TTMIK Grammar Level 7 Flashcards
I see that..
I just realize that…
반말: -(는)구나
When you just realized or found out about something for the first time, mainly to express your realization.
Action verbs (present tense): -는 Noun + 이다: Keep 이 if final consonant and add +군요
여기 진짜 넓구나! = This place is so big!
이렇게 하는 거군요. = So this is how you do it!
반말: -(는)구나
When you just realized or found out about something for the first time, mainly to express your realization.
Action verbs (present tense): -는 Noun + 이다: Keep 이 if final consonant and add +군요
여기 진짜 넓구나! = This place is so big!
이렇게 하는 거군요. = So this is how you do it!
To pretend to + V
-(으/느)ㄴ 척하다 / 체하다 Past tense: (으)ㄴ Present tense: 는 Present progressive: 고 있는 척하다 No future tense.
척하다 more common in spoken language.
척/체 = act of pretending
알고 있는 척하다/체하다 = to pretend to be aware of something
모르는 척, 조용히 나갔어요. = Pretending as if they didn’t know, they went out quietly.
(Only 척 can end a clause by itself)
자는 척 그만하고 일어나요. = Stop pretending to be asleep and get up.
(Only 척 can be followed by a verb other than 하다)
-(으/느)ㄴ 척하다 / 체하다
To pretend to + V Past tense: (으)ㄴ Present tense: 는 Present progressive: 고 있는 척하다 No future tense.
척하다 more common in spoken language.
척/체 = act of pretending
알고 있는 척하다/체하다 = to pretend to be aware of something
모르는 척, 조용히 나갔어요. = Pretending as if they didn’t know, they went out quietly.
(Only 척 can end a clause by itself)
자는 척 그만하고 일어나요. = Stop pretending to be asleep and get up.
(Only 척 can be followed by a verb other than 하다)
To be doable/understandable/bearable
-(으)ㄹ 만하다
Pronounced as -(으)ㄹ 만 하다
그럴 만해요.
= It’s understandable to be so.
= It’s possible.
이 책 읽을 만해요? = Is this book worth reading?
괜찮아요. 참을 만해요. = I’m okay. It’s bearable. (참다 = to bear / endure)
-(으)ㄹ 만하다
To be doable/understandable/bearable
Pronounced as -(으)ㄹ 만 하다
그럴 만해요.
= It’s understandable to be so.
= It’s possible.
이 책 읽을 만해요? = Is this book worth reading?
괜찮아요. 참을 만해요. = I’m okay. It’s bearable. (참다 = to bear / endure)
Like a NOUN (adverb)
-같이 / -처럼
(cf standalone 같이 = together)
종이처럼 가볍다 = to be light like paper
로봇처럼 걷다 = to walk like a robot
-같이 can be changed to -같은 to form an adjective instead (doesn’t work with -처럼):
저 같은 사람 = somebody like me
-같이 / -처럼
Like a NOUN (adverb)
(cf standalone 같이 = together)
종이처럼 가볍다 = to be light like paper
로봇처럼 걷다 = to walk like a robot
-같이 can be changed to -같은 to form an adjective instead (doesn’t work with -처럼):
저 같은 사람 = somebody like me
As much as
(Adjective) 만큼
Remember adjective form:
- Past: (Verb stem)(으)ㄴ
- Present: (Verb stem)는
- Future: (Verb stem)(으)ㄹ
얼마만큼 필요해요? = How much do you need?
원하는 만큼 다 가져가세요. = Take as much as you want.
필요한 만큼만 가져가세요. = Take only what you need.
As much as
(Adjective) 만큼
Remember adjective form:
- Past: (Verb stem)(으)ㄴ
- Present: (Verb stem)는
- Future: (Verb stem)(으)ㄹ
얼마만큼 필요해요? = How much do you need?
원하는 만큼 다 가져가세요. = Take as much as you want.
필요한 만큼만 가져가세요. = Take only what you need.
Even if …, there is no use
-아/어 봤자
말해 봤자 소용 없어요. = Even if you talk (to them), it’ll be of no use.
가 봤자예요. = There is no use in going there.
지금 출발해 봤자 시간 안에 못 가요. = Even if you leave now, you can’t get there in time.
-아/어 봤자
Even if …, there is no use
-아/어 봤자
말해 봤자 소용 없어요. = Even if you talk (to them), it’ll be of no use.
가 봤자예요. = There is no use in going there.
지금 출발해 봤자 시간 안에 못 가요. = Even if you leave now, you can’t get there in time.
I saw that … so
- As a result of observation
- Asking for reason for an action
Compare, more neutral -서 and (으)니까.
Examples: 사람이 많길래 그냥 나왔어요. = There were a lot of people so I just left the place. 뭐 했길래 이렇게 지쳤어요? = What did you do to be so tired?
I saw that … so -길래
- As a result of observation
- Asking for reason for an action
Compare, more neutral -서 and (으)니까.
Examples: 사람이 많길래 그냥 나왔어요. = There were a lot of people so I just left the place. 뭐 했길래 이렇게 지쳤어요? = What did you do to be so tired?
Because (undesirable result)
Reason must be action verb. Result can be action or descriptive. The subject must be the same for both verbs.
운동하느라고 전화 온 줄 몰랐어요.
= I was working out so I didn’t know that you were calling.
뭐 하느라고 이렇게 늦었어요?
= What were you doing to be so late?
Because (undesirable result)
Reason must be action verb. Result can be action or descriptive. The subject must be the same for both verbs.
운동하느라고 전화 온 줄 몰랐어요.
= I was working out so I didn’t know that you were calling.
뭐 하느라고 이렇게 늦었어요?
= What were you doing to be so late?
Causative suffix (to make … happen)
Note that 이/히/리/기 are the same as the passive voice suffixes. Might need context to tell which it is.
Special: 시키다 = causative form of 하다
Remember 돼다 is passive form of 하다
보이다 = to show
입히다 = to dress someone
놀리다 = to let someone play, to tease
신기다 = to make someone wear shoes/socks
맞추다 = to make something fit, to solve a puzzle
키우다 = to raise/grow something (make something big)
I saw/experienced that…
- 더라 (반말)
- 던데요 (존댓말)
To sound less excited: -더라고(요)
Not about your own actions (but your feelings, not others’).
그 영화 어제 봤는데, 재미있더라! = I saw that movie yesterday and it was fun!
-더라 / -던데요 / -더라고(요)
I saw/experienced that…
To sound less excited: -더라고(요)
Not about your own actions (but your feelings, not others’).
그 영화 어제 봤는데, 재미있더라! = I saw that movie yesterday and it was fun!