Judaism Beliefs Flashcards
What does monothiestic mean?
You only worship one God.
Where can we see the belief God as One is expressed?
In the shema, an important Jewish prayer.
God as one means…..
Only he should be praised and worshipped
God is a single, whole, indivisable being.
God is the source of all Jewish morality, beliefs and values.
Everything has been created and sustained by God
What is the Jewish Bible called?
The Tenakh.
What is in the first section of the Tenakh?
The Torah, tells us how God took six days ro create the universe.
Two Jewish opinions on the story of Genesis?
Orthoddox Jews believe this all happened about 6000 years ago. Reject scientific reasoning.
Other Jews take it less literally, but still believe God is the creator of everything. Accept the universe is much older.
What does omnipotent mean?
This means that God is all powerful.
What does omniscient mean?
This means that God is all knowing.
What does Omnipresent mean?
God is everywhere at all times.
Why do Jews believe God created evil?
Gid created everything, meaning he also created evil.
Why does God give free will?
We wants people to choose to do good, making it more significant.
What has Gid given to help the Jews follow free will correctly?
The Torah contains 613 rules known as Mitzvot, they are like a code of conduct for Jewish life. This why God is known as a lawgiver.
What are the first 10 Mitzvot called?
These are called the 10 commandments, given to Moses when he rescued the slaves from Eygpt.
When does God mainly judge Jews?
Festival of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year). God decides what the next year will bring them.
After death.
God is known as a Judge as he judges you for how well you follow the 613 mitzvot.
What is the Shekhinah?
This is God’s precense on earth.
What is the Tabernacle?
This was a portable temple, like a tent which early Jews carried around with them on their Journey to Canaan.
What is the Messiah?
Future leader of the Jews who will rule ober humanity with Kindness and Justice.
When was the word Messiah originally used?
In the Tenakh to refer to the kings of Isreal. The first King of Israel was Saul. The prophet Samuel anointed him with oil to show he was chosen by God to rule over the Jews.
Today however the word Messiah is used to refer to a future leader of the Jews.
Who is the Messiah expected ro be?
Future king of Isreal, descendent of Saul’s successor, King David.
The future Messiah will….
Bring world peace (end war)
Uphold and teach the law in the Torah.
Rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
Rule humanity with kindness and Justice.
Reform Jews opinion on the Messiah?
They believe in a Messanic age, but not one individual person.
What did God promise to Abraham and the Jews?
The promised land, also known as Canaan.
What is a Covenant?
This is another word for an agreemenr with God.
What was God’s promise to Abraham?
To make Abraham the father of many nations.
What did Abraham promise to God?
To ‘walk in his ways and be blameless’
How was Abrahams covenant sealed?
Through the actions of circumcision.
Quote from the Shema…
“The Lord is our God, the Lord alone”
How do we see God as a creator and a sustainer?
God took four days to make the universe fit to support life. -> He took two days to create all living creatures -> He then rested and made the 7th day holy. Jews celebrate Shabbat on this day.
God also sustains the universe, he provides all the reources that we need as humans to survive.
How has God given Jews evil and free will?
God gave free will as he wants people to be able to choose to do good, as it makes doing good more significant. -> In order for this however, there must be a choice between good and bad. -> Therefore evil has to exist.
How do Jews see God as a Lawgiver and judge?
613 mitzvot in the Torah which help guide Jews to how they should behave. The first 10 of these form the 10 commandments.
The see God as judge as the believe that he judges them based on how well they follow the mitzvot. The two main times they’re judged is the anual festival of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year), and the were judged after death.
What do Jews believe about the afterlife?
The Jewish holy books do not contain much information about the afterlife. The main reason for this as Jews are not too concerned with the afterlife, I think it’s more important to focus on the present and live in a way that’s pleasing to God. However it has led to differences in belief amongst life after death.
What is heaven and Sheol?
Jews believe is they follow their faith correctly, they will go to Gan Eden (heaven) when they die. There aren’t really any clear teachings on what Gan Eden is like.
Jews that don’t enter Gan Eden go to Sheol, a place of waiting where their souls are cleansed before they enter Gan Eden, Jews don’t believe in eternal punishment.
What do Jews believe about Judgement and Resurrection?
They will be judged by God as soon as they die. However many others believe God will judge everyone on the Day of Judgement, after the coming of the Messiah.
Finally, some Jews believe in physical or spiritual resurrection, by many don’t.
What happened in the covenant at Mount Sinai?
Moses guided his people on the journey after slavery in Eygpt, where they wandered for many years in the desert. God gave Moses the first ten commmandments which tells them how to have a good relationship with God. God promised to protect the Jews from harm, and in return the Jews had to obey God’s laws.
What are some of the Ten Commandments Moses was given?
They were written on two tablets of stone.
“Honour your father and mother”
“You shall not murder”
“You shall not steal”
“Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy”
What are the three key Jewish Moral Principles?
Healing the world
Kindness to others
How do Jews show justice?
This is a sacred duty for Jews.
“Do justice and to love goodness”
The laws in the Torah give guidance to Jews on how to treat the poor and vulnerable.
Jews believe the Torah and the prophets were sent by God to help people understand how to bring about justice in a way that demonstrates mercy
How do Jews heal the world?
Take actions to help God’s work sustaining the world.
Many Jews heal the world by contributing to social justice or by helping to protect the environment. May help the charity “World Jewish Relief”, which helps Jews living in poverty.
Some believe it is more than charity work, and also includes obeying mitzvot and becoming closer to God.
How do Jews show kindness to others?
Torah tells them to “Love your fellow as yourself”
It includes showing love and respect to all living things on earth.
Examples could be as simple as holding open a door for someome, or thanking the bus driver when you get off the bus.
Why does the sanctity of life make sense?
Genesis tells us how God breathed life into Adam and the whole of creation. -> Therefore life is valueable and sacred, because its given by God -> God gave life to humans, only God therefore has the right to take life away -> This then means Jews have a duty to preserve life.
Quote about the sanctity of life….
“He who destroys one soul of a human being, the Scripture considers him as if he should destroy a whole world”.
What is Pikuach Nefesh?
Saving a life. Jews can help to save a persons life in any way neccessary, even if that includes them having to break Jewish laws. This emphasises to Jews just how important human life is.
What are some examples of Jewish laws which may be broken because of Picuach Nefesh?
Shabbat, e.g you could do work if it was to swim in order to save a drowning child, or driving a ill person into hospital.
How does free will affect someones relationships with God?
Good actions lead to a life of fulfilment. These brings Jews closer towards God and ensures they’re judged fabourably by him.
Bad actions will not bring people closer to God, in life or after death.
What do mitzvot do?
Give guidance to Jews on how to live their lives and how to use their free will correctly, in a way that pleases God. There are mitzvot for relationships between man and man, and for relationships between man and God.
What do mitzvot between man and God show?
Mitzvot that tell Jews how they can improve their relationship with God.
They cover areas such as worship, sacrifice and observance of the festivals.
Most important are the first 4 of the ten commandments.
What do mitzvot between man and man show?
Mitzvot that tell Jews how to improve their relationships with other humans.
Important as the Torah tells us we should show love towards others, and by doing this we show love towards God.
Cover areas like how to treat workers and settling disputes.
Help Jews live in a way that pleases their community and God.