Trends in hominin evolution Flashcards
what are the trends in hominin evolution
bipedalism, changes in limb structure, feet became longer and arched, brains enlarged, faces shortened and flattened, jaws and teeth became smaller
what is the trend in bipedalism
7mya, our early ancestors walks on 4 legs, 5 mya walked on twp ;egs but retained features for climbing trees, 1.8 mya long legs and ability to run
what is the evidence/consequences of bipedalism
foramen magnum, spine, angle of the femur, pelvis, foot efidence, longer legs and shorter arms
foramun magnum
an opending on the underside of the cranium where the spinal cord enters the cranium
how is the foramen magnum evidence of bipedalism
in bipedal organisms, the foramen magnum sits more towards the front of the cranium whereas in quadrupedal organisms, it sits more towards the back of the cranium
how is the spine evidence for bipedalism/how has it changed
the lower part of the spine has become s shaped, therefore the head balances on top of the spine
has has the spine changed in hominin evolution
the lower part of the spine has become s shaped so that the head balances on the top of the spine
how has the femur changed in hominin evolution
the femur became more angeled out from the tibia which means that knees and feet are directly undr the bodys centre of gravity, gives balnce
how have feet changed in hominin evolution
has arches, foott lost its prehensile capacity, developed heel that acts as a shock absorber
how have changes iin our feet assisted in bipedelism
when a human foot preesses to the ground during walking, weight is transferred progressively forward and across the foot via the arches, the big toe then pushes off to lauch the next step
how has the pelvis changed acroos hominin evolution
it has become shorter and bowl shapeed (wider)
how does a short and wide pelvis assist in walking
the shape allows for balancing on one leg (required when walking) and allows for balance, straight walking
what is the other consequence of a short and wide pelvis
a large pelvis means a longer gestation period, so babies are now born premature as they must be smaller
what are the advantages of bipedalism/why did this develop
easier to view objects at a distance, reduced absorption of heat, ability to walk greeater distances when searching for food
why does bidepalism result in reduced heat absorbtion
there is a smaller surface is exposed to direct sunlight (not full back)