Treatments and Managements of Schizo. Flashcards
Describe the Biochemical treatment of Schizophrenia? [4]
[Falls under Biological].
-The biochemical treatment also known as antipsychotics are drugs or medication that are used to alleviate psychotic symptoms.
-They are normally prescribed to patients with Acute psychosis [full blown].
-It us used to help in lowering; 1.hallucinations.
2. delusions.
3. disorganized thoughts and behavior.
-Antipsychotics are known to be dopamine antagonists as they work by polarizing dopamine receptors causing a massive downregulation. [the number of dopamine receptors are lowered].
-They also have the same chemical strucutre as dopamine. They bind on them hence polarizing them.
Name the 2 types of antipsychotics?
- First generation which is also known as Typical.
- Second generation which is also known as Atypical.
Describe the First generation antipsychotic?
-Typical was the first to be manufactured in the 1950’ to help calm down people with acute psychosis.
-Examples of Typical include;
1. Chlorpromazine.
2. Haloperidol.
- However these first generation are known to have extreme or server side effects which are very fatal and they included;
1. Agranulocytosis; low white blood cell count.
2. Extrapyramidal symptoms that includes; Tardive Dyskinesia, Acute dystonia and Akathisia.
Describe the 3 types of EPS?
- TD; involves repetitive involuntary facial movements such as;
- Facial grimacing.
- Lip smacking.
- Tongue twisting. - Acute dystonia; involves involuntary muscle contraction such as;
- Blinking.
- Twisted head.
- Protruding tongue. - Akathisia;
- Irritability
- Physical agitation.
- Restlessness .
Describe the Second generation antipsychotics?
-Atypical was manufactured in the 1990’s as a response to the extreme first generation.
-Compared to the first generation, Atypical has fewer/ less side effects.
-Examples of Atypical include;
1. Clozapine.
2. Olanzapine.
-Despite them having fewer side effects, it still has some unpleasant side effects such as;
1. Fat gain/ Obesity; which leads to diabetes and heart disease.
Why can Antipsychotics cause addiction in patients?
- Antipsychotics just like any other medication can cause addiction i.e.; patients depend on the medication and cannot function without them. Eg; High relapse rates in periods of acute psychosis.
Describe the Electro- Convulsive therapy treatment of Schizophrenia?
[Falls under Biological].
-ECT is a type of treatment that is prescribed to 3 types of individuals;
1. Patients with Acute psychosis.
2. Drug resistant patients.
3. Pregnant women.
What are the six steps in preparing for ECT?
- Patients will have an IV line inserted in them. The line will be used to deliver 2 things;
- Anesthesia.
- Muscle relaxant. - The anesthesia will be used to induce unconsciousness while the muscle relaxant will be used to relax the muscles.
- A blood pressure cuff will be placed around the patients ankle [One of them] and this is to prevent the muscle relaxant from reaching the ankle so as to measure convulsion.
- The patient must have a bite bar and this is to prevent mouth and teeth injury.
- All metallic Jewelry must be removed.
- The patient will have electric pads on their head ready for the procedure.
Describe the procedure for the ECT?
-An Electric current of 800 milliamps is passed through the electric pads to the patients brain producing an electric seizure that usually lasts for less than 60 seconds.
-This is done in 2 ways either;
1. Unilateral; electric pads are placed on one hemisphere of the brain usually the less dominant.
2. Bilateral; one pad is placed on each hemisphere of the brain.
Out of the 2 [Unilateral and Bilateral], which is frequently used? And give an answer why.
-Unilateral is the one commonly used and this is because it preserves memory and language.
How many sessions are prescribed in a week?
-2 to 3 sessions are prescribed.
How many sessions are needed for treatment completion?
-6 to 12 sessions are needed for completion.
What happens after the ECT therapy?
- After therapy, the patient is taken to a recovery room and they are monitored for some time.
Why is ECT rarely used to treat mental disorders?
-It’s rarely used due to the controversies surrounding it’s use.
Why does ECT favor pregnant women?
-It favors them because pregnant women cannot ingest antipsychotics due to its extreme and server side effects.