Transportation Flashcards
What does Transportation Planning do?
Identifies current and future transporation issues and develops solutions to address these issues
What is Multi-Modal Planning
Moving people, raw materials, and goods to where they need to go most efficiently and considering all modes
Name 3 stakeholder categories:
- Federal; 2. Regional; 3. Local or regional
What groups make up the Federal Stakeholders?
USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Aviation Administration
What groups make up the Regional Stakeholders?
State DOTs, MPO’s, Council of Governments, Regional Planning Councils
What groups make up the Local Stakeholders?
local governments, transit agencies, expressway, port and airport authorities, the public
What year was the first federal highway funding passed and what was it called?
1916; Federal-Aid Road Act
What act developed the National Highway System and what year was it passed?
Federal-Aid Highway Act; 1921
What Federal-Aid Highway Act established the interstate highway system (what year)?
What two main things did the 1962 Highway Act accomplish?
Established MPOs, 3 C’s (continuing, Comprehensive, Cooperative)
What did the 1973 Highway Act do?
Highway Safety Improvement System (HSIP), Funding for mass-transit projects
What did the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act do?
Transportation Enhancements (TE) Program, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program, fiscal constraints/social equity for multi-modal
What act created the Congestion Management System (CMS) and set earmarks?
1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
What does SAFETEA-LU stand for?
Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation, Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
What year was SAFETEA-LU passed and what did it create?
2005; Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program
What is MAP-21?
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century passed in 2012; 2-year reauthorization - $52.5B/year; eliminated earmarks; consolidated programs; established use of performance measures