RC - Incarnation Flashcards
What is incarnation?
God taking on the human condition of Jesus
What is the annunciation?
When the angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept to role of the mother of the Son of God.
What was the birth of Jesus?
The birth of Jesus was God’s form of becoming human on earth.
What does the word became flesh mean?
This means that as Jesus is the human form of the father, he is the word or the lord in form of flesh, preaching God’s message.
What is the Son of Man?
This could be refferring to just a human being, or a human who is then given power by God.
What is the Son of God?
This is a person who’s established in the love of God by his divine presence. Jesus was fully God as he could: forgive sins, heal the sick, resurrect the dead.
What is the Ichthus?
This was a symbol which christains would use in order to show where a secret prayer meeting is being held in the times where people would be persecuted for being christian. It’s a fish symbol.
Whats the alpha and omega?
This is a symbol made from the first and also the last letter of the greek alphabet in order to show that God and Jesus are eternal, and involved in everything that happens in life from beginning to end.
What does ‘The word was God’ mean?
This means that God and the holy spirit still existed before the creation story, as God is eternal.
Jesus has both a….
Divine nature
Human nature
What does St Irenaus say about Jesus?
Jesus is eternal
Jesus brings God’s grace to humans
Jesus shows humans what God is truly like, however as humans we aren’t capeable of fully understanding what God is like.
What is incarnation?
This is God taking on the human condition in Jesus.
What is the meaning of incarnation?
God knows what it’s like to be human, which helps us to value God. The fact God was prepared to experience humanity shows to us just how much he cares/loves the human race.
What is Luke’s account of the incarnation?
Focuses of Mary’s role within incarnation. Gabriel (angel) tells Mary she will be mother of the Son of God. Mary is given the choice to say no (free will), Jesus fully human and fully God.
What is Matthew’s account on the incarnation?
Focuses on Joseph’s role, Joseph wants to break up as Mary’s pregnant prior to their marriage. Angel visits Joseph in his dreams, says it’s right for him to marry Mary, child is of Holy Spirit. Angel confirms that Jesus is being sent by God.
What does the catholic church teach of God?
God is three persons: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
What does the teaching God is eternal show us?
The word of God has always existed, ‘In the beginning was the word’
What is the teaching the Word of God is God?
A word comes from inside a person and is an expression, the same way the Word of God comes from inside God, and is God’s self-expression. ‘The word was God’
How is the word of God how he expresses his power and love?
The Word of God gives life, light and guidance to people. ‘What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people’
What does the quote ‘and the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s son, full of grace and truth.
The word ‘grace’ means free gift, Jesus is God’s gift to humans. The word came to earth and guides people closer to God. Confirms the word took on human nature in the form of Jesus.
What two things was Jesus?
Jesus was the son of man, but also the son of God.
Quote to show Jesus was the Son of God?
When the Jewish council asked if he was the Son of the blessed one (God), Jesus replied with ‘I am’.
What’s the two meanings of the Son of man?
A general title given to any regular human being, or it is a title given to someome who’s been given power and authority by God.
What is the Ichthus symbol?
This is a fish symbol, used by christians as a declaration of their faith. Christains used to be persecuted for their faith, so they need a special symbol to show Christian meetings were being held.
What does the Alpha and Omega symbol show?
Alpha is the first lettler of the greek alphabet, and Omega is the last. Shows Jesus and God is involved in everything from beginning to end. It’s used in many places in churches and Christian Art