Abdominal issues Flashcards
What is the management of idiopathic chronic constipation who is impacted
- macrogel disimpaction regime starting with low dose and increasing according to response
- consider stimulant or osmotic laxatives if above doesn’t work
What are signs of impaction
overflow diarrhoea
palpable fecal mass
Red flag symptoms for childhood constipation
- Timing of onset: from birth/first few weeks of life
- meconium >48hs after birth in term baby
- stool pattern - ribbon stools
- motor problems - leg muscle weakness/gross motor delay
- abdo distention with vomiting
What is the management of children with constipation and rd flag symptoms
do not treat
refer to specialist
red flag signs on examination for chronic constipation
- abnormal appearance: bruising/fissures/patency/position
- gross abdominal distention
- abnormal asymmetry or flattening of gluteal muscles
- naevi or sinus
- hairy patch
- dimple you can’t see the bottom of
- scoliosis
- lower limb abnormalaties
- abnormal reflexes
What may be the cause of not passing meconium in the first 48 hours of life
- Hirshsprung
- meconium ileus - CF
- malrotation/volvulus (billios vomiting)
- anorectal malformation
- vowel atresia/obstruction
What is Hirshsprungs disease
- congenital absence of ganglion cells in the submucosal and myenteric plexus
- affected bowel is constantly spasming and unable to relax causing function bowel obstruction
What part of the bowel is affected in Hirshsprungs disease
Begins at anus and usuall extends to sigmoig colon but can affect the ascending colon and even the entire bowel.
How does Hirshsprungs disease present
- failure/delayed passage of meconium
- chronic constipation
- Faltering growth
What will hirshsprungs look like on AXR
gaseous distention
What are the investigations of choice to look for Hirshsprungs
- contrast studies: constricted bowel and distended colon proximal to it
- rectal biopsy
What will you see on rectal biopsy in a patient with Hirshsprungs
absence of ganglion cells
What is the management of Hirshsprungs disease
- decompressing bowel daily with saline enemas
- formation of colostomy and pulling the ganglionic bowel to the anus at a later stage