What is also know as first degree burn, involves ONLY EPIDERMIS, red and painful, sun burn cases, heal with in a weak no scar?
Superfical Burns
What is also know second degree, involves epidermis and varying portions of the DERMIS, will appear as BLISTERS or “denuded” burn areas with glistening or wet appearing base, zoneof necrosis is theepidermis, and superfical dermis?
Partial Thickness burns
What most often appear thick, dry, white, and leathery( Escar) regardless of skin color?
Full thickness
What must be performed as a life saving procedure to permit adequate chest excursion?
Whatis use to determine the burn size?
Rule of Nines
Patients Palms
What is the equation for hourly fluid rate?
initial Hourly Rate = %TBSA Burn x 10ml/hr
What is the target Urine Out Put?
0.5 ml/kg/hr