Transport systems Impacts Chapter 11 ( EOY) Flashcards
How can transportation affect the environment?
- Changes to physical environment
- Increased carbon footprint
- Increased mobility for elderly
- More traffic congestion
- Health risks
- Safety risks
How does building transportation change the physical environment?
Reduce size of animal habitat, causing animals to be victims of roadkill
How does building transportation increase carbon footprint?
Vehicles require energy and gas ( like petrol, electricity,etc) More greenhouse gases would enhance the greenhouse effect, making global warming worse.
How does building transportation increase mobility for elderly?
Able for people to move from point a to point B easily as there are many different ways of transportation.
How does building transportation affect traffic congestion?
There will be an increased number of vehicles on roads which will cause the roads to exceed its limit, causing traffic congestion. ( Especially in peak hours)
How does building more transportation affect health?
Vehicles stuck in traffic congestions will still continue to release harmful gases into the environment, which causes air pollution and when inhaled, can cause health risks.
How does building more transportation affect safety?
More modes of transportation can be deemed as not so safe as during peak hours, there can be a higher number of cases for theft and outrage of modesty (Molest)
There could also be higher chances of terrorist attacks especially in crowded places like airport, bus and train terminals.