Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Olfactory n. (CN I)
- Olfactory bulb
- Olfactory tract
Optic n. (CN II)
[sensory: vision]
function- carries visual sensory information from the neural retina to the diencephalon & midbrain
- Optic chiasm
- Optic tract
Oculomotor n. (CN III)
[motor, preganglionic parasympathetic]
- Superior ramus
- Inferior ramus
Trochlear n. (CN IV) [L. pulley]
function- motor innervation (trochlear nucleus of the midbrain) of the superior oblique muscle
Trigeminal n. (CN V)
[sensory, branchial motor]
- Sensory root
- Motor root
- Trigeminal ganglion
- Ophthalmic n. (V1) [sensory]
- Maxillary n. (V2) [sensory]
- Mandibular n. (V3) [sensory, branchial motor]
Abducens n. (CN VI)
function- motor (abducens nucleus of the pons) innervation of the lateral rectus muscle
Facial n. (CN VII)
[branchial motor, preganglion parasymp, sensory, taste]
- Geniculate ganglion
- Branches in the facial canal
- Greater petrosal n.
- Branches at the stylomastoid foramen
- Branches on the face
Vestibulocochlear n. (CN VIII)
[hearing & equilibrium]
Glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX)
[somatic sensory, visceral sensory, preganglionic para, taste, branchial motor]
- Superior ganglion
- Inferior ganglion
- Tympanic n.
- Carotid branch
- Pharyngeal branches
- Tonsillar branches
- Lingual branches
- N. to the stylopharyngeus m.
Vagus n. (CN X)
[somatic sensory, visceral sensory, preganglionic para, taste, branchial motor]
- Superior (jugular) ganglion
- Inferior (nodose) ganglion
- Branches in the jugular fossa
- Branches in the neck & mediastinum
Accessory n. (CN XI)
- Cranial root (joins pharyngeal plexus of vagus n.)
- Spinal root
Hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
function- motor innervation of the extrinsic and intrinsic tongue muscles