Treatment Flashcards
how do we examine treatment effectiveness
examining whether people who receive treatment are better of than people who do not receive treatment or people who receive diff treatment
what is motivational interviewing?
a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with attention to language of change, used to strengthen personal motivation for change
spirit of motivational interviewing (apples attack cars everywhere)
goals of motivational interviewing (even foxes eat pepperoni)
12 step programs
teach people how to live diff. kind of life w/ diff identity and values
relapse prevention
write plan for relapse to be shorter in duration and lower intensity - relapse is normal part of recovery, recovery not linear
contingency management
based on operant conditioning, uses idea that beh can be controlled through consequent outcome (pos –> beh likely to repeat; neg –> discourages beh)
- give tangible rewards and privileges to clients to encourage beh change
aversion therapy
pairing prob beh w/ aversive stimuli (usually electric shock)
- common in 1940-50s
- no longer used due to better, more ethical txtments
cue exposure therapy
targets attentional bias and cue reactivity –> addiction-related cues can be extinguished through repeated deliberate exposure to cues in clinical setting, resulting in systematic desensitization
cognitive bias modification
uses training to overcome automatic distraction by substance stimuli
- includes personally relevant alcoholic and nonalcoholic cues on colored backgrounds
- over a period of training will learn to ignore alcohol cues
SMART recovery
Self Management and Recovery Training
1) building and maintaining motivation
2) coping w/ urges
3) managing thoughts, behs
4) living a balanced life
integrates methods and processes of beh therapy, while incorporating mental processes and direct experience of individual being treated
CBT intervention approaches
assessment and engagement: txtment rationale, motivational enhancement, goal-setting/contracting, f(x)al analysis/analysis of high risk situations
coping skills training: self monitoring, coping w/ cravings, sub. refusal skills, mood management, pos. lifestyle enhancement
Planning and maintenance: relapse prevention, social supports
behavioural activation, thought record, exposure hierarchy, relapse prevention plan
draw CBT model for addictive disorders
see notes!