Knowledge Test: Treatment and Causes of Illness Flashcards
What was used to treat pain in the mid 19th Century?
Opium, alcohol and knocking someone out
What type of surgeon was best in the mid-19th Century?
A quick one
In the mid-19th Century, medicine was still based on the findings of which Greek and Roman doctors?
Hippocrates and Galen
What was the miasma theory?
Germs were caused by poisonous vapours (bad air)
Who discovered that a small dose of cowpox protected you from smallpox?
Edward Jenner
Who is the father of microbiology?
Which animal did Pasteur first experiment on?
Pasteur and Koch were spurred by the competition of which war?
Franco-Prussian war
Koch was the first to use which technique?
Stain and grow bacteria in a petri dish
In 1881, Pasteur claimed he had a vaccination for which disease?
Ehrlich worked for who?
Ehrlich and Behring found chemical vaccines for what?
Syphilis - Salvarson 606
What did Domagk discover?
The 2nd magic bullet - Prontosil
What type of drug is penicillin?
Who discovered penicillin?
Fleming - although Sanderson and Lister had noted it beforehand
Who developed penicillin?
Florey and Chain
How much did the US government give to drug companies in WWII to mass produce penicillin?
$80 million