Trigeminal n. (CN V) -Mandibular n. (V3) [sensory, branchial motor] Flashcards
Meningeal branch
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic innervation of the cranial dura mater
Muscular branches
-Nerve to the medial pterygoid
function- sensory & motor (trigeminal motor nucleus of the pons) innervation of the medial pterygoid
Muscular branches
-Masseteric n.
function- sensory & motor (trigeminal motor nucleus of the pons) innervation of the masseter muscle
Muscular branches
-Deep temporal n.
function- sensory & motor (trigeminal motor nucleus of the pons) innervation of the temporalis muscle
Muscular branches
-Nerve to the lateral pterygoid
function- sensory & motor (trigeminal motor nucleus of the pons) oinnervation of the lateral pterygoid muscle
Sensory branches (other than n. to mylohyoid)
-Buccal branch (a.k.a., long buccal n.)
function- sensory innervation of the buccal skin and oral mucosa
Sensory branches (other than n. to mylohyoid)
-Auriculotemporal n.
function- sensory innervation of the TMJ, external auditory meatus and skin anterior to the ear, and sensory, postganglionic sympathetic & postganglionic parasympathetic (axons via CN IX arise from the otic ganglion) innervation of the parotid gland
Sensory branches (other than n. to mylohyoid)
-Lingual n.
function- sensory innervation of the mucosa overlying the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue, the floor of the oral cavity and the adjacent gingiva, taste innervation to the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue (communication from the chorda tympani n. [CN VII]), and sensory, postganglionic sympathetic and preganglionic parasympathetic (communication from the chorda tympani n.) innervation of the lingual, sublingual and submandibular glands (by way of the submandibular ganglion via CN VII, some of the postganglionic parasympathetic axons rejoin the lingual nerve branches prior to entering the glands
Sensory branches (other than n. to mylohyoid)
-Inferior alveolar n.
function- sensory innervation of the lower teeth and their adjacent buccal and labial gingiva
- Mental n.
function- sensory innervation of the skin overlying the chin and lower lip - N. to mylohyoid
function- sensory & motor (trigeminal motor nucleus of the pons) innervation of the mylohyoid and anterior digastric muscles