Trauma Flashcards
What are typical signs of basilar skull fracture?
Racoons eyes, Battle’s sign, clear otorrhea, or rhinorrhea, hemotympanum
What is the best indication of a mandibular fracture?
Dental malocclusion: bited down
Signs of thoracic trauma often found on the neck exam.
Crepitous or subcutaneus emphysema
Best PE for broken ribs or sternum
Lateral and anterior-posterior compression of the thorax to elicit pain/instability
Significance of subcutanous air
Indicates PTX, until proven otherwise
Physical signs indicating intra-abdominal injury?
Tenderness; guarding; peritoneal signs; progressive distention
Seatbelt sign
Ecchymosis on lower abdomen from wearing seatbelt
PE technique to test for pelvic fracture
Lateral compression of the iliac crests and greater trochanters and anterior posterior compression of the symphysis pubis to elicit pain/instability
“Halo sign”
CSF from nose/ears will form a clear halo around the blood on a clot
Urethral injury signs contraindicating FC placement
High-riding ballotable prostate on rectal exam
blood on meatus
scrotal or perineal ecchymosis
Complication after prolonged ischemia to the lower extremity
Compartment syndrome
Finding on chest film suggestive of thoracic aortic injury
Widening mediastinum
What is FAST exam?
Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma
What does the FAST exam look for?
Blood in the peritoneal cavity at Morison’s pouch, bladder, spleen and pericardial sac
Neck Trauma Zones
Zone III: anlge of the mandible up
Zone II: Angle of the mandible to the cricoid cartilage
Zone !: Below the CC
Minimal urine output for an adult trauma patient
Blood volume that can be lost into the thigh with a closed femur fracture
upto 1.5L of blood
Signs of laryngeal frature
Subcutaneous emphysema in neck
Altered voice
Palpable layngreal fracture
Treatment for rectal penetrating injury
Diverting proximal colonostomy
Intraabdominal injury assoc with seatbelt fracture
small bowel injuries (L2 fracture, pancreatic injury