Treatment: Phase 3 Accelerating Change 1875-1890 Flashcards
Who was Koch?
A German doctor. Especially good at lab work. He stained microbes in order to identify different diseases.
Why was there a rivalry between Koch and Pasteur?
The Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71
How did Koch discover anthrax in animals?
Koch wanted to further Pasteur’s ideas and identify specific microbes.
In 1868, a French scientist called Davaine had proved that a healthy animal could get anthrax if injected with the blood of an infected animal
Found that anthrax produced spores that lived for a long time after an animal had died.
Proved that these spores could develop into the anthrax germ that could infect other animals
Why was Koch important?
He did not focus on symptoms of a disease but, instead, investigated the microorganisms and showed that new techniques could be used to investigate a number of diseases.
How did Pasteur solve the problem of chicken cholera?
By the 1870s, Pasteur was worried that Koch was getting ahead of him so he tried to find a cure for disease.
In 1879, he extracted the germ which causes the disease to make a weak form to inject chickens with
One of his team injected an old sample - the chicken did not die. He then infected it with fresh cholera germs and the chicken still didn’t die.
They realised that a weakened form of the disease would stimulate the chicken’s natural defences to find a solution so would fight against further infection.
He had proved Jenner’s vaccinations worked.
How does Pasteur solve anthrax in animals?
Anthrax killed 9% of sheep and 7% of cows every year.
In 1881 he publicly displayed his findings for the Agricultural Society of Melun in which he demonstrated a vaccine for anthrax.
He was criticised by Koch for not accurately measuring his findings but Pasteur became famous.
How does Pasteur solve rabies?
In 1882 he looked into rabies.
The disease was passed on by dieased dogs biting humans.
He created a vaccine but did not test it on humans until a 9 year old boy came to him with rabies. Pasteur used the vaccine and saved the boys life.
People flocked from all over Europe to see him.
How did Koch use bacteriology?
He experimented with industrial chemical dyes to stain microorganisms a different colour and make them easier to study under a microscope
How does Koch identify septicaemia?
He discovered that methyl violet dye showed up the septicaemia germ under a microscope by staining it.
He also took photographs so people outside of the lab could see it.
How did Koch grow perfect cultures?
He perfected the technique using a mix of potatoes and gelatine
How does Koch identify tuberculosis?
In 1881 he turned his attention to TB.
It was much smaller than anthrax so research was difficult
He used a more specialised version of his dye technique
In 1882 they had found the germ.
Who were microbe hunters?
A new generation of young scientists who were inspired by Koch and Pasteur. An example is Ehrlich.
Why was Koch important?
He finally laid to rest the idea of bad air causing disease.
Had inspired many young researchers to carry on his work
His work could be developed to create vaccines
By 1900. 21 germs had been identified in just 21 years.
What other diseases were found?
1882 - Typhoid
1886 - Pneumonia
1887 - Meningitis
1894 - Plague
What arguments are there for Pasteur being more important than Koch?
- Disproved Spontaneous Generation
- Proved that germs cause decay and not the other way around
- Koch wouldn’t have started his work
- Invented Pasteurisation
- Paved the way for future safe food storage
- Found the vaccination for anthrax
- Germ Theory
What arguments are there for Koch being more important than Pasteur?
- Koch paved the way for other scientists to develop his ideas
- Discovered germs for specific disease e.g. TB and anthrax
- Started to stain bacteria to identify them - new technique
- Worked with a team meaning lots of new ideas
What limitations were there to Koch?
It was a while before these ideas were accepted into medicine and a long time before prevention and treatment
Scientists and doctors were doubtful meaning the public knew nearly nothing about it
Vaccines could not prevent anything if the disease was already in the body.