Transport Phen. 3 - J.Chew Flashcards
What are the 3 types on non-Newtonian fluid (+ examples)?
1) Purely viscous fluids (inelastic or plastic)
- pseudo-plastic fluids (shear thinning e.g. yoghurt)
- dilatant fluids (shears thickening e.g. paint)
- Bingham (plastic) fluid (solid until yield stress is reached e.g.toothpaste)
2) Time dependent fluids
- Thixotropic fluids (thins with time of shearing e.g. gels)
- Rheopectic fluids (thicken with time of shearing e.g. lubricants)
3) Viscoelastic fluids
Viscous and elastic behaviour e.g. paste extrusion
How do pseudoplastics respond to shearing?
Viscosity decreases as shear rate is increased.
What law is used to describe pseudoplastic behaviour with relation to shear rate?
The power law.
Tau = k*gamma^n
Shear stress = consistency index * shear rate ^ flow behaviour index
What is the value of the flow behaviour index, n, for a pseudplastic (shear thinning)?
0 < n < 1
If 1, the fluid would be Newtonian and k would be equal to viscosity.
What is the value of the flow behaviour index, n, for a dilatant fluid (shear thickening)?
n > 1
Log apparent viscosity vs log shear rate graph would have a positive gradient.
How do pseudoplastics behave with shearing?
They become thinner with increased shearing
How do dilatant fluids behave with shear?
They become thicker
How to Bingham (plastic) fluids behave?
They are solid until their yield stress is reached, and will then behave as a (Newtonian) fluid.
If 𝜏(y,x) is less than 𝜏(y) (shear stress < yield stress), shear rate of a Bingham plastic is zero. This does not mean that the fluid is not flowing, this just means that the fluid is not being deformed.
Note that μB (coefficient of rigidity) is not equal to apparent
How do thixotropic fluids behave with shear?
They get thinner with time of shearing.
How do rheopectic fluids behave?
They get thicker with time of shearing.
What fluids is the power law model used for?
Pseudoplastic and dilatant fluids
Pseudoplastics: 0 < n < 1
Dilatant: n > 1
Newtonian: n = 1
Where n is the flow index
When is a fluid a Herschel Buckley fluid?
When a Bingham plastic fluid begins to flow, but is either shear thinning or thickening, and not Newtonian, then it is a Herschel Buckley fluid.
If tau(y,x) is less than tau(y) (shear stress < yield stress), shear rate of a Bingham plastic is zero. This does not mean that the fluid is not flowing, this just means that the fluid is not being deformed.
What is apparent viscosity?
Apparent viscosity is the shear stress applied to a fluid divided by the shear rate.
For a Newtonian fluid, the apparent viscosity is constant, and equal to the Newtonian viscosity of the fluid, but for non-Newtonian fluids, the apparent viscosity depends on the shear rate
Why do we study the development of velocity profiles and volumetric flowrate expressions?
From these, we can determine pressure drop.
E.g. From the u and Q expressions for laminar flow through a pipe, we can find the Hagen-Poiseulle equation for pressure drop
In order to express laminar pressure drop (via Hagen-Poiseulle equation), what do we need to find?
How are centreline and mean velocity found?
Firstly, determine the velocity profile (via a force balance and equating said force balance to the constitutive equation)
Then, determine the relationship for the volumetric flowrate.
Q = Au (so integrate the product of A and velocity which you have just found)
From the Q and dp/dz relationship, an expression for dP may be found.
Centreline velocity: velocity at the centre of the channel e.g. when r = 0 for pipe flow. Substitute r = 0 into the velocity profile. This is also likely to be u max.
Mean velocity: u = Q/A. Divide the volumetric flowrate by the total cross sectional area.
How may apparent viscosity and shear rate be graphed to determine the consistency index, k, and the flow behaviour index, n, for a pseudoplastic / power law fluid?
μ.app = kγ^(n-1)
[ 𝜏 = kγ^n ]
μ.app = k*γ^(n-1)
log [μ.app] = log[k] + (n-1)*log[γ]
Plotting log [μ.app] vs log[γ],
Slope: n - 1
y-int: log [k]
What is the procedure for modelling a plastic fluid?
i) Plot 𝜏 vs γ on a linear graph
ii) If the intercept is 0, the fluid exhibits plastic behaviour
iii) If the slope is constant, the classical Bingham model can be used. Else, use the Herschel-Buckley model
iv) If the slope is not constant, plot (𝜏 - 𝜏y) vs γ on a log-log graph
log [𝜏 - 𝜏y] = log[k] + (n)*log[γ]
Slope: n
y-int: k
v) Quote all results and reference equations used
What would the basic force balance be for flow through a circular pipe?
Flow is in z direction
Radius of pipe is R
p is pressure
i) pπr^2 = (p + dp)πr^2 + 𝜏(rz)*2πrdz
where 𝜏(rz) is the shear stress applied by the cylinder of fluid on its surrounding at a distance r from the centre.
𝜏(rz) = μ*du/dr
Equating and integrating, the velocity profile becomes:
u = [(R^2 - r^2)/(4μ)](-dp/dz)
[Integrating the product of u*A gives the volumetric flow rate. Note - Area used in this case is 2πrdr
How is mean velocity found?
By dividing the volumetric flowrate (derived from the force balance and velocity profile) by the total area.
What are tensors?
A mathematical object analogous to but more general than a vector, represented by an array of components that are functions of the coordinates of a space.
The tensors that we shall discuss are quantities which have a magnitude and two associated directions, e.g. a stress has two associated directions: the plane on which the stress acts and the direction of the stress.
What does the notation of a tensor tell you, e.g. for 𝜏 yx
For 𝜏 yx:
𝜏 is the shear stress
y is the plane upon which it acts
x is its direction
What is the definition of nabla / del (∇)?
A differential operator which, operating on a function of several variables, gives the sum of the partial derivatives of the function with respect to the three orthogonal spatial coordinates.
∇ ≡ ∂/∂xi + ∂/∂yj + ∂/∂z*k
What does the grad (gradient) operator show?
Applied to a scalar field, a vector function is obtained, called the gradient.
Grad Φ = ∇Φ = ∂Φ/∂xi + ∂Φ/∂yj + ∂Φ/∂z*k
What does the divergence operator show?
Divergence is a vector operator that operates on a vector field, producing a scalar field giving the quantity of the vector field’s source at each point. More technically, the divergence represents the volume density of the outward flux of a vector field from an infinitesimal volume around a given point.
div u ≡ ∇·u ≡ ∂u/∂x + ∂v/∂y + ∂w/∂z
What is the dot product of ∇·u where u = (u, v, w) [a vector]
div u ≡ ∇·u ≡ ∂u/∂x + ∂v/∂y + ∂w/∂z
≡ (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z)·(u, v, w)
What is the Laplacian operator?
The Laplacian is given by the sum of second partial derivatives of the function with respect to each independent variable.
∇·∇ or ∇^2
How is the scalar operator, u·∇Φ written?
(where u is a vector [u, v, w], · is the dot product - leading to summation, and Φ is the grad operator).
u·∇Φ ≡ u∂Φ/∂x + v∂Φ/∂y + w*∂Φ/∂z
Φ is a variable e.g. T, P etc.
What are the cartesian/rectangular, cylindrical/polar, and spherical coordinates?
Cartesian / rectangular: (x, y, z)
Cylindrical/polar: (r, θ, z)
Spherical coordinates: (r, θ, φ)
How may the total derivative be written in terms of vector operators?
D[…]/Dt = u·∇[…] + ∂[…]/∂t
How do Eulerian and Lagrangian flow descriptions differ?
Lagrangian - tracks diffusive/conductive effects only.
In the Lagrangian description of fluid flow, individual fluid particles are “marked,” and their positions, velocities, etc. are described as a function of time.
Eulerian - tracks convective and diffusive effects.
In the Eulerian description of fluid flow, individual fluid particles are not identified. Instead, a control volume is defined, as shown in the diagram. Pressure, velocity, acceleration, and all other flow properties are described as fields within the control volume.
What are the two ways in which we can measure temperature profiles, regarding fluid flow descriptions?
i) By having a temperature sensor that follows the movement of a particular fluid particle with time.
This would provide the temperature of these particles as a function of time.
This method gives us a Lagrangian description of temperature profile (tracks diffusive/conductive effects).
ii) By having a temperature sensor at a fixed position in space that measures the temperature at that position as a function of time.
This gives us an Eulerian description of the temperature field.
In fluid mechanics it is usually
easier to use the Eulerian method to describe a flow.
How do convection and diffusion differ?
Convection is the process of heat transfer through the bulk movement of molecules within fluids. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a low concentration via a concentration gradient.
Therefore, the key difference between convection and diffusion is that convection is the large movement of a large mass of particles in the same direction through the fluid, whereas diffusion is the movement of single particles and transfer of particle’s momentum and energy to other particles in the fluid.
What is the continuity equation?
What does it express?
The equation of continuity is simply a mass balance of a fluid flowing through a stationary volume element. It states that the rate of mass accumulation in this volume element equals the rate of mass in minus the rate of mass out.
∇·u = ∂u/∂x + ∂v/∂y + ∂w/∂z = 0
What is the Sₕ term of the energy equation?
The source/sink term e.g. due to chemical reaction, electrical heat generation, viscous dissipation.
It is the internal energy generation rate per unit volume
What are the 5 key parts of the Navier-Stokes equation?
Time/accumulation term
Convective term
Pressure term
Diffusive/viscous term
Body force term
Regarding the Navier-Stokes equation, what can be assumed when the Reynolds number is high?
The term representing viscous stress gradients is negligible.
[μ∇^2u becomes 0]
Regarding the Navier-Stokes equation, what can be assumed when the Reynolds number is very small?
The term representing the rate of change of momentum is negligible.
[du/dt and u·∇u become 0]
What is the symbol for superficial velocity?
Superficial gas velocity = Vg = Qg / A
Superficial liquid velocity = Vl = Ql / A
What is the symbol for actual velocity?
Phase gas velocity = ug = Vg / a
Phase liquid velocity = ul = Vl / (1 - a)
What is the symbol for gas voidage fraction?
How is it calculated?
a = volume of gas / volume of gas & liquid
= Area for gas flow / total area
= Sg / S
What is the symbol for liquid hold-up?
How is it calculated?
Hl = volume of liquid / volume of gas & liquid = 1 - a
How is the slip/relative velocity calculated during 2 phase flow?
uR = ug - ul
Slippage occurs between the 2 phases as the gas tends to travel faster than the liquid.
How is the mass quality of 2 phase flow calculated?
x = gas mass flux / gas & liquid mass flux
= Gg / (Gg + Gl) = Gg / G
[Generally, a does not equal Gg/G since there is some slip between the phases]
What are the 4 key flow patterns for vertical co-current flow (with increasing gas flow)?
Bubble flow
Slug flow
Churn flow
Annular flow
Describe bubble flow for vertical flow:
1st of 4 flow regimes
At very low liquid and gas velocities, the liquid phase is continuous and the gas phase travels as dispersed bubbles.
As the liquid flow rate increases, the bubbles may increase in size due to higher frequency of bubble collisions and coalescence.
Based on the presence or absence of slippage between the two phases, bubble flow is further classified into bubbly and dispersed bubble flows. In a bubbly flow, relatively larger (and fewer) bubbles move faster than the liquid phase because of slippage. In a dispersed bubble flow, numerous tiny bubbles are transported by the liquid phase, causing no relative motion between the two phases.
Describe slug flow for vertical flow:
2nd of 4 flow regimes
As the gas velocity increases, the bubbles start coalescing, eventually forming large enough bubbles (also referred to Taylor bubbles) which occupy almost the entire cross-sectional area of the pipe.
This flow regime is called slug flow. Taylor bubbles move uniformly upward and are separated by slugs of continuous liquid that bridge the pipe and contain small gas bubbles.
Typically, the liquid in the film around the Taylor bubbles may move downward at low velocities although the net flow of liquid can be upward.
The gas bubble velocity is greater than that of the liquid.
Describe churn flow for vertical flow:
3rd of 4 flow regimes
If a change from a continuous liquid phase to a continuous gas-phase occurs, the continuity of the liquid in the slug between successive Taylor bubbles is repeatedly destroyed by a high local gas concentration in the slug.
This oscillatory flow of the liquid is typical of churn (froth) flow. It may not occur in small diameter pipes. The gas bubbles may join and liquid may be entrained in the bubbles.
In this flow regime, the falling film of the liquid surrounding the gas plugs cannot be observed.
Describe annular flow for vertical flow:
4th of 4 flow regimes
As the gas velocity is increased even further, the gas phase becomes a continuous phase in the pipe core.
The liquid phase moves upward partly as a thin film (adhering to the pipe wall) and partly in the form of dispersed droplets in the gas core. This flow regime is called an annular flow or an annular mist flow.
Although a downward vertical two-phase flow is less common than an upward flow, it does occur in steam injection wells and down comer pipes from offshore production platforms.
What is the Hewitt and Roberts map used for?
Establishing the flow regime in vertical pipe flow, by using mass flux (G) and density.
What are the 6 key flow regimes for horizontal 2 phase flow?
Bubble flow
Plug flow
Stratified smooth
Stratified wavy
Slug flow
Annular flow
Describe stratified flow for horizontal flow:
At low liquid and gas flow rates gravitational effects cause total separation of the two phases. This results in the liquid flowing along the bottom of the pipe and the gas flowing along the top, where the gas-liquid interface is smooth.
As the gas velocity is increased in a stratified smooth flow the interfacial shear forces increase, rippling the liquid surface and producing a wavy interface.
What is the Baker map used for?
Establishing the flow regime in horizontal pipe flow, by using mass flux (G) and Ψ, and λ.
What components are considered in the total force balance for two phase flow through a pipe?
Hydrostatic, momentum, and frictional pressure drop (dp/dz).
How may the momentum balance for two phase flow through a pipe be simplified?
The equation considers hydrostatic, momentum, and frictional pressure drop (dp/dz).
- If the gas is treated as incompressible and there is no phase change or acceleration, pressure drop by momentum can be neglected.
[That is (dp/dz)h»_space; (dp/dz)m] - In bubbly and slug flow, pressure drop by friction is negligible.
[That is (dp/dz)h»_space; (dp/dz)f] - In churn / annular flow, the frictional component dominates and must be considered.
- In horizontal flow, hydrostatic head is 0
- Gas void fraction, a, must be known. This is found by empirical calculations, direct measurement, or (for bubbly flow) drift flux analysis.
How is the frictional pressure gradient for 2 phase flow calculated (basic)?
Calculate the single phase liquid and gas frictional pressure drops.
Use the ratio of (dp/dz)l / (dp/dz)g to find X^2 and hence Φ for the Lockhart and Martinelli plot.
Use Φ (correction multiplier) to find the two phase pressure drop.
Determine a (gas voidage)
What are Vl and Vg
Dimensionless gas and liquid superficial velocities, used in the Wallis type flooding correlation.
What are the different bubble shape characterisations?
Spherical Ellipsoidal (high Re and intermediate Eo) Spherical cap (high Re and Eo)
What does the Eötvös number demonstrate?
The ratio of buoyancy to surface tension.
Note, when calculated Eo, dv is the diameter of a volume-equivalent sphere.
What is the Eötvös plot used for?
Determining the droplet / bubble shape (in 2 phase flow).
The Re, Eötvös, and Morton number (M) are used on the log plot.
What is k (regarding 2 phase flow)?
What happens at low values of k?
k = μp/μ
Where μp is the particle viscosity and μ is the liquid viscosity.
At low k, internal circulation may occur. This can reduce the net drag experienced by the bubbles.
Regarding 2 phase flow, what are the effects of surface contaminants (on the bubbles)?
Accumulative of surface-active contaminants at the interface of a drop cause a local interfacial tension gradient as the particle moves.
This gradient must be balanced by an additional tangential viscous stress, making the drop behave as if it is a rigid particle.
Even a small amount of surface-active contaminant (e.g., in “clean” water) can inhibit internal circulation, thus increasing drag and reducing mass transfer rates.
How does calculation of the terminal velocity of ellipsoidal bubbles differ for pure and contaminated systems?
Terminal velocity for the pure system is adequately described by a single equation.
For contaminated systems, it must first be determined whether the bubble is oscillating or not.
Based on this, H and J can be calculated, as well as M, which are then used to find terminal velocity.
How is the terminal velocity of large bubbles and spherical caps found?
By a single correlation (regardless of contamination)*
How do bubbles in contaminated water behave?
As rigid (solid) spheres.
What are the Wallis’ correlation and Eotvos plot used for?
Determining the bubble shape and (potentially the terminal velocity)
Eotvos plot - uses Re, Eo and M dimensionless numbers (Ut found from Re)
Wallis’ correlation - uses dimensionless r* and V*
What does the Froude number show?
How is it used to find slug rise velocities?
Fr = inertia : gravity
Fr = U.slug∞/(g*D)^0.5
And, for inertia dominant flow (TP3), Fr = 0.345
Note - water is NOT sufficiently viscous to get into the viscous dominant regime
How is the average velocity of liquid between slugs found?
How does this relate to the centreline velocity?
Average velocity:
Vg + Vl
Where V is the superficial velocities.
Centreline velocity:
k*(Vg + Vl)
What is the equation for the velocity of a slug relative to liquid?
U.slug∞ = U.slug - k(Vg + Vl)
U.slug∞ - velcoity of slug relative to liquid
k(Vg + Vl) - centreline velocity
k is 1.2 for turbulent flow and 2.0 for laminar.
[Note: Vg = αU.slug]
How are the total, individual, and local fluid superficial velocities calculated?
V tot = Vg + Vl = Vg’ + Vl’
Regarding slug flow through a vertical pipe, how can the film thickness be calculated?
By iteration.
Guess an initial δ. Find the local voidage, a' [= 1-4δ/D] Find Vg' [=a'U.slug] Find Vl' from Vtot Find Re Calculate new δ
What is drift flux analysis used for?
Estimating phase/actual velocity and voidage in two-phase systems.
It is most applicable to systems like Bubbly Flow, where each phase is characterised by a single velocity.
Regarding drift flux analysis, what part of the equation shows the hydrodynamic and operating lines?
jf = Uₜα(1 - α) = u.Rα(1 - α) = Vg(1 - α) - Vlα
Hydrodynamic line (physical properties): u.R*α*(1 - α)
Operating line (flow rates): Vg*(1 - α) - Vl*α
We wish to solve this equation for α, for given superficial velocities Vg and Vl. We can do this provided that if Uₜ is known.
How is terminal velocity, Uₜ, for bubbly flow found?
There are 2 considerations:
i) If Uₜ is not affected by the presence of other bubbles and is independent of voidage, a.
Uₜ = Uₜ∞
This is acceptable for low a, e.g. when the bubbles are far apart/
ii) Using the Richardson-Zaki (R-Z) correlation:
u. R = Uₜ = Uₜ∞*(1 - a)^[n-1]
Re = ρₗUₜ∞dᵥ/μ
λ = dᵥ/D ~ 0
What are the components of the drift flux equation (for bubbly flow):
The drift flux equation, jf, is usually broken into the hydrodynamic (LHS) and operating (RHS) components, represented graphically.
The LHS hydrodynamic line depends on the physical properties (e.g. local bubble terminal velocity, UT).
The RHS operating line reflects the imposed operating conditions (Vg and Vl) and continuity.
Intersection of the operating and hydrodynamic lines gives a solution for voidage, a.
For what cases can solutions be obtained for bubbly flow via drift flux analysis?
1) Liquid and gas both flow upwards - One solution
(Upward co-current)
2) Liquid flows down and gas flows down - One solution
(Downward co-current)
3) Liquid flows up and gas flows down
- No solution exists for this physically impossible situation
For counter-current (liquid down, gas up), 3 possibilities exist:
i) 2 solutions
ii) 1 solution - flooding
iii) no solution
When does flooding occur for semi-batch processes?
Vl = 0, and flooding occurs at Vg = Vg+.
Vg+ is the max velocity for bubbly flow with bubbles of constant diameter, dv.
This is the upper limit for the transition to slug or churn flow in the absence of coalescence.
How is bubble terminal velocity calculated for flow in bioreactors?
We must assume that the terminal velocity is concentration dependent, thus we use the Richardson-Zaki equation.
u.R = Uₜ = Uₜ∞*(1 - a)^[n-1]
[For semi-batch reactors, Vl = 0 as we assume that the liquid level in the reactor remains unchanged.]