Truine God Flashcards
Music in worship can….
Unite people in praise
Increases the beauty of worship
Can make worship feel more joyous or solemn
Inspires people to praise God
Helps people to feel more involved in worship.
The music in mass makes people feel….
Inspired and closer to God.
“Sacred music is to be considered the more holy in proportion as it is more closely connected with the liturgical action.”
What are the types of music used in the liturgy (church(?
Psalms Plainchant Traditional hymns Contemporary worship songs Mass settings
What are the Psalms?
Pieces of poetry from the OT, often set to music and sung as part of worship.
It forms an important part of the ‘divine office’ (collection of psalms and readings every monk, priest and nun must recite)
They acknowledge all that comes from God and praises him, without him we are nothing.
What are some examples of the psalms?
Eagles wings
The Lord is my shepard
What is plainchant?
Ancient/originak form of church music, which is usually sung unaccompanied.
Can be used in services, but often isn’t as its in Latin. Written for a male voice
“Specially suited to the Roman liturgy”
No proper rythms.
What are traditional hymns?
Religious songs that praise God Used by generations of believers Usually accompanied by organ music Sung by the whole congregation. Helps people to feel involved in worship. They have stood the test of time
Examples of traditional hymns….
Guide me o thou great redemeer
Soul of my saviour
Contemporary songs are….
Religious songs written recently
Accompanied by modern instruments
Often sound more upbeat than traditional hymns
Usually sung by the whole congregation
Help people feel involved in worship
Some think upbeat is disrespectful and a distraction from God, others feel its more appealing.
Examples of contemporary songs are…
Here I am to worship
10,000 reasons
What are the mass settings?
Parts of mass sung rather than said. E.g the Alleluis, the Sanctus and the Gloria. Before 1960’s music was complex, but since is much simpler. Simpler mass settings helps the congregation feel more involved.
What is the Gloria?
A hymn to praise God’s glory and goodness. Begins with the words ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven’.
When is the Gloria used?
It is used near the begginning and end of the Mass.
Not used during the more sorrowful seasons of Advent and Lent.
What is the Alleluia?
Means ‘praise God’ in hebrew.
A hymn of joy and truimph that praises God.
Announces the presence of Christ.
When is the Alleluia used?
Introduce the reading of the Gospel at Mass, great the presence of christ.
Not used during lent
Sung three times during the easter Vigil to announce the resurrection.
What is the Sanctus?
A Latin word that means ‘holy’.
Hymn to praise God’s holiness.
Based on Isiah’s vision in the Temple, when the angels cried out ‘holy, holy, holy is the lord of hosts’.
When is the Sanctus used?
Before the Eucharistic prayer in Mass.
Not used during sorrowful seasons of Advent and Lent.
What is the ‘mystery of faith’?
An acknowledgement that the whole saving event of Christ’s life, death and resurrection has been made present through the consecration.
When is the ‘mystery of faith’ used?
After the consecration, when the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
The music used for the acclamations are…
Some more complex to show God’s glory and greatness
Some are simpler for the whole congregation to join in
Some more modern, appealing to the younger generation
Some upbeat in praise for God.
Some more reflective for a sense of peace and harmony.
What us Dueteronomy 6:4?
“Hear, O Isreal: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone”
Stresses there’s only one God
In the New Testament, we believe that God is three persons. However they’re still only one God.
What does Matthew teach about the Triune God?
The holy spirit is the love that unites the Father and the Son.
The Father is the voice from heaven.
The father calls Jesus his son. Christians believe God took on human form to become Jesus.
What does Jesus’ baptism show?
When God reveals himself as the Trinity.
It shows all three persons exist at the same time.
What does the Galatians 4:6 say?
“And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying ‘Abba, Father’ “.
Helps explain the relationship between the Trinity and a Christian. God the Father pours out the holy spirit into a Christian’s heart.
What is the Nicene creed?
A statement of faith about what Catholics believe, which explains the nature of the Trinity and how the three persons relate to eachother.
What are we taught about God the Father in the Nicene Creed?
God the father is the creator of all things. “I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.”
What does the Nicene creed teach us about God the Son?
He is eternal
No distinction in nature between the Father and the Son
Took on the limitations of human nature to become Jesus.
He suffered and died as a human, saved us being seperated from God by Sin.
After he died, Jesus rose into heaven to take his place as the Son of God.
Jesus didn’t become God at the ressurection, he always had been but limited to human nature.
Quotes to show God the Son in the nicene creed…..
“By the holy spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man”.
“He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father”
“… consubstantial with the father”.
What does the nicene creed teach us about God the Holy Spirit?
The holy spirit gives life to all things.
Comes from both the Father and the Son, uniting them in love
The Holy Spirit is equal in majesty and power to the Father and Son.
Inspires people to let them know the will of God.
Quotes from the nicene creed on God the Holy Spirit?
‘I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life’
‘… who has spoken through the prophets’
‘… who proceeds from the Father and the Son’
What does Genesis 1 tell us about the trinity?
‘God’ the Father created the universe.
‘Wind from God’ the holy spirit was involved in the creation of the universe.
God created the universe with the power of his word, Christians interpret this as a refernce to the Son.
How does belief in the trinity influence christians?
Life of the Trinity flows from the love of the father and the son for each other, which is the Holy Spirit.
Christians feel this love flows outwards into their lives as grace,
Christians feel they must then pass this on and show love to others.
Quote on the Trinity influencing christians….
‘The entire activity of the Church is an expression of a love the seeks the integral good of man”
What is Mission?
Sending out people to help others, e.g. missionaries will be sent out by the Church to work with people in poverty, by providing them with education or medical care.
They belive they should love others as God loves them.
What is Evangelism?
Preaching the good news about Jesus to other people, they share their knowledge and experience of Christianity to influence others lives.
Inspired by the holy spirit to share their knowledge of God’s love with others. Help others expereince the joy and peace they get as christians.
What does Mark’s account of Jesus’ baptism show us?
It confirms God is a Trinity of three persons (shown by the Dove - holy spirit, voice from heaven - The Father, and Jesus himself - the Son).
The presence of Jesus at his baptism shows the importance of the trinity in Jesus’ work and teachings.
What does the Galations 4:6 tell us?
Like Jesus, Christians are children of God.
They have a intimate relationship with God.
Shows the holy spirit is shared with all believers.
Relationship between all three persons of the trinity is shared with believers.
What does St Augustine teach us on the Trinity?
The bible says ‘God is love’
Love can’t exist on its own, someone must give and reviece it, therefore three persons (giver, reciever and uniter)
Trinity thought of as 3 united in love
Holy spirit pours into hearts of believers, sharing God’s love with all.
What did St Augustine mainly focus on?
The relationship within the Trinity.
What does Catherine LeCunga teach us on the Bible?
The Son continually, eternally comes from the Father -> Holy Spirit is love that eternally unites Father and Son -> Love constantly flows to all of creation -> Jesus came to bring demeption, Son comes from father to save humanity -> Holy Spirit continually guides believers to the father -> all will be bought back to God.
What does Catherine LaCunga predominantly focus on?
The outwards effects of the Trinity.
What’s the authority of the Magisterium?
This is the authority the Popes and the Bishops have to shape the Catholic Church’s teachings, which comes from the authority of the twelve apostles.
What was the council of Nicea?
325 CE, the magisterium confirmed that…
The Son is eternally begotten from the Father
Father and Son have always co-existed together
They’re both equal and of the same nature
What was agreed at the council of Constantinople?
381AD, they confirmed…
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity.
Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
What are councils for?
To officially declare a teaching around important issues within the Church. These are said without error as the Council is thought to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
What does Baptism symbolise?
It symbolises a new stage of life as a Christian and a child of God. Also symbolises joining in with Jesus’ death and resurrection.
What do parts of the baptism ceremony symbolise?
Baptised by being totally submerged under water - Joining Jesus in the tomb after he died.
Jesus gave up his life to the will of God - We do the same in baptism
Rising out the water symbolises beginning a new life as a christian
What does the use of Water symbolise in baptism?
Symbolises the Holy Spirit. During Baptism you’re filled with the holt spirit, who sustains the believers fath and commitment to God.
Baptism is important to Christians because….
- Sign of Initiation for becoming a child of God.
- It cleanses a person of all their sins
- It fills the person with the Holy Spirit, to give them the strength to resist all evil.
- Pledge to join God in heaven after death
- Shares all three persons with the person.
- Join in with Jesus’ death and ressurection.
What is prayer for Christians?
A conversation with God.
Inspired by the Holy Spitit
When a person opens up to God and communicates with him
Highest form is prayer is Jesus offering himself on the cross
All other prayer is offered to God in the name of Jesus, through Jesus’ offering of himself to God.
Quote on prayer….
“When a person prays, he enters into a living relationship with God.”
What is traditional prayer?
Prayers with set words passed down by generations. E.g Our Father, Hail Mary.
- Don’t have to worry about coming up with the right words.
- Not focusing on words allows me to open up more to the presence of God.
- When I’m upset, using familiar words comforts me.
What is Spontaneous prayer?
Prayers with no set format or words, you’re guided by the Holy Spirit in what to say.
- Feels more sincere, you open up to God with your personal conerns.
- Helps develop an individual relationship with God.
- Comes from the heart, reflects how you feel in the moment.
What does the kneeling posture mean in prayer?
Sign of humility
Shows the person acknowledges God’s authority and submits to his will.
A position to ask for forgiveness.
What does the Genuflecting posture mean in prayer?
A sign of respect
Catholics may genuflect when they enter church or pass the tabernacle, acknowledge Christ’s presence.
What does the Prostrating posture mean in prayer
A sign of total humility and submission to God.
A position pleading for help and mercy.
Shows the persom has given themselves up to God.
What does the standing posture mean in prayer?
Sign of respect e.g stand for the gospel readinf at Mass
Shows readiness to act on behalf of God
What does the Bowing posture mean in prayer
A sign of respect
A sign of praise to God
Acknowledges that God is great
What does the Sitting posture show in prayer?
More comfortable position, allowing the person to focus on their communication with God
What does the Standing with arms stretched out in front posture mean in prayer?
Pleading, asking for God’s help
Shows the person is willing to accept whatever God sends them.
What does the standing with arms raised up posture mean in prayer?
Sign of praise for God’s greatness and glory
Focuses on God ‘above’ in heaven
The person is totally open to God.
What does the Walking posture mean in prayer
For Christians who don’t want to confine prayer to specific moments or places, but who always want God to be with them.
What does the Joined hands posture mean in prayer?
Sign of asking
Request for help from God
What does the open hands posture mean in prayer
Sign of praise
Shows acceptance to whatever God sends.