Surgery Signs, Triads, ETC you should know Flashcards
What are the ABCDEs of melanoma?
Asymmetric Border irregularities Color variation Diameter >0.6 cm and dark color Evolution
Columnar Metaplasia of the distal esophagus (GERD related)
Barrett’s esophagus
Echymosis over the mastoid process in patients with basilar skull fracture
Battle’s sign
Seen in px with Cardiac Tamponade:
Decreased or muffled heart sounds
Beck’s Triad
Seen in fat emboli syndrome:
Mental status changes
Bergman’s Triad
Metastatic disease to the rectouterine(pouch of douglas) or rectovesical pouch creating a “shelf” that is palpable on rectal exam
Blumer’s shelf
Right subscapular pain resulting from cholelithiasis
Boas’ sign
In gastric volvulus:
Emesis followed by retching
Epigastric distension
Failure to pass an NGT
Borchardt’s triad
In carcinoid syndrome:
Carcinoid Triad
Seen in cholangitis:
Right upper quadrant pain
Charcot’s Triad
Twitching of facial mucles upon tapping the facial nerve in patietnts with hypocalcemia
Chovsteck’s sign…CHeeek
Enlarged nontender gallbladder seen in obstrucion of the common bile duct, most commonly with pancreatic cancer
Courvisier’s law
Bluish discoloration of the periumbilical area due to retroperitoneal hemorrhage tracking around to the anterior abdominal wall through fascial planes (e.g., acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis)
Cullen’s Sign
Signs of increased intracranial pressure:
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Irregular respirations
Cushing’s triad
Empty right lower quadrant in children with ileocecal intussusception
Dance Sign
Ecchymosis and discoloration of the flank in patients with retorperitoneal hemorrhage
Grey Turner’s sign
Crunching sound on auscultation of the heart resulting from emphysematous mediastinum; seen with Boerhaave’s syndrome, pneumomediastinum, etc.
Hamman’s Sign
Calf pain on forced dorsiflexion of the foot in DVT patients
Homan’s sign
Severe left shoulder pain in patients with splenic rupture
Kehr’s sign
Metastatic tumor to the ovary form classically a gastric CA
Krukenburg tumor
2% of the population have this
2% symptomatic
2 feet fro the ileocecal valve
Meckels’s rule of twos
Lower quadrant pain due to ovulation
Cessation of inspiration while palpating under the right costal margin
Murphy’s sign
Pain upon internal rotation of the leg with hip and knee flexed; in AP patients
episodic diaphoresis
Pheocromocytoma symptoms
Pheocromocytoma rule of 10s
10% bilateral
10% children
10% extra adrenal
10% with multiple tumors
Bilateral black eyes as a result of basilar fracture
Raccon eyes
Fever Jaundice RUQ pain Mental status changes Shock/sepsis
Reynaud’s pentad
LLQ palpation resultin gpain in the RLQ
Rovsing’s sign
Metatstatic tumor to the umbilical lymph
Sister Mary Joseph
Metastatic tumor to left supraclavicular node
Virchow’s node
Virchow’s triad
Risk factor for thrombosis
Abdnormal endothelium