Trusts & Future Interests Flashcards
Creation of Express Trust
- intent to create a trust
- valid purpose
- competent settlor
- property (res or corpus)
- trustee
- identifiable beneficiary
Creation of Express Trust: Intent
intend for recipient to hold property for benefit of someone else.
Factors (considered in totality of circumstance):
- whether scope of property is reasonably certain enough so that duties would be imposed on identifiable property
- whether instructions about how to use property are sufficiently precise as to indicate who should benefit and how they should benefit
- language of transfer (most important): “I direct” or “I require” likely to create a trust as opposed to precatory instructions like “I wish” or “I hope”
Creation of Express Trust: Valid Purpose
any purpose that is not illegal or against public policy.
if multiple purposes, can strike individual provisions that are not valid
condition that beneficiary divorce or not marry at all is against public policy and invalid UNLESS beneficiary = settlor’s spouse
Creation of Express Trust: Competent Settlor
inter vivos trust: requires same level of competence to make a gift (create a trust during life with instructions about who beneficiaries are and how distributions should be made). Uniform Trust Code reduces level of competence required to the level required for a will (legal age, requisite mental capacity)
testamentary trust: same level required for will (lower than level required for gift)
Creation of Express Trust: Property
any property will qualify.
held in name of trustee.
Creation of Express Trust: Trustee
holds legal title to trust property, manages it for purposes of trust, and makes distributions to beneficiaries.
fiduciary and must comply with fiduciary duties.
can have more than one trustee and position is voluntary
Trustee: Court Appointed
if no trustee named, or trustee does not want to or cannot serve, court appoints trustee
Trustee: Acceptance
- by substantially complying with a method of acceptance provided in trust trust terms OR
- if no specified method or method not exclusive, by accepting delivery of trust property, exercising powers or performing duties as trustee, or otherwise indicating acceptance
Trustee: Resignation
if accept, can resign
- by following procedures in trust instrument
- if no procedures, by following common law procedures (court approval) or statute (notice to beneficiaries and nay named successor trustee)
Trustee: Liability After Resignation
remains liable for acts or omissions that occurred while trustee was acting as trustee
can be released from liability by asking a court to approve resignation and final account
Creation of Express Trust: Identifiable Beneficiary
must have beneficiary that is identifiable or that is a class of identifiable persons
trust can have multiple beneficiaries and beneficiaries ma have interests at the same or different times
Identifiable Beneficiary: Rights
- right to sue trustee if trustee mismanages or benefits personally from trust property
- right to distributions from trust as settlor provided
- right to be kept informed about trust so that she can protect her own interests
- right to enforce the trust by suing the trustee for breach of the trustee’s fiduciary duties
Creation of Express Trust: Identifiable Beneficiary - Exceptions
four trusts do not need a beneficiary:
- charitable trust (benefits public at large or class/group with indefinite membership)
- honorary trust: if a person attempts to create a trust with no beneficiary or charitable purpose, court may (a) permit person holding property as intended trustee to carry out trust as an honorary trust by carrying out trust purpose or (b) distribute property to settlor’s estate
- animal trust: must be authorized by state statute; should provide for trustee, trust enforcer, and remainder beneficiary to take after animal’s death ; if no state statute, treated as honorary trust or property distributed through estate
- purpose trust: created for noncharitable purpose but without identifiable beneficiary; may not be enforced for more than 21 years
Formalities: Common Law
no formalities required to create but if all necessary terms could not be proven, trust would fail
Formalities: Modern Law
today, one party can be settlor, trustee, and beneficiary but need an additional party to be either co-trustee or co-beneficiary to have a valid trust
legal title held by trustee and equitable title held by beneficiary merge when trust has only one individual in all three roles
Formalities: Oral Trusts
must be proven by CCE.
writing required for trust of property (SoF)
in a few states, writing required for personal property and the settlor usually needs to sign the writing
Formalities: Testamentary Trusts
when trust created under a will, will must be executed with will formalities
Types of Trusts
- private express
- inter vivos
- testamentary
- charitable
- totten trusts
- resulting
- revocable
- irrevocable
- pour-over wills
Private Express Trust
express trust created for private, noncharitable purpose, usually with identifiable beneficiary
Inter Vivos Trust
settlor can create a trust while alive by transferring property to someone to hold in trust, with instructions about who the beneficiaries are and how distributions should be made
settlor can create inter vivos trust with settlor acting as trustee
Testamentary Trust
created in a will
when testator dies, personal representative charged with administering estate will distribute property to named trustee
subject to oversight of probate court and is public
irrevocable because settlor is dead when trust created
Charitable Trust
express trust with charitable purpose. Can last in perpetuity.
Purpose must be:
- reasonably certain (court can determine settlor’s intent and that intent was exclusively charitable)
- for relief of poverty, advancement of education or religion, promotion of health, governmental or municipal purposes, or other purposes the achievement of which is beneficial to community, and
- not intermingled with private and other noncharitable objective
Totten Trusts
revocable pay-on-death designation of a bank accuont
death beneficiary has no rights in bank account during owner’s lifetime and owner can use funds or change beneficiary whenever owner wishes
since legal and equitable titles are not separate, Totten Trust not considered a true trust
Resulting Trust
when purpose of a trust can no longer be carried out, remaining trust property held as a resulting trust
property must be returned to settlor or be distributed through settlor’s estate