TTMIK Level 4, Lessons 1-10 Flashcards
A-(으)ㄹ수록 B
For emphasis: A-(으)면 A-(으)ㄹ수록 B
(unconjugated stem)
the more A, the more B
*even more so, especially when…
*especially if…
*even more…
*particularly when…
as time goes by
재미있는 사람일수록 인기가 많아요.
The more interesting a person is, the more popular they are.
바쁠수록 건강이 중요해요.
The busier you are, the more important your health is.
친구는 많으면 많을수록 좋아요.
The more friends you have, the better.
갈수록 추워요.
It keeps getting colder.
(unconjugated stem)
Shall we V? / Do you want to V? / I want to V. / I’m going to V. (casual!)
이거 볼래?
Do you want to see this?
V-(으)ㄹ 리가 없어요
(unconjugated stem or past participle)
V can’t be / V is impossible
- for future tense: same conjugation as present
그럴 리가 없어요!
That can’t be! That’s impossible!
안 추울 리가 없어요.
It’s impossible that it’s not cold.
안 될 리가 없어요.
There’s no way it’s not right. / There’s no way it’s not going to work.
모를 리가 없어요.
There’s no way they don’t know.
V-지(요) / V-죠
(unconjugated stem or past participle or -(으)ㄹ 거 for future tense)
Use -지(요) when:
(1) talking about something, supposing that the other person also already knows about it;
(2) both you and the other person know about something or have a common opinion about something, and you are just mentioning the fact again.
Use -지(요) as an interrogative (question) ending when:
(3) both you and the other person know about something, but you are just reassuring yourself by asking the question;
(4) you know about something, and you are asking yourself to confirm the fact. In this case, you do not speak in 존댓말;
(5) you do not know something, so you are asking yourself a question. Usually you are thinking out loud and asking the other people around at the same time. 반말 is used in this case as well.
이게 뭐지?
What’s this? (asking yourself)