Cervical ventral rami (cervical plexus nn fcn) Flashcards
Lesser occipital n. (C2)
Cutaneous branches
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic [gray ramus] innervation of the skin overlying the posterior-lateral aspect of the head and upper neck
Great auricular n. (C2,3)
Cutaneous branches
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] innervation of the skin overlying the upper SCM, lower parotid region and ear
Transverse cervical n. (C2,3)
Cutaneous branches
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] innervation of the skin overlying the lower SCM and anterior neck
Supraclavicular n. (C3,4)
Cutaneous branches
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] innervation of the skin overlying the lower half of the posterior triangle of the neck
Nerve to the geniohyoid m. (C1)
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic [gray ramus] and motor innervation of the geniohyoid muscle
Nerve to the thyrohyoid m. (C1)
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic [gray ramus] and motor innervation of the thyrohyoid muscle
Superior root of the ansa cervicalis (C1) [L. loop, handle]
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic [gray ramus] and motor innervation of the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle
Inferior root of the ansa cervicalis (C2,3)
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] and motor innervation of the sternohyoid, sternothyroid and inferior belly of the omohyoid muscles
Phrenic n. (C3-5)
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] and motor innervation of the diaphragm (other functions are listed above in Thorax section)
Misc. muscular branches
Muscular branches
function- sensory, postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] & motor innervation of the longus capitis, longus coli, & anterior, middle & posterior scalene muscles
Proprioceptive branches to trapezius m.
Sensory (non-cutaneous) branches
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] innervation of the trapezius muscle
Proprioceptive branches to the SCM m.
Sensory (non-cutaneous) branches
function- sensory & postganglionic sympathetic [gray rami communicans] innervation of the SCM muscle