Key Planning Figures (people) Flashcards
Charles Abrams
created the New York Housing Authority. In 1965 he published The City is the Frontier, a book that was highly critical of U.S. federal policies surrounding slum clearance, urban renewal, and public housing.
Thomas Adams
was an important planner during the Garden City movement. He was the secretary of the Garden City Association. U.K. He developed a number of garden suburbs in England.
Saul Alinsky
was an advocate of community organizing. Alinsky organized Chicago’s poor in the late 1930s and 1940s. In 1946, he published Reveille for Radicals, which encouraged those who were poor to become involved in American democracy. Later he published Rules for Radicals, which provided 13 rules for community organizing.
Sherry Arnstein
wrote “A Ladder of Citizen Participation” for the Journal of the American Planning Association in 1969. This article describes the levels of involvement by citizens depending on the form of participation utilized.
Daniel Burnham
was a Chicago architect and prominent proponent of the City Beautiful movement. He was the lead force behind the 1893 Columbian Exposition and later the 1909 Plan of Chicago. His most famous quote is “Make no little plans. They have no fire to stir men’s blood.”
Rachel Carson
wrote Silent Spring, an important book in environmental planning.
Robert Moses
transformed New York City’s public works from the 1930s through the 1950s. He expanded the state’s park system and built numerous parkways. He also built parks, playgrounds, highways, bridges, tunnels, and public housing.
John Nolen, Jr
designed Mariemont, Ohio and was a leading planner and landscape architect. He made substantial contributions including creating the first comprehensive plan in Florida, contributing to the park system in Madison, Wisconsin and designing Venice, Florida.
Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr.
considered the father of landscape architecture. He is responsible for many of the nation’s most important parks including Central and Prospect Parks in New York City, Niagra Reservation, and university campus landscapes. He was part of the design team for Riverside, IL, laid out in 1868.
Clarence Perry
developed the neighborhood unit concept which was implemented in Radburn, New Jersey. He was a key contributor to the 1929 Regional Survey of New York and its Environs.
Paolo Soleri
was an architect responsible for designing Arcosanti, an experimental utopian city in Arizona focused on minimizing the impact of development on the natural environment.
Clarence Stein
designed Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, NY, Radburn, NJ, and many other garden suburbs in the U.S. He was a major proponent of the Garden City movement. He wrote New Town for America in 1951.
Rexford Tugwell
served as the head of the Resettlement Administration during the New Deal. He worked on the greenbelt cities program, which sought construction of new, self-sufficient cities. Tugwell was closely involved in the development of Arthurdale, West Virginia, a Resettlement Administration community.
Sir Raymond Unwin
was an English town planner and designer of Letchworth. He wrote Town Planning in Practice, published in 1909.
Catherine Bauer Wurster
was a founder of American housing policy. She worked to reform policy that was related to housing and city planning. She served as executive secretary of the Regional Planning Association of America. She wrote Modern Housing and was influential in the passage of the Housing Act of 1937.
the first town planner and
“inventor” of the orthogonal (grid) urban layout (note the pictured ancient city of Dion laid out in a Hippodamean grid system).
Charles Abrams
As an international housing consultant, Charles Abrams had a major impact on housing policy after World War II. In the mid-1960s, he headed a task force that recommended consolidating New York’s housing activities, a proposal that led to the creation of the New York City Housing and Development Administration. Designated a National Planning Pioneer in 1993.
Frederick J. Adams
Frederick J. Adams (1901–1980) founded the city and regional planning department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1932. Adams insisted that the planning program should be interdisciplinary while also making sure that the field maintained its own identity.
Thomas Adams
British-born planner Thomas Adams supervised work on the 1929 Regional Plan of New York and Environs. Adams was a prolific designer of low-density residential developments that were commonly referred to as “garden suburbs.”
Sherry Arnstein
Sherry Arnstein became a household name among planners in 1969 when she published her ground-breaking article “A Ladder of Citizen Participation” about the hierarchy of public involvement. Arnstein’s work influenced how planners and communities go about engaging the public in the planning and decision-making process, provided the theoretical framework for advocacy planning, and organized planners’ understanding of meaning public participation as a way for citizens to be equal partners in shaping programs and plans.
Edmund N. Bacon
Edmund N. Bacon, Philadelphia’s planning director from 1949 to 1970, is honored for bringing national attention to the rebuilding of the American city in the post-World War II era. In Design of Cities, Bacon explains his philosophy of design, derived in part from his study of great urban design achievements of the past, and shows how it applies to the revived design of mid-20 century Central City Philadelphia. Designated a National Planning Pioneer in 1993.
Frederick H. Bair, Jr.
Much of today’s planning theory and practice is based on the writings and experience of Frederick H. Bair Jr., author of The Text of a Model Zoning Ordinance. He also refined the land-use intensity system, which he first adapted to Norfolk, Virginia. was a founder of the Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA) (1950).
Harland Bartholomew
Harland Bartholomew was the first planner ever to be put on staff by an American city. It was Newark, New Jersey, that hired Bartholomew to work on a comprehensive plan in 1914, a year after he started his planning career. Also wrote a comprehensive plan for st. Louis.
Edward Murray Bassett
Edward Murray Bassett (1863–1948) chaired the commission that produced New York City’s landmark 1916 zoning code plan.
Edward H. Bennett
Born in Wiltshire, England, Edward H. Bennett worked with architect Daniel H. Burnham on the 1909 Plan of Chicago. In the plan, Burnham and Bennett created a document that gave essence to the City Beautiful planning philosophy. He also served on the Chicago Plan Commission into the 1930s.
Alfred Bettman
Alfred Bettman was a Cincinnati lawyer who drafted the bill which enabled the creation of local planning commissions in the state. He played a key role in establishing the constitutionality of zoning in the 1926 U.S. Supreme Court decision involving the City of Euclid, Ohio, and Ambler Realty Company.