Triple Meter Flashcards
Listen and Echo
move while chanting
Listen and Echo
move while chanting:
Flow, big beat, small beat
Listen and Echo
Move to macrobeats and microbeats while chanting
Listen and Echo
Move while chanting
Du-da-di Du-da-di
Triple Meter
Rhythm Syllables
Echo the Pattern
Move to triple meter macro/microbeats
Echo the Pattern
Move to triple meter macro/microbeats
3-B-1 part 1
Echo the Pattern
Move to triple meter macro/microbeats
Echo the Pattern
Move to triple meter macro/microbeats
3-B-1 part 2
What type of patterns are these?
Triple Meter
Macrobeat/microbeat patterns (can say “Mm”)
Rhythm 2-A-2
What type of patterns are these?
Triple Meter
Division Patterns
*All DUs are chanted, all DA and DIs are together, and at least one TA is chanted with its DA or DI
What types of patterns are these?
Triple meter
Divison-Elongation (D-E)
*One or more DU is not chanted, at least one DA or DI is separate from the other, and one or more TA is chanted without the DA/DI
Echo the Pattern
Move with continuous free FLOW
Triple Divisions
Echo the Pattern
Move with continuous free FLOW
(Audiate the microbeats)
Triple Divisions
3-B-2 part 1
Echo the Pattern
Move with continuous free FLOW
(Audiate the microbeats)
Echo the Pattern
Move with continuous free FLOW
(Audiate the microbeats)
Triple Division-Elongation
3-B-2 part 2
Triple Meter
Echo these Patterns
Rhythm Syllables
Track 15
Move and chant
Triple meter divisions
Triple Meter
Echo these patterns
Division-Elongation patterns
Rhythm Syllables
Triple D-E Patterns
Move and echo
Track 16
What type of patterns are these?
Triple meter
Macrobeat/microbeat patterns
What type of patterns are these?
Triple meter
Divison patterns
What type of patterns are these?
Triple meter
Echo these patterns using rhythm syllables
Echo using DU-Da-Di
Echo these patterns using rhythm syllables
Echo using DU-ta-Da-ta-Di-ta
Echo these patterns using rhythm syllables
Echo using DU-ta-Da-ta-Di-ta
Chant something different in response
Chant something different,
anything different
Chant something different in response
Chant something different,
anything different
Chant something different in response
Chant something different,
anything different
Echo these patterns using BAH
Don’t chant rhythm syllables, chant with BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo with a different pattern of the same type
Triple meter Macrobeat/microbeat
Echo with a different triple meter Macrobeat/microbeat pattern
Echo with a different triple meter division pattern
Echo with a different pattern of the same type
Triple meter division pattern
Echo with a different triple meter division-elongation pattern
Echo with a different pattern of the same type
triple meter division-elongation
Respond with a different pattern from the same category. Use rhythm syllables.
triple meter division
Respond with a different triple meter division pattern. Use rhythm syllables.
Respond with a different pattern from the same category. Use rhythm syllables.
triple meter division-elongation
Respond with a different triple meter division-elongation pattern. Use rhythm syllables.
Respond with a different pattern from the same category. Use rhythm syllables.
triple meter division-elongation
Respond with a different triple meter division-elongation pattern. Use rhythm syllables.
Respond with a different pattern from the same category. Use rhythm syllables.
triple meter division
Respond with a different triple meter division pattern. Use rhythm syllables.
Echo with a different triple meter division-elongation pattern
Echo with a different pattern of the same type
triple meter division-elongation
Echo with a different triple meter division pattern
Echo with a different pattern of the same type
Triple meter division pattern
Echo with a different pattern of the same type
Triple meter Macrobeat/microbeat
Echo with a different triple meter Macrobeat/microbeat pattern
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Echo these patterns using BAH
Don’t chant rhythm syllables, chant with BAH
Chant something different in response
Chant something different,
anything different
Chant something different in response
Chant something different,
anything different
Chant something different in response
Chant something different,
anything different
Echo these patterns using rhythm syllables
Echo using DU-ta-Da-ta-Di-ta
Echo these patterns using rhythm syllables
Echo using DU-ta-Da-ta-Di-ta
Echo these patterns using rhythm syllables
Echo using DU-Da-Di
What type of patterns are these?
Triple meter
What type of patterns are these?
Triple meter
Divison patterns
What type of patterns are these?
Triple meter
Macrobeat/microbeat patterns
Triple Meter
Echo these patterns
Division-Elongation patterns
Rhythm Syllables
Triple D-E Patterns
Move and echo
Track 16
Triple Meter
Echo these Patterns
Rhythm Syllables
Track 15
Move and chant
Triple meter divisions