Treatment of the Thoracic Spine Flashcards
Dá um exemplo de quando poderá ser útil a utilização do Extension Based Thrust.
Por exemplo, quando o paciente tem dor na extensão da coluna torácica
Que técnica poderá ser útil em caso de dor com a flexão da coluna torácica ou inclinação lateral?
Flexion based thrust (pistol technique)
Como se aplica a Supine Thoracic Distraction?
The belt is fastened around the back of the clinician and is looped under the thoracic region of the patient. The clinician pulls backward on the belt which applies a strong traction force through the thoracic region.
Também é possível realizar tração na posição de sentado.
Como se realiza uma Unilateral Posterior Anterior Mobilization to the costotransverse joint? E a mobilização da faceta?
A unilateral posterior anterior force is applied to the costotransverse joint of the patient. The costotransverse joint is palpated approximately two fingers width lateral to the spinous processes.
The facet joint is located just lateral to the spinous process region at different levels than the spinous process.
Como aplicar uma Extension based thoracic thrust manipulation (screw manipulation)?
This thrust manipulation can be performed by applying contralateral force on either the same level or one level above and one level below. The pisiforms of the clinician are used as the contact points to the facets or costotransverse joints of the patient.
Como realizar Flexion based thoracic manipulation (the pistol)?
The patient is held in a flexed position and the clinician provides a blocking force below the region of the targeted manipulation. The flexed position is held throughout the procedure.
O que acontece no Coronal Plane manual stretching for scoliosis?
In all manual stretching procedures the tightened tissue is lengthened by providing a horizontal force across the muscle fibers.
Qual o princípio dos Scoliosis stabilization exercises?
In all stabilization exercises conscience motor control effort is made to contract lengthened tissue and to normalize the posture.
Como providenciar Sitting Thoracic Extension stretching?
Using their hand the clinician applies an anterior mobilization force to the back of the patient. By placing the knee and adding force through their own elbow the clinician can provide a much stronger mobilization force.
Como providenciar ProneThoracic Extension stretching?
Using a belt the patient is strapped snuggly to the table just below the restricted region. The patient then clasps their fingers together and places each on their forehead. The clinician then provides an extension force to the patient letting the belt assist in the stretch.
Como aplicar manualmente Chin retraction and lower cervical extension?
The clinician maintains chin retraction and performs a posterior mobilization force moving the patient into lower cervical extension.
O que nos pode ajudar a corrigir a anteriorização da cabeça em casos com escoliose?
Forward head correction leads to a significant and permanent improvement in functional status.
• Anterior neck flexor and posterior neck extensor strengthening;
• Pec minor and major stretching (uni and bilateral);
• Scapular Retractor Strengthening exercises (prone with weights).
Deve-se usar bracing em problemas posturais?
Bracing of the spine in patients with Scheuermann’s kyphosis results in permanent correction of vertebral deformity, unlike bracing in patients with idiopathic scoliosis.
There is very low quality evidence in favor of using braces for scoliosis, making generalization very difficult.
Qual a ordem proposta para tratamento de hipercifose?
1) Prone trunk lifts to midline; 2) Prone trunk lifts with weighted backpack; 3) Quadruped alternative arm/left lift; 4) Chest stretching; 5) Prone hip extension/knee flexion; 6) Alternating shoulder flexion with diaphragmatic breathing on foam roller; 7) Conscience postural correction; 8) Neutral sit to stand.
Qual a possível sequência para o tratamento fraturas por compressão associadas à baixa densidade óssea?
1) Reduction of Pain; 2) Reduction of Deformity; 3) Improve ADL’s (por exemplo, através da educação, atividades que devem ser evitadas); 4) Increase Bone Mass; 5) Reduction or Abolishment of Falls.