Birth Marks Flashcards
What is a hemangioma (strawberry naevus)
- Benign tumour of vascular endothelium
- commonly seen at birth or within the first few weeks of life.
What do superficial hemangiomas look like
vivid red, well demarcated plaques or nodules
What do deep haemangiomas look like
skin-coloured or less well defined
What does a precusor lesion that will develop into a haemangioma look like
blanched macule, erythematous or telangtactic patch
What is the course of haemangiomas
- Pre cursor lesion
- prolifertive growth phase (6-9 months)
- Stabelisation
- Spontaneous involution (around aged 3-4)
What is the most common place for haemngiomas
60% occur on the head and neck but they can present anywhere
What should be done if >5 haemangiomas a present
- internal haemangiomatosis may be suspected if >5 lesion.
- Liver US - most common place
- brain, GIT and airway may be involved
When should you consider intervention of hemangiomas
- Haemangiomas near eyes, nose, throat, ears, airway/lips and anogenital tract should be referred
What investigations should be done to diagnose hemangioma
typicall none - clinical
If unsure dopplers or MRI can be done
US and MRI in complicated strawberry naevus
What are the complications of haemangiomas
- ulceration
- bleeding
- disfigurement
- airway obstruction
- visual disturbances
- hepatic haemngiomas associated with high output cardiac failure
What is the management of haemangioma
- Conservative
- Oral propnaolol
- topical beta-blockers - timolol
How does propanolol treat haemangiomas
beta antagnoist
- vasoconstriction
- blocking angiogenic signals such as VEGF
- Apoptosis
What should every child have before starting propanolol
- Hx inc signs ans symptoms of pulmonary and cardiac disease
- ECG + echo if bradycardic/arrythmias or Hx of familial heart disease
What are the contraindications of propanolol
- cardiogenic shock
- bradycardia
- bronchial hypersensitivity
- allergies to propanolol
What is a sebaceous naeuvus
- epidermal naevus presenting as a yellow-orange hairless patch or plaque, usually on the scalp and face
- usually oval or circular
- in Adolescence become warty and bumpy
- very rare 0.3%
Investigations of sebaceous naeuvus
biopsy if unsure.
management of sebaceous naevus
- risk of malignancy not known - some recommend excision, some watch and wait
- refer to dermatology