Trumbull & Peale Flashcards

Charles Wilson Peale 1741-1827
(By Benjamin West 1767)
- Born In maryland. Stared painting 1760s
- Went to Harvard, met Copley 1765
- Studies with West, 1767-69
- Moves to Philly 1776
- Serves in the militiary during the Revolutionary War
- Founder Museum of Natural History Philly 1802
- Columbnianum 1794
- Founder Philly Academy of Fine Arts 1805
- Eggshaped heads

Charles Wilson Peale
Washington as Colonel in the Virginia Regiment 1772
- Peale was a natural chice due to his previous service in the militery
- first painting of Washington

Charles Wilson Peale
Washington 1776

Charles Wilson Peale
Washington at battle of Princeton 1784
- aristocratic full lenght
- In a former royal frame
- dressed in yellow and blue after the revolutionary war

Charles Wilson Peale
Washington after the battle of Princeton 1770/1789-92
-how quickly he lost his technique after being away from England

Charles Wilson Peale
William Smith and his Grandson 1778
- commemorating his long career

Charles Willson Peale
The Artist’s Mother, Mrs. Charles Peale and her Grandchildren, c. 1783

Charles Wilson Peale
the Peale family 1773-1809

Charles Wilson Peale
the staircase group 1795
- trompe l’oeil - fool the eye

Charles Wilson Peale
Exhumination of the mastodont 1805-08
- As a print to advertice his Natural History Museum Philly

Charles Wilson Peale
Artist in his museum 1822
- museum, place for public entertainment
- Linneaus organizing of nature
- in Independence Hall

John Trumbull 1756-1843
- one generation after Copley/West/Peale
- 1780, England with West
- Europe back and forth total 24 years
- 1825 meets Louis David
- Founded Philadelphia Academy of Fine arts
- early portraits, detailed & sharp
- develops sense of coloring
- Scenes from Revolutionary War
- want to do history painting
- rubenist
Selfportrait 1777
- pallet=painter
- book= litterate/educated. full bound was most expensive
- full colors = can afford it/organized
- reflection = reminds us of copley

John Trumbull
George Washington, 1780

John Trumbull
Death of general Warren at the Battle fo Bunker Hill 1775/1786
- human values/morality not action is the subject
- multiple scenes into narrative. invented scene
- diagonal sweep (often in history paintings. Barouque style)
- dramiatic baroque style
- subscription print

John Trumbull,
Death of General Montgomery in the Attack on Quebec, 1786

John Trumbull
The declaration of Independence 1786
- for the US capitol Rotunda
- President Jefferson
- no one is signing = euqality
- Trumbulls most renowned painting

John Trumbull,
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, 1781

John Trumbull
Washington before the battle of trenton 1793
- tall = hierarchic scale
- calm and contemplating
- so powerful that he can look away
- no matter happens he will stand
- lights on him/clean/lines towards him
- dreamy gaze/typical european pose