Treatment of Low Back Pain Flashcards
O que é Non-Specific Low Back Pain? E sua patogénese?
Symptom of an unknown cause. It happens more than 85 percent in patients who are seen in primary care.
A variety of bio-psychosocial factors contribute to the problem, including changes in the nociceptive interpretation, (A dor é mais facilmente despertada). It does not mean that something anatomically isn’t wrong, It does involve maladaptive coping behaviors and deconditioning.
Quais as principais classificações da lombalgia?
Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment (MDT); Treatment Based Classification (TBC); Pathoanatomic Based Classification (PBC); Movement System Impairment Syndromes (MSI); O’Sullivan Classification System (OSC).
Quais as quatro grandes categorias do treatment based classification (TBC)? E a que técnicas podem estar associadas?
1) Specific exercise (Exercise that centralizes, reduces symptoms or addresses the patient’s condition specifically. Ex: McKenzie approach);
2) Mobilization (Clinical prediction rule Concordancy - Thrust or Non-thrust manipulation, Mobilizations with movement, Muscle energy techniques);
3) Immobilization (active examination with no decrease with any movements - Strengthening (stabilization), Local and non-specific strengthening exercises, General activation exercises);
4) Traction (Radiculopathy - Decompression oriented procedures that are designed to reduce radicular symptoms).
Qual a clinical prediction rule (CPR) que aumenta a probabilidade de uma resposta positiva após manipulação?
1) Duration of symptoms inferior to 16 days; 2) Hip internal rotation of at least 35 degrees; 3) Lumbar segmental hypomobility tested with a spring test; 4) No symptoms distal to the knee; 5) Score inferior to 19 on the work subscale of the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire.
Four of 5 of these findings increases the odds of a
short term positive response from manipulation by
25 fold and demonstrated better outcomes than
Qual a CPR para beneficiar de estabilização?
Does the patient have at least 3 of the following:
1) Average SLR ROM superior 91 degrees;
2) Positive prone instability test;
3) Positive aberrant movements;
4) Age inferior 40 years.
(Não é muito precisa, intervalos de confiança muito largos, utilidade questionável)
Qual o racioncínio subjacente ao motor control approach (specific spine stabilization)?
Um indivíduo com LBP tende a perder a sequência do controlo motor (sequência da ativação muscular), pelo que esta abordagem foca-se no controlo dos músculos profundos com progressão por três etapas. Procuram-se adquirir competências até atingir um nível mais elevado de movimento. São body-specific, requerendo mais atenção e precisão por parte do utente. O alvo é o sinal concordante.
Como deve o terapeuta corrigir o shift em postura?
Attempt to correct the shift by pulling the pelvis (using a shear force) toward the displaced thoracic region. Block with your shoulder and consider moving the trunk into flexion and extension.
Como se deve autocorrigir o shift da postura?
Have the patient stand next to a wall with the thoracic shift side closest to the wall. Using their arm, block the wall to place distance between the trunk and the wall. Then, using the other arm press the pelvis toward the wall in an attempt to ‘correct the shift’.
Como se realiza a autocentralização?
Have the patient move repeatedly into end range, toward the movement that helped centralize (move toward the central spine or abolish pain peripherally) and re-assess their condition.
Como se aplica a rotation thrust manipulation?
Place the individual in sidelying. Add side flexion to gap the upper facets and place the patient is slight flexion. Rotate the pelvis toward you and rotate the spine away. Use your fingers to identify the appropriate segment for a thrust manipulation. Apply a downward thrust.
Qual o instrumento que nos pode ajudar a ensinar a contrair o abdominal transverso? Fase 1
Uma blood pressure cuff em baixo da coluna (com a pressão de 20 mmHg, por exemplo).
Como ensinar uma contração do pavimento pélvico?
To appropriately perform the activity ask the patient to pull up in the pelvic floor in an attempt to stop the flow of urine. Palpate the transverse abdominus to feel for a shallowing of the muscles.
Como estimular a contração do transverso do abdomen com a thera-band em resistência externa?
First, set the spine and then perform forward movements with resistance against the band. A transverse abdominus contraction will be performed prior to this.
Que exercícios podem ser atribuídos para contração do abdomen transverso na fase 2?
Transversus abdominus with t-band external weight;
Side Plank;
Side Plank on Ball (under the feet);
Side Plank and Hip Abduction;
Reverse Plank (plank supine with chin retraction);
Prone Plank with Hip Extension;
Unilateral Bridging (levantar o rabo, membro extensão);
Como se aplica Specific Sidelying Traction?
Side lying, perform a simultaneous activity of rotating the trunk toward the clinician (behind) while pushing the pelvis away. A gapping should occur at the top side of the spine and a specific tension is applied by pushing the pelvis anteriorly at the final step.
Como aplicar Supine Traction?
In prone, the traction activity is performed by pulling the knees of the subject inferiorly while they maintain a hooklying position.
In supine, The activity is a combined movement of knees to chest and pulling the knees toward the chin.
Qual é a fase 3 do tratamento por controlo motor e estabilização?
Return to Activity in the Clinic.