Trauma in the child Flashcards
When should you get an urgent head CT - within 1 hour (adult)
- GCS < 13 on initial assessment
- GCS < 15 at 2 hours after injury on assessment
- Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
- Any sign of basal skull fracture ·
- Post-traumatic seizure
- Focal neurological deficit
- More than one episode of vomiting since the injury
What clinical features may you see in a basal skull fracture
- panda eyes
- battles sign
- haemotympanum
- CSF leakge from ear or nose
When should you get an urgent head CT - within 1 hour (child)
- Suspicion of non-accidental injury
- Post-traumatic seizure, but no history of epilepsy ·
- On initial assessment GCS <14, or for children under 1 year GCS (paediatric) < 15
- At 2 hours after the injury GCS < 15
- Suspected open or depressed skull injury or tense fontanelle.
- Any sign of basal skull fracture
- Focal neurological deficit
- For children under 1 year, presence of bruise, swelling or laceration
of more than 5 cm on the head
What pathology would cause tracheal deviation to the left
- left sided lung collapse - moves to left to fill the voi
- Right hemithorax pushes the trachea to the left - tension pneumothorax
Why are children more susceptible to pulmonary contusions
A childs’ chest wall is very compliant so rib fractures don’t frequently occur,
However, it also doesn’t dissipate the force so force of impact is directly transferred to the lungs
What would pulmonary contusions look like on CXR
bilateral patchy changes
What is the pathophysiology of lung contusions
Blood and fluid fill the alveoli creating a ventilation/perfusion mismatch
This lease to hypoxia
What is the management of lung contusions
O2 + analgesia
When should you et an urgent CT C spine
- GCS < 13 on initial assessment
- Intubation
- A definitive diagnosis of cervical spine injury is required urgently (e.g. before surgery)
- Other body areas are being scanned for head injury or multi-region trauma
- Focal peripheral neurological signs
- Paraesthesia in the upper or lower limbs
When should you get three-view cervical
spine X-rays within 1 hour
Neck pain or tenderness and dangerous mechanism of injury e.g. axial load to head (diving) or fall from 1m or 5 steps