Frontier Flashcards

John Gast - from StLouis (lived in NYC)
American progress 1872
- Floating seamlessly into the west
- the idealization of American west
- to right Manhattan & brooklyn bridge a technical invention
- telephone wires
- wester exspansion. Bringing civilization.
- groupings of types. farmers, terrified natives, mountain men with horse, running buffalos
- she is carrying a schoolbook
- brings education tot he west
- “god wanted us here. he showed us the new world”
- the idea that the west consisted of nothing. mountains, indians, buffalos
- 1893 - the frontier is over. then about bringing it together.
- the fantasy of freedom - idealization of expansion

George Catlin
Buffalo chase. 1832

Charles Deas
Long Jakes, 1844
- typ: hunter trapper
- rugged, wild hair, beard
- you had to be a “real man” to survive

Charles Deas
The death struggle, 1845
- wester story - escaping afight with the indain.
- Everyone is terrified except the white man. stronger, calm, on a white horse
- fiction, art, political action - imaginiative/fiction
- both indians same features=no personallity. depicted as a group, not individuals

Charles Deas
Voyageurs 1845
- the noble savge. Living with nature.
- Fascination in haw far from civilization they are.

William T Ranney
Trapper’s last shot, 1850
- narrative, high drama.
- the narrative is up to the viewer

William T Ranney
Kit Karson, 1845
- idealized image
- only carrying a blanket and some liqure. Where is the lagguage?
- images for the eastern market
- if you are a white amn who lives like an indian. It is of chice=it is masculine and cool
- City living = too cilvilized. wanted to be reminded of te wild life. To live life

George Caleb Bingham
Family life on the frontier, 1845

George Caleb Bingham 1811-1879
- Born Virginia, moven to Missuri
- trained with Chester Harding
- 1838 introduced to genre paintings by Sidney Mount
- American Art Union distrubuted his works/prints
Fur traders descending the Missouri, 1845
- older gentleman and young boy (look care free, enjoying the ride) decending the moissuri river
- in front, young bear that they have captured
- foreground very detailed. Background lumenous and arieal perspective
- great depiction of the water. reflective, still and calm
- acclaimed one of his best

George Caleb Bingham
Jolly Flatboatmen, 1846
- Depicts the importance of the river in the west
- working conditions at the time
- idealized relaxed images for the easterners/north
- horixontal lines and triangular composition to place focus on dnacing man
- the innocence and wildness of the west, scenery and stillness of the river

George Caleb Bingham
Jolley Flatboarmen in Part, 1857

George Caleb Bingham
Daniel Boone Escorting Settlers Through the Cumberland Gap, 1851
- The composition of the grouping reminds of Virgin Mary in the donkey

A.F Tait
The life of a Hunter, 1858
- Masculinity
- what men dream about. To stare down the danger
- the idea of conquering nature

George Catlin
Cler-Mont First chief i the tribe, 1834
- one of the “inventors” of the indian stereotype

Charles Bird King
Young Omahaw…, 1822
- the is all about indians 1820-50s
- the typical stereotype - one of his better paintings

Charles Bird King
Hayne 1822

Charles Bird King
Jack-o-pa, 1827