Where is the Tropical Rainforest found?
Either side of the Equator 0*. Between Tropic of cancer and Capricorn
Describe the CLIMATE of the Tropical Rainforest
Plants grow in areas where it’s: * Hot and Wet all year * No dry season * More than 3000 mm rain per year * Most rain between October and May * Temp never below 0*
Discuss the VEGETATION of Tropical Rain Forest?
- Tall trees that makes a canopy that blocks sunlight to reach forest floor
- Mahogany and Ebony trees grown here
- Creepers like Lianas grow up trees to get to sunlight
- Plants like ferns have adapted to the shade and the plants are evergreen.
- Because there is no seasons, plants make fruits & seeds throughout the year for animals to eat.
Discuss the WILDLIFE of the Tropical Rain Forest?
The plants that produce food for animals will produce through out the year and animals do not have to move to get food. * Thousands of butterfly species * Chimpanzees eat berries * Gorillas live in large families on forest floor build nest with leaves and are herbivores * Anaconda the longest snake in world eats at night * Crocodiles are carnivore and likes freshwater * Piranhas omnivores in freshwater rivers with powerfull jawes and sharp teeth in South American rivers
What do butterflies eat
Nectar of flowers
Discuss deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest and why is it necessary?
Timber is very important to communities in rainforest and are cut and sold. The income from timber strengthen economy Unfortunately this is the cause of the disappearance of the tropical rainforest
Name the consequences of Deforestation as seen in the Ivory Coast
When trees are cut and not replaced, the topsoil loses it’s fertility. Farmers struggle to plant crops. Rainwater in the soil dry’s up quickly. Rainwater just runs off instead of seeping into soil.