Trichinella spp. Flashcards
Who are the hosts of Trichinella spp.?
Mammals, birds, reptiles
Where is the site of infection for adults? Larvae?
Small intestine for adults & muscles for larvae
What are the characteristics of adults?
Coiled L1 in striated muscle (adults rarely found)
What are the characteristics of eggs?
None seen!
What is the lifecycle?
(L1 is infective) L1 in muscle ingested -> develop to adults in small intestine -> females produce prelarval stages -> lymphatic vessels of the gut -> migrate & encyst in muscle (can survive in the tissue even when the animal dies)
Sylvatic & artic life cycle: eating willd animals
Urban life cycle: pigs eating infected pigs; rats and pigs eating each other (secondary life cycle)
What are clinical signs?
None seen in pigs & other animals; humans exhibit clinical signs
What is diagnosis?
Pooled sample digestion, ELISA, squash prep.
Is this zoonotic?
What are treatment & prevention?
Do not feed pigs uncooked meat
What parasitic group does it belong to?
What is the order that this belongs to?