Treatment for injuries Flashcards
What is treatment for inversion and eversion sprain
- Crutches, brace, ice
- ROM exercises, alphabet, towel or band stretching
- Strengthening exercises, resistance bands to work on inversion, eversion
- Proprioception, single leg stands
- Running progression, walking, jogging, running, sprinting
Treatment for plantar fasciitis
- Avoid activities that worsen pain
- Correct biomechanics, change in footwear, orthotics
Calf stretches on the wall, towel scrunches
-Low Dye tape job
Treatment for fat pad syndrome
- Rest
- Heel cup, shock absorbing insoles
- Fat pad tape job
Treatment for achilles tendon rupture
- Immediate referral to hospital
- POLICE, use boot or cast in plantar flexed position to protect, once pain and inflammation subsides introduce isometric single raise calf raises, ice and compression to reduce swelling
Treatment for achilles tendinopathy
- Biomechanical correction of feet
- Eccentric loading –> stand on platform with heels hanging off edge, perform calf raises with both legs, slowly lower the injured leg
- Achilles tape job
Treatment for calf strain
- No stretching for first 1-2 weeks depending on severity
Isometric exercises –> seated calf raises, progress to standing calf raises - Concentric exercises –> calf raises on an elevated step or block, do both legs and then progress to injured leg
- Eccentric exercise –> calf raises on an elevated step or block with emphasis on a slow eccentric, do both legs and then progress to injured leg
- Taping, KT tape
Treatment for acute anterior compartment syndrome
- Medical emergency, send to ER
Treatment for chronic anterior compartment syndrome
- Biomechanical corrections
- Compartmental pressure testing requested by do
- Stretch tight muscles
- Pull your toes toward your shin to stretch tibialis anterior
- Knee towards the wall to stretch gastroc
Treatment for medial tibial stress syndrome
- Correct biomechanics
- Alternative workouts –> running/jogging on softer surfaces
- Strengthening exercises –> leg on floor, lift toes while keeping heels on the ground, can add a kettlebell to increase strength
- Towel scrunches
- Balance exercises –> single-leg stand, as progress do it with eyes closed
- Low dye tape job
Treatment for ACL sprain
- Strengthening specific to hamstring –> hamstring curl bodyweight then machine
- Bracing
- Possible surgery if ACL ruptured
Treatment for PCL sprain
- Strengthening specific to quad –> step ups on an elevated platform, body weight then can carry weighted items
- Bracing
- No surgery
Treatment for MCL sprain
- Avoid valgus forces during daily activities
- ROM exercises –> heel slides
- Deep transverse friction massage
- Brace
- Surgery very rare
Treatment for LCL sprain
- Avoid varus forces during daily activities
- ROM exercises –> heel slides
- Deep transverse friction massage
- Brace
- Surgery very rare
Treatment for meniscus tears
- AROM –> heel slide
- Strengthening exercises –> step ups on an elevated platform, body weight then can carry, hamstring curl bodyweight then machine
- Possible surgery
Treatment for patellar dislocation/subluxation
- If dislocated immobilize, don’t move athlete call 911
- Strengthen quads –> Lie on back and extend knee and raise affected leg while keeping leg straight
- Use a brace
- Restore squat pattern
Treatment for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Rest, ice
- Biomechanical correction
- Squat pattern education
- Patellar taping or strap
- Stretch and strengthen quads –> straight leg raises, hip flexors –> high kicks , hip abductors –> open the gate
Treatment for iliotibial band friction syndrome
- Correct biomechanics
- Hip strengthening –> glute brides, side-lying leg raises, open and close the gate
- Provide stretches for tight structures
- Rolling on ITB
Treatment for hamstring sprain
- POLICE, stretch after 2 weeks
- Strengthening –> standing bodyweight hamstring curls, high kicks aiming to keep leg straight and touch opposite hand, machine or resistance band hamstring curl
Treatment for quad strain
- POLICE, stretching after 2 weeks
- Quad strengthening –> wall sits, walking lunges, slow descent squats
Treatment for quad contusion
- Remove from activity
Immediately ice while quad stretched to comfort - Apply gently compression
- No heat, no deep tissue massage
Treatment for shoulder impingement syndrome
- Correct biomechanics for shoulder
- Improve scapulohumeral rhythm –> shoulder blade squeezes
- Avoid overhead activities
- Rotator cuff strengthening –> - External and internal rotation with resistance band
Treatment for bicipital tendinopathy
- Treat biomechanics
- Modify aggravating activities –> avoid prolonged heavy gripping, lower intensity
Treatment for shoulder sprain/separation
- Ice, sling
- Restore ROM –> pendulum swings, front/back raises, internal external rotation
- Pad around ACJ for return to sport
- ACJ tape job
- Refer to DR for x-ray if suspect clavicular fracture
Treatment for shoulder subluxation/dislocation
- Subluxation –> POLICE, strengthening program for rotator cuff, scapular stabilization
- Dislocation –> treat as a fracture, immobilize, seek immediate medical attention, can start with pendulum exercises once out of sling
Treatment for olecranon bursitis
- Protective padding for sport
- Alleviate aggravating factors –> reduce any leaning on elbow, rest from aggravating activities, use sling or brace, elevate the elbow
Treatment for lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow)
- Correct shoulder biomechanics
- Stretch wrist extensors
Isometric –> hand under table working on extension - Concentric –> dumbbell wrist extension
- Eccentric –> assist lifting with non-affected hand then slowly lower dumbbell
- Supination strength –> dumbbell
Treatment for medial epicondylalgia (golfer’s elbow)
- Correct shoulder biomechanics
- Stretch wrist flexors
- Isometric –> hand pushing down on injured hand
- Concentric –> dumbbell wrist flexion
- Eccentric –> assist lifting with non-affected hand then slowly lower dumbbell
Treatment for collateral ligament sprain
- Support elbow with sling
- Restore ROM –> gentle bend and straighten elbow using opposite hand for flex/ext, rotate forearm for sup/pro
- Stregthening –> tricep dip for elbow extension, resisted band on forearm for flexion, dumbbell pro/sup
Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Rest, ice, brace
- No compression
- ROM exercises –> palm side bring fingers into ext to stretch flex muscles, dorsal side bring fingers into flex to stretch ext muscles, prayer stretch slowly lower hands
- Strengthening exercises –> wrist flex and ext with dumbbell, grip strengthening with stress ball
- Correct any loading issues
Treatment for scaphoid fractures
- Send for medical attention with doctor and xray
- Immobilize, ice, cast
- Restore ROM –> wrist flex/ext, radial, ulnar, finger flex/ext
Treatment for thumb hyperextension
- ROM and strengthening –> thumb extension, abduction with and without resistance
- Tape job
- Splint at night
Treatment collateral ligament sprain of the fingers
- Ice bucket
- Splint finger
- Self massage
- Gentle ROM and strengthening –> extension and abd of finger with and without resistance
- Deep transverse friction massage
- Buddy tape for return to sport