Travel vaccinations and malaria Flashcards
is cholera vaccine killed or live?
What is a side effect of cholera vaccine?
GI disturbances
what does HepA cause?
infectious disease of the liver
is cholera viral or bacterial?
is hepA viral or bacterial?
is Japanese encephalitis viral or bacterial?
viral - caused by mosquitos
what is Japanese encephalitis?
inflammation of the brain
- not used if going to Japan! but to Far East Asia, India etc
is rabies viral or bacterial?
viral (lyssavirus) - 2 vaccines given, one at pre exposure and one post exposure
is tick borne encephalitis viral or bacterial?
viral (symptoms like influenza)
is typhoid fever viral or bacterial?
bacterial (salmonella typhi)
what is typhoid fever?
infection can lead to internal bleeding and perforation of digestive tract/bowel
is yellow fever viral or bacterial?
viral (arbovirus) - has 2 phases, transmitted by mosquitos
how many species of parasite can cause malaria?
5 - most common are P.falciparum and P.vivax
how many million cases of malaria are there a year?
which organ do malarial parasites first infect and what do they then move onto?
liver and then onto RBC