Genre painting Flashcards
John Krimmel
John Krimmel 1786-1821
- Born in Germay
- Emigrates to Philladelphia (had become US artistic center)
- 1st American gnere painting generation
- Influenced by british genre painter Davied Wilkie
- Joined Thomas Sully’s sketching club together with Rembrandt Peale

John Krimmel
Forth of July Center Square, Philadelphia 1810-12
- an image of different people types Male dandies, young women in fashionable dresses, African American, qakers The types are still grouped
- Water sanitation building
- Sculpture “Nymph and Bittern, 1812” William Rush
- Hogarth - satire “the line of beauty. lived in 1740s. English rococo. H is still a major influence.
- enlongated figures
- civic space was a new thing

John Krimmel
The Quilting Frolic 1813
- Impled narrative/telling a story/specific moment
- Krimmel shows what he can do. Types, objects,
- Very nationalistic
- Washington in center=father of the country
- Black shown as caricatures

John Krimmel
Blind Fiddler 1814
- influence=copy of Sir David Wilkie
- was senn as an “update” for American public
- To show everythign he could paint
- Genre painting was not a huge scene

John Krimmel Election day 184 - Independence Hall=prid eof the nation - Only white men got to vote. No matter their condition

John Krimmel
The Country Tavern 1819
- Male environment
- the woman stand for the ideal of the domestic
William Sidney Mount
William Sidney Mount 1807-68
- First 2nf generation genre painter
- Born Long island
- “comic painter of american life”
- Added political and moral tones to his art -issues of race and identity
Genre paitnings= quick and easy to read

William Sidney Mount
Bar room scene 1835
- Exclusion of the black man. No individualistic treatment.
- Sereotypical rasist view.
- Dectinction of class.
The dancer has broken ragged clothes.
Also he is not facing us. He is placed in the center and everyone is looking at him as if he is diminished on power/hierarchy.
- Focuses on the figures and the relationship between them. Showing the differentiation in power. He is excluded.
- The meaning is in the viewer.

William Sidney Mount
Bargaining for a horse 1835
- “swapping horses”, a 1830s saying of trading something for somethign else. Transaction
- bargaining - no confidence/trust. Qustion of what you hide and what you reveal - Men not dressed as farmers

William Sidney Mount
1836 → Farmers nooning
- individualized black man.
- contradiction - can be read in many ways, Either the black man is being lazy or he’s just resting and it’s a nice scene
- The kid is wearing a Tam o’shanter, which was typically associated with Scottish people and Scottish people are abolitionist
- Can be read as abolitionist are telling blacks what they want to hear but they are deceiving him
- Wearing nicer clothes than the white men, suggesting that blacks are better off under the control of white masters, better taken care of

William Sidney Mount
1841 → Cider making
- Election year. Making fun of president candidate. Hard cider and lodges
- Was once believed to be from Long Island however; from the mountain in the background we can assume it’s probably not Long Island but it still stands as an emblem of the North East
- 1841, William Henry Harrison was elected to presidency, “didn’t have a damn thing to say about anything”. President based off of hard cider and log cabins. Had no real platform accepted for being anti MVB… who was urban, refined “the little magician”
- Political satire
(active 1840s-50s)
- Mysterious figure. Used different names.
- Easy to read, genre painting, simple subjects
- influenced by Mount
- Literal representations

1858 → The new bonnet
- Paintings for New Yorkers to show the excotic mid West. Too civilized, had lost their wild freedom
- introduced to genre painting by Mount 1838
- square heads
- disproportional bodies