Complications vignettes Flashcards
39-year-old woman 3 years s/p (“status post”) Billroth II for perforated gastric ulcer presents with intermittent upper abdominal pain relieved by a large amount of bilious vomiting
Afferent limb syndrome
POD #2 s/p open gastric bypass for morbid obesity, patient becomes tachypneic and short of breath. Sats 5 86%, ABG PO2 5 52, CO25 30,EKGnormal, chest x-ray normal
Pulmonary embolus
During placement of a central line, a 42-year-old woman with breast cancer becomes acutely short of breath. Her breath sounds are decreased on the ipsilateral side of the line placement
A 77-year-old man s/p laparoscopic cholecystomy returns to the clinic with a palpable lower abdominal mass, confusion, and weak urine stream
Urinary retention
56-year-old woman s/p gastrojejunostomy for duodenal trauma (pyloric exclusion) now presents 1 year post op with tachycardia, dizziness, and abdominalpaina after eating
Dumping syndrome
21-year-old s/p GSW to abdomen with small bowel resections develops tachycardia, fever, and green bilious wound drainage
Anastomotic leak and enterocutaneous fistula
28-year-old man with traumaticsuperficial arterial occlusion for
7 hours develops severe
calf pain with passive
dorsiflexion of foot,foot paresthesias, decreased foot/toe movement, and palpablepulsea after successful bypass procedure
Calf compartment syndrome
Twoweekss/p modified radical mastectomy a 45-year-old woman with
infiltrating ductal cancer of the right breast returns to the clinic and complains of her right scapula “sticking out
Winged scapula due to injury to the long thoracic nerve
28-year-old woman s/p spinal anesthesia for a tubal ligation develops back pain, fever, and increased WBCs on POD #3
Epidural abscess
80-year-old man s/p appendectomy with fever, right-sided face pain, and elevated WBCs
18-year-old man POD #1 with fever, wound pain, bronze-colored drainage, and crepitus
Clostridial wound infection
65-year-old smoker with severe COPD treated intermittently with antibiotics, prednisone, and albuterol undergoes
a colectomy. Postop the patient develops hypotension, dizziness, and fever with normal hematocrit and abdominal exam
Adrenal crisis—adrenal insuffciency
38-year-old female diabetic with cellulitis on broad- spectrum antibiotics for
2 weeks develops fever, massive diarrhea, and abdominal pain
Clostridial difficile colitis
59-year-old female smoker POD #4 from AAA repair develops hypotension and tachycardia with multiple PVCs
Myocardial infarction
67-year-old male POD #5 s/p AAA repair with bloody diarrhea
Ischemic colitis
48-year-old woman undergoes a hysterectomy and develops an acute increase in end tidal CO2 in the middle of the operation and then develops a very high fever, cardiac arrhythmia, acidosis, and hyperkalemia
Malignant hyperthermia