Treaty of Versailles Flashcards
which nations were not present at the Paris Peace Conference
The defeated nations (including Germany) and Soviet Russia
When did the Paris Peace Conference begin
January 1919
Who were the Big Three
GB: PM Lloyd-George
France: PM Clemencau
USA: President Woodrow Wilson
What were Clemenceau’s priorities
Defending France
- return of land previously lost to Germany
- action regarding Alsace-Lorraine, the Saarland and the Rhineland
- Germany to be punished harshly + prevented from waging war again
when did France originally lose land to Germany
1871 Franco-Prussian war
What were Lloyd-George’s priorities
- “just and firm” peace that did not create a desire for revenge in Germany
- Germany to pay for starting the war (he insisted on chairing a committee at Versailles to investigate how much Germany should pay)
- a share of Germany’s territories to strengthen Britain’s global position
- strengthen Britain’s navy which was important for protecting their empire (therefore he supported restricting Germany’s navy to 36 ships)
- economic revival in Europe (Germany included), which would prevent war
what did Woodrow Wilson want
- peace based on his 14 points
- increased international cooperation and negotiating rather than using violence as a tool to settle differences
what were Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points
- No more secret agreements between countries. Diplomacy shall be open to the world.
- International seas shall be free to navigate during peace and war.
- There shall be free trade between the countries who accept the peace.
- There shall be a worldwide reduction in weapons and armies by all countries.
- Colonial claims over land and regions will be fair.
- Russia will be allowed to determine its own form of government. All German troops will leave Russian soil.
- German troops will evacuate Belgium and Belgium will be an independent country.
- France will regain all territory including the disputed land of Alsace-Lorraine.
- The borders of Italy will be established such that all Italians will be within the country of Italy.
- Austria-Hungary will be allowed to continue to be an independent country.
- The Central Powers will evacuate Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania leaving them as independent countries.
- The Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire will have their own country. Other nationalities under the Ottoman rule will also have security.
- Poland shall be an independent country.
- A League of Nations will be formed that protects the independence of all countries no matter how big or small.
What was the Peace Settlement of 1919-1920
The 5 peace treaties signed with the defeated powers after WW1:
Versailles (Germany) St Germain (Austria) Trianon (Hungary) Sevres (Turkey) Neuilly (Bulgaria)
What was the Peace Settlement of 1919-1920
The 5 peace treaties signed with the defeated powers after WW1:
Versailles (Germany) St Germain (Austria) Trianon (Hungary) Sevres (Turkey) Neuilly (Bulgaria)
What was anschluss
the term given to the unification of Germany with its neighbour, Austria
What were the main terms of the treaty of Versailles (7 points)
- war guilt clause (Germany must take full responsibility for starting the war)
- Germany must accept liability for the damage caused by the war and pay reparations (£6,600 million)
- Rhineland must be demilitarised
- Anschluss was forbidden
- disarmament: army limited to 100,000 men, conscription was banned, navy limited to 36 warships, forbidden from possessing any tanks or airforce
- loss of territories in Europe
- Germany’s colonies became mandates of the League of Nations
The treaty of Versailles was negotiated with Germany. True or False
False. The terms of the treaty were presented to the German delegation at the peace conference in May 1919
Describe the military restrictions placed on Germany as a result of the treaty of Versailles
army limited to 100,000 men, conscription was banned, navy limited to 36 warships, forbidden from possessing any tanks or airforce
How much was Germany meant to pay in reparations
£6,600 million
Describe the Germany’s territorial losses in Europe according to the TOV (4 points)
- lost land to France (Alsace-Lorraine), Belgium (Eupen and Malmedy) and Denmark (North Schleswig)
- also lost land to newly created states: Poland (West Prussia, Posen and parts of Upper Silesia) and Lithuania (Memel)
- Saarland to be given to the League of Nations for 15 years and then a plebiscite will decide its fate
- Danzig became a free city administered by the League of Nations
What aspects of the TOV was Clemenceau most happy with (4 points)
Return of Alsace-Lorraine to France
Weakening of Germany’s military
Increased security for France as Rhineland was demilitarised
What aspects of the TOV was Clemenceau unhappy about
Saarland under the League of nations instead of being given to France
USA’s refusal to sign an Anglo-American treaty if Germany became aggressive with France
What aspects of the TOV was Lloyd-George most happy with
extension of GB’s empire through mandated colonies that previously belonged to Germany
Germany not completely destroyed economically so they can still play a part in Europe’s economy
What aspects of the TOV was Lloyd-George unhappy about
Many German speaking people not ruled by Germany and found themselves in other countries e.g. Poland + Czechoslovakia
What aspects of the TOV was Wilson unhappy about
self-determination did not apply across the whole of Europe
treaty was much harder than his 14 points
US congress did not approve the TOV and the USA never joint the LON
What aspects of the TOV was Wilson most happy with
creation of the League of nations
some degree of disarmament took place after the war
principle of self-determination resulted in the creation of new countries out of old empires
what were mandated territories
former colonies of defeated countries of the Ottoman Empire e.g. Palestine, Syria and mesopotamia which were taken over by the LON and transferred to other countries
what was the German reaction to the TOV and why
Strongly disliked it because:
- did not think the war guilt clause was fair as they didn’t think they were solely to blame for starting the war
(argued that Serbia and Russia provoked Austria and Germany was merely assisting their ally) - disarmament was a blow to national pride as the military was a source of German strength and prestige
- Germans thought they would be signing a treaty based on Wilson’s 14 points when they agreed to armistice in 1914. The TOV was much harsher
(plus they had already given into some of Wilson’s demands eg deposed the Kaiser and technically they hadn’t even been invaded) - The peace settlement was inconsistent: self determination for some (e.g. poles) but not germans
- it was imposed on them (a diktat)
- claimed it was impossible to pay reparations and refused to pay anymore at the end of 1922
Describe the key points of the Treaty of St Germain with Austria
Disarmament: army limited to 30,000, no conscription, no navy
Reparations: agreed but never set due to Austrian bankruptcy
Loss of territory: Austro-Hungarian empire broken up, Anschluss forbidden
New countries created from their land: Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia
What was the treaty with Austria and when was it signed
Name: Treaty of St Germain
Signed: September 1919
What was the treaty with Bulgaria and when was it signed
Name: Treaty of Neuilly
Signed: November 1919
Describe the key points of the Treaty of Neuilly with Bulgaria
Disarmament: Army limited to 20,000, no conscription, 4 torpedo boats allowed, no air force
Reparations: £90 million
Territory lost to: Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia
Describe the key points of the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary
Disarmament: Army limited to 35,000, no conscription, 3 patrol boats only
Reparations: 200 million gold crowns
Loss of territory: Fiume to Italy
New countries created from territory: Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia
What was the treaty with Hungary and when was it signed
Name: Treaty of Trianon
Signed: June 1920
What was the treaty with Turkey and when was it signed
Name: Treaty of Sevres
Signed: August 1920
Describe the key points of the Treaty of Sevres with Turkey
Disarmament: army limited to 30,000, 6 torpedo boats only
Reparations: none as the allies didn’t think Turkey would be able to pay but they did take control of Turkey’s finances
Loss of territory: Smyrna and East Thrace given to Greece, Rhodes given to Italy
New countries created from their land: Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kurdistan, Armenia
Describe the viewpoint from people at the time that the treaties were too harsh
Lloyd-George: treaties may stir up resentment and lead to war
British economist John Maynard Keynes: prevent Germany’s economic recovery and impact prosperity in the rest of Europe
Describe the viewpoint from people at the time that the treaties were not harsh enough
Many people in France feared that it only offered temporary protection against Germany. Wanted Germany broken into smaller states and have its industrial capacity completely destroyed
Italian PM Orlando was criticised for not demanding extra territory to be given to Italy from Austria
Describe the viewpoint from people at the time that the treaties were fair
Wilson argued that the treatment of defeated nations was appropriate Edward House (American diplomat at Versailles) said it wasn't perfect but it was the best that could have been achieved
what was the Versailles settlement
Term used to collectively describe the entire peace settlements of 1919-1923
when was the treaty of Lausanne signed and who was it with
June 1923