Contracts Flashcards
Governing Law
Uniform Commercial Code: governs sale of goods (tangible personal property). Common law principles apply unless displaced by UCC.
Common law: governs all other contracts
Mixed Contracts: if involves both goods and services, look at predominant purpose to determine which law governs.
Elements of a Valid Contract
- offer
- acceptance
- consideration
Mutual Assent
most common manifestation is offer and acceptance
Valid Offer
manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain where other party understands that invited to form a deal (OBJECTIVE THEORY).
Must be clear, definite, and explicit.
Not a Valid Offer
- jokes
- invitations to make offer (like offers to large groups)
- offers that lack specificity (preliminary negotiations)
- advertisements, unless ad identifies a particular person or class of persons who may accept deal through performance
Termination of Offer
- revocation
- lapse of time
- rejection
- counteroffer
- death or incapacity of offeree or offeror
offer may be revoked any time prior to acceptance, directly or indirectly
Effective when offeree receives RELIABLE NEWS of revocation.
Under UCC, also effective when notice delivered in REASONABLE FORM at place of business of contract or another location designated for receipt of such communications
Irrevocable Offers -Types of Option Contracts
- valid consideration
- firm offers
- reasonable reliance
- unilateral contracts
Irrevocable Offers: Valid Consideration
option contract (where offer irrevocable) is created when offeror promises to hold offer open for specified period of time in exchange for valid consideration
Irrevocable Offers: Firm Offers
irrevocable for period stated or reasonable time (but never more than three months)
- MERCHANT makes offer to buy OR sell goods in a SIGNED WRITING
Merchant: Definition
person who deals in goods of the kind or otherwise by his occupation holds himself out as having knowledge or skill peculiar to the practices or goods involved in the transaction
Irrevocable Offers: Reasonable Reliance
option contract created if offeror reasonably expects offeree’s reliance on the offer
Irrevocable Offers: Unilateral Contracts
option contract created if offer invites acceptance by performance only and offeree has begun performance
Offeree has a reasonable time to complete performance
Revocation: Lapse of Time
offer terminates after time specified by offeror or after a reasonable period of time
Revocation: Rejection
legally operative when received by offeror
Revocation: Counteroffer
- rejects original offer
- makes a new offer to enter into a contract based on terms in counteroffer
CL: historically, mirror-image rule stated if different terms, counteroffer. Modern view is same as UCC (but some still follow this)
UCC: if include different terms, only counteroffer if acceptance dependent or conditioned on assent to those terms / changes
EXCEPTION FOR OPTION CONTRACTS: when offer remains open, counteroffer does not terminate power of acceptance.
Revocation: Death or Incapacity
if offeror or offeree dies / becomes incapacitated, offer terminates UNLESS option contract in which case it will remain open for option period
Valid Acceptance
objective manifestation of assent to specific terms in offer, in invited or required manner, with knowledge that offer was made.
- definite, unequivocal
Valid Acceptance: No Method Specified
offeree can accept in any reasonable manner and by any reasonable communication method
Valid Acceptance: Notice
bilateral: offeree must exercise reasonable diligence to notify offeror of acceptance
unilateral: no notification unless specifically requested or offeree has reason to know offeror will not learn of performance
bilateral contracts v. unilateral contracts
bilateral: parties exchange performances
unilateral: exchange of promise for performance
Valid Acceptance: Mailbox Rule
ACCEPTANCE made in correct manner and medium valid as soon as it leaves offeree’s possession.
REJECTIONS are legally operative when received.
Valid Acceptance: Mailbox Rule - Exceptions
Mailbox rule does not apply to:
- option contracts
- offer states acceptance valid only when received
- offeree sends rejection and then an acceptance, in which case acceptance valid only if received first by offeror
Valid Acceptance: Absence of Written Contract
Under UCC, if both parties engage in conduct that recognizes a contract exists for sale of goods, conduct sufficient to create even if written communications are not sufficient to establish mutual assent.