces?
22 August 1485.
Henry = 5,000
Richard = 10-15,000
What was the role of the Stanleys and Northumberland in the Battle of Bosworth?
Richard expected them to be on his side.
Sir William Stanley eventually fought for Henry.
Northumberland didn’t fight at all.
Which notable family were part of the anti-Ricardian faction?
The Woodvilles
What were the positive impacts of Henry’s win at Bosworth?
He could claim that God was on his side.
Rival now dead, as were his heirs.
Norfolk killed in battle.
What was Henry VII’s first move to secure the throne post-Bosworth?
He had a formal coronation, thus cementing his rule to be supported by God.
What was the Act of Resumption?
1486 - he took back all Crown land which were granted away 1455.
How did Henry VII change the date of his reign?
He backdated the start of his reign to 21 August 1485. R3 = usurper and thus anyone who fought for him could be tried for treason.
What did Henry VII do to the Titulus Regius?
He repealed it in order to make Elizabeth of York legitimate, so he could legitimately marry and unite the Yorkist and Lancastrian factions.
Who was Sir Thomas Lovell and how did Henry VII treat him?
A Yorkist who rebelled against R3 in 1483 and joined Henry. Made Treasurer of the Household.
How did Henry treat John de la Pole after Bosworth?
de la Pole swore loyalty to Henry and joined the Council.
What lands did Henry VII give to Jasper Tudor?
Became Chief Justice of Wales.
He later suppressed a revolt led by Francis Lovell in Yorkshire.
How was Thomas Stanley rewarded for his role at Bosworth?
Given custody of the Cheshire estates while Stafford heir was a minor.
How many German mercenaries did Margaret of Burgundy help gain support of?
Who led them?
Martin Schwartz
What was Northumberland’s role in the Simnel Rebellion?
June 1487 - he was ambivalent towards the rebel army and did nothing to help or stop them
When did Henry VII arrive at Kenilworth Castle during Simnel rebellion?
8 May 1487
When was the Battle of Stoke and why was it one-sided?
16 June 1487
Irish forces poorly equipped.
Henry = 12,000
Opposition = 8,000
Why was the Battle of Stoke good for Henry VII, other than victory?
John de la Pole and Martin Schwartz killed.
Francis Lovell disappeared forever.
Why was the Simnel rebellion a significant threat?
Wide-ranging support:
Powerful Yorkists, rival claimants, foreign support.
Henry too trusting of de la Pole.
Aimed to remove the King.
Ended in Battle.
Why wasn’t the Simnel rebellion a significant threat?
Lacked widespread popular support, even in the North.
Majority of fighting forces were mercenaries, not motivated Yorkists.
Henry acted decisively: led the army himself; well-placed at Kenilworth.
Why didn’t the Simnel rebellion gather support?
People wanted stability of 30 years of civil war.
Landowning classes unwilling to risk property and betray their king.
How did Henry VII strengthen the throne post-Simnel?
Nov 1487, passed 28 Acts of Attainder against rebels.
Who were the important foreign supporters of the Perkin Warbeck rebellion?
Charles VIII (France); Margaret of Burgundy; Maximilian (HRE); James IV (Scotland).
When did Warbeck meet with Charles VIII in France?
Where and when did the Warbeck rebellion begin?
Cork, Ireland, 1491
What did Warbeck do July 1495?
Leads a failed invasion with 300 men in Kent.
Where was Warbeck ‘recognised’ as Richard, Duke of York after leaving France?
What did Warbeck do following his Kent invasion?
Fled to Scotland - with help of James IV, led an invasion into England with 1,400 men in 1496. Failed however.
When and where was Warbeck captured and then when executed?
Captured September 1497 in Cornwall.
Executed November 1499
How did Henry VII’s network of spies help when Warbeck invaded Kent?
Henry was very aware of the incoming attack and so had placed troops and defences there.
Why was Henry VII’s relationship with Edward Courtenay important?
Henry had ennobled him for his support at Bosworth.
His lands in the South West made him a very important ally, as he defended Exeter.
What were bonds and recognisances?
Bond - a guarantee of good behaviour with a financial penalty if broken.
Recognisance - someone who had already broken the law: if broke the law again, would have to pay an agreed sum
How many noble families were placed under Henry VII’s financial control?
36 out of 62
What made the Warbeck rising a significant threat?
Foreign support protected him from Henry.
1497, Henry was vulnerable due to fears of a Scottish invasion - if Warbeck had invaded Cornwall earlier he could have properly harnessed the tax revolt’s fervour.
Henry’s reactions demonstrate clear fears of revolt.
7 years of continued threat.
What limits the significance of the threat of the Warbeck rising?
Poor planning - should have invaded Cornwall earlier.
Lack of popular support.
Strength of Henry’s throne by this point.
Never led to a battle - Warbeck captured due to own foolishness.
Why did Scotland pose a threat to Henry VII’s throne?
-Bordering nation
-James IV wanted to assert Scotland’s presence in Europe
-Initially allied with Warbeck in 1496
How did Henry VII reduce the Scottish threat?
-1497 Truce of Ayton - James drops support for Warbeck.
-James IV marries Margaret, H7’s daughter, 1503
Why did Burgundy pose a threat to Henry VII’s throne?
-Margaret of Burgundy was R3’s sister and thus a passionate Yorkist with lots of money.
-She also had links with the Holy Roman Empire.
-Her support for Warbeck gave his rebellion legitimacy.
How did H7 reduce the threat of Burgundy?
-Issued a trade embargo 1493.
-1496, France now a common threat.
-1496, Intercursus Magnus signed - an alliance.
Why did Ireland pose a threat to Henry VII’s throne?
-Too remote yet a good launch pad for invasion
-Lord Deputy of Ireland was Kildare, a YORKIST, who provided troops for Simnel’s rebellion.
-However wasn’t involved at Stoke or in the Warbeck rising.
How did H7 reduce the Irish threat?
-1492, sends troops and removes Kildare.
1494, loyal Edward Poynings made deputy.
-1495 Poyning’s Law centralised Ireland under English control
-Kildare then reappionted 1496.
Why did France pose a threat to Henry VII’s throne?
-Traditional enemy; Auld Alliance with Scotland.
-Close proximity
-Duke of Britanny died 1487; Britanny absorbed 1491.
-In gathering funds to support Britanny, Henry caused a tax revolt
How did Henry VII reduce the French threat?
-Invaded 1492 when Charles preoccupied with invading Italy.
-Signed Treaty of Etaples 1492 to neutralise French threat.
-France now had to pay 50,000 crowns P.A.