Traveling Flashcards
pod vodou, pod hladinou mora
under water, under the sea level
vzdialenosť z Bratislavy
distance from BA
šírka, dĺžka, hlbka
width, length, depth (vids, leng, dept)
len jedna pristávacia dráha
only one runway
obchodný partner
business partner
Videl som velky oblak piesku
I saw a large cloud of sand
Tri typy ostrovov
three types of islands, local, all inclusiv and mixed
Plavby loďou, chytanie ryb
boating, fishing
Ryby ktoré sme nachytali sme mali na večeru
the fish we caught we had for dinner
každý typ ostrova ma iné pravidlá jedenia, pitia, obliekania
each type of island has different rules of eating, drinking, dressing
ženy nemôžu nosiť plavky
women cannot wear swimwear
nemali sme tam žiadne pivo a alkohol
we had no beer and alcohol there
iba v rezorte sme mali všetko
only in the resort we had everything
Do Gronska sme leteli z Islandu
we flew to Greenland from Iceland
Pristali sme v meste Kusuluk
We landed in city Kusuluk