Jannis - Environmental Management Flashcards
What is an environmental system?
A system can be defined as “a set of components functioning together as a whole”.
- System view allows to isolate and investigate certain aspects more closely.
- Given complexity of environment, engineers and scientists need to simplify to tractable size.
Systems can include one or more physical compartments and/or non-physical parts such as the economy
What are problems with burning coal (containing sulphur)?
Global warming
Acid rain
Changes in soil pH
How is our environment connected?
The environment is only moderately integrated (“loosely connected”) greatly hinders our ability to observed, predict, and ultimately correct the unintended consequences of our actions.
What are the 2 main divisions of environmental disruption?
Fundamentally, all environmental problems involve either depletion of sources (consumption) or pollution of sinks (production of waste).
Atmosphere - global warming, acid rain, urban smog
Ocean - pollution
Ocean - overfishing
Rain forest - global warming, reduced biodiversity
What are the stages of scientific methods which scientists use to explore the
processes of the natural world?
1) Make observations
2) Ask a question
3) Gather existing information
4) Formulate a hypothesis
5) Collect and analyze data
6) Consult existing information
7) Discuss data and draw conclusions
8) Peer review
9) Publish
How may the entire environment of planet Earth be divided?
Into 4 spheres
• the biosphere (living organisms of Earth)
• the atmosphere (the gaseous envelope surrounding the planet)
• the hydrosphere (the liquid water on the surface of Earth) and
• the lithosphere (the stony or rocky matter composing the bulk of the
surface of Earth)
What is the energy system of Earth?
Earth system is open to energy. Most energy flows from the sun and is often radiated back into space.
For all practical purposes Earth is a closed system for matter.
If we discount the relatively small amount of matter added from meteorites and other space debris, Earth contains all matter that it will ever have.
Hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere can be further subdivided. For example the lithosphere can be divided into continental or oceanic crust, the pedosphere (outermost layer of Earth’s crust consisting of soil), asthenosphere (upper Earth mantle, below the lithosphere), and so on. These spheres are all interconnected and constantly exchanging materials.
What does integration refer to regarding environmental science?
What does complexity refer to regarding environmental science?
Integration refers to the strength of the interactions among the parts of the system. For instance, the human body is a highly integrated system, whose
cells are interdependent and in close communication.
Complexity is often defined as how many kinds of parts a system has.
What is the post industrial stage?
The next (future) stage of society has been called the post-industrial stage.
What form post-industrial society will take is open to speculation and debate, but two possible alternatives have been proposed.
One is a sustainable future where the human population stabilizes and technology becomes less environmentally harmful.
The second alternative is overshoot, where the human population climbs so high and technology is so harmful that the environment is degraded to the point that relatively few people can be supported, at least with decent standard of living.
What factors greatly hinder societal responses to environmental problems?
The moderate integration and high complexity of environmental systems.
Integration results from connectedness so that resource depletion or pollution of one part
of the environment can have cascading, or domino, effects into other parts.
For example, burning sulfur-rich coal affects the atmosphere as air pollution, but it also affects the hydrosphere, when it falls as acid rain to acidify lakes.
The biosphere is also affected because aquatic organisms in the lake can die due to the increased acidity of the lake water.
The burning coal can even affect the lithosphere when the acid rain dissolves limestone and other alkaline rocks to form caves and sinkholes.
Why may impacts on the environment be delayed and unpredictable?
Due to its integration and complexity
What is an ecosystem?
A community of organisms that interact with one another and with their physical environment, including sunlight, rainfall, and soil nutrients.
Organisms within an ecosystem tend to interact with one another to a greater extent than organisms between different ecosystems.
Within each ecosystem there are habitats, which are defined as the place where a population of organisms lives. (Population is defined as a group of organisms of the same species living at the same place at the same time.)
What occurs during positive feedback?
Positive feedback occurs when part of a system responds to change in a way that magnifies the initial change.
For example, evidence indicates that a slight increase in average global temperature can increase in the melting of glaciers and snow that reflect sunlight back into space. Instead of reflecting light, more of the Earth’s surface becomes available to absorb heat.
In nontechnical terms, positive feedback is
often referred to as a “snowball effect” or “vicious cycle”.
What is human impact (on the environment) a function of?
Population, affluence, and technology
What are primary producers?
Sunlight-consuming organisms.
Primary producers are autotrophic.
Since photosynthetic organisms obtain their carbon from inorganic sources, they are called photo-autotrophic.
What does trophic mean?
Trophic is the term used to describe the
level of nourishment.
How do aerobic, anaerobic, and anoxic organisms differ?
Organisms that are aerobic survive in oxygen-rich environments and use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor.
Obligate aerobes can survive only in the presence of oxygen.
Anoxic environments contain low concentrations (partial pressure) of oxygen. Here nitrate is usually the terminal electron acceptor.
Anaerobic respiration can occur only in the absence of oxygen or nitrate. Here sulfate, carbon dioxide, and organic compounds that can be reduced serve as terminal electron acceptors.
What does NPP stand for?
What is NPP?
Net primary production.
NPP shows the rate of biomass production in a given ecosystem.
Some ecosystems such as tropical forest of a high NPP, whereas others such as deserts and tundra have a lower NPP.
What are some key features of the carbon cycle?
The ocean is the largest reservoir of carbon (85%).
Photosynthesis is a major driving force in the carbon cycle. The ocean is a major sink of carbon.
In shallow waters there is net consumption of carbon due to synthetic activity. In deeper waters there is net production of CO2 due to respiration and decay processes. Ocean circulation occurs over a long-time scale, the ocean takes up CO2 at a slower rate than produced by anthropogenic sources and its CO2 absorption capacity decreases due to increasing saturation.
What are some key features of the nitrogen cycle?
Nitrogen enters lakes usually in the form of nitrate (NO3-) from rivers or groundwater.
When taken up by algae, plants or phytoplankton,
the nitrogen is chemically reduced to NH2-R and incorporated into organic compounds. When dead biomass undergoes decomposition, the organic nitrogen is ultimately released as ammonia (NH3), at normal pH values in the form of ammonium (NH4+).
Ammonia from natural sources and other
sources such as industrial waste and agricultural runoff (e.g. fertilizers and manure) is oxidized to nitrate (NO3-) by nitrifying bacteria (Nitrosomonas / Nitrobacter)
What are biomes?
A large, naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g. forest or tundra.
What is the equation for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O + 2800 kJ energy from sun
→ C6H12O6 + 6O2 [in presence of chlorophyll]
What are the 2 main bacteria responsible for nitrification?
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter
What are the reactions for nitrification?
Ammonia -> Nitrite and Nitrite -> Nitrate
Step 1:
4NH4+ + 6O2 ↔ 4NO2- + 4H2O + 8H+
Step 2:
4NO2- + 2O2 ↔ 4NO3-
Overall reaction:
NH4+ + 2O2 ↔ NO3- + 2H+ + H2O
What is denitrification?
What is the reaction for this?
Denitrification is the microbial process of reducing nitrate and nitrite to gaseous forms of nitrogen.
Under anoxic conditions, for example in anaerobic sediments, nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas (N2) in a process called denitrification. Denitrification can also result in the formation of N2O (nitrous oxide).
2NO3- + organic carbon ↔ N2 + CO2 + H2O
What does symbiotic refer to?
The interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association.
What is required for certain microorganisms and plants to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere?
What is the chemical reaction for this?
ATP is required.
N2 + 8e- + 8H+ + ATP ↔ 2NH3 + H2 + ADP + Pi
Where Pi is inorganic phosphate.
What are some key features of the phosphorus cycle?
Phosphorous (P) in unpolluted waters is imported through dust in precipitation or via the weathering of rock.
P is normally present in watersheds at extremely low concentrations, usually existing dissolved as
inorganic orthophosphate, suspended as organic colloids, adsorbed onto particulate organic and inorganic sediment. The only significant form of phosphorous available to plants and algae is the soluble reactive inorganic orthophosphate species (HPO4 2-, PO4 3-).
During algal decomposition, phosphorous is returned to the inorganic form.
In stratified, oligotrophic lakes, P is permanently removed into the sediments of the lake.
What is an oligotroph?
What does oligotrophic mean?
An oligotroph is an organism that can live in an environment that offers very low levels of nutrients.
Oligotrophic: having a deficiency of plant nutrients that is usually accompanied by an abundance of dissolved oxygen.
How does stratification and turnover occur in deep lakes over the year / across the seasons?
During the summer, the surface water of a lake is heated both indirectly by contact with warm air and directly by sunlight.
Warm water, less dense than cool water, remains near the surface until mixed downward by turbulence
from wind, waves, boats, and other forces.
Because this turbulence extends only a limited distance below the water’s surface, the result is an upper layer of well-mixed, warm water (the epilimnion) floating on the lower water (the hypolimnion), which is poorly mixed and cool.
Because of good mixing the epilimnion will be aerobic. The hypolimnion will have lower dissolved oxygen concentration and may become anaerobic or anoxic.
The intermediary layer between epilimnion and hypolimnion is called the metalimnion. Within this region the temperature and density change sharply with depth.
The thermocline may be defined as the region having a change in temperature with depth that is greater than 1°C m-1
Once formed, lake stratification is very stable.
As temperatures drop, the epilimnion
cools until it is denser than the hypolimnion. The surface water sinks, causing overturning and the lake becomes mixed. This process stops if the water temperature reaches 4°C, as water at this temperature is densest.
Further cooling or freezing leads to winter stratification. In spring as water warm complete turnover occurs again.
How does oxygen concentration vary in the different layers of a stratified lake?
Because of good mixing the epilimnion will be aerobic. The hypolimnion will have lower dissolved oxygen concentration and may become anaerobic or anoxic.
What are the regions of a stratified lake?
Epilimnion - the uppermost layer of warm, well-mixed water. This region will be aerobic.
Metalimnion - the intermediary layer between epilimnion and hypolimnion.
Hypolimnion - the lowest level, which is cool and poorly mixed.
Thermocline - within the metalimnion . This layer may be defined as the region having a change in temperature with depth greater than 1°C m-1.
What are the important, distinct zones found in temperate (mild) lakes?
The most important zones are the euphotic, limnetic, littoral, and benthic zones.
Lakes contain several distinct zones of biological activity, largely determined by the availability of light and oxygen.
What is the Limnetic zone (regarding biological zones of temperate lakes)?
The Limnetic zone is the open water where photosynthesis can occur, dominated by floating organisms and actively swimming organisms.
Producers in this zone are planktonic algae. Primary consumers are zooplankton. The secondary consumers are swimming insects and fish.
What is the Euphotic zone (regarding biological zones of temperate lakes)?
The zone through which light can penetrate; its depth is determined by sunlight penetration (light levels greater than 0.5 - 1% compared to surface).
At poorer light conditions algae cannot grow.
What is the Littoral zone (regarding biological zones of temperate lakes)?
The shallow water near the shore in which rooted (emergent) plants can grow.
It’s extent depends on the slope of the lake bottom. It cannot extent deeper than euphotic zone.
What is the Benthic zone (regarding biological zones of temperate lakes)?
The bottom sediments, died organisms settle here, bacteria and fungi are always present.
Presence of higher life forms such as worms, aquatic insects, molluscs and crustaceans depends on the availability of oxygen.
What is lake productivity?
Productivity of a lake is a measure of its ability to support aquatic life.
It is often determined by measuring the amount of algal growth that can be supported by the available nutrients. The productivity forms a basis for classifying lakes.
What is a Secchi disc (& Secchi depth)?
A Secchi disc is an opaque disc, typically white, used to gauge the transparency of water by measuring the depth - known as the Secchi depth - at which the disc ceases to be visible from the surface.
What is Leibig’s law of the minimum?
The law stating that growth is dictated by the scarcest resource (limiting factor), and not by the total resources available.
What are the different classifications of lake?
Oligotrohpic - host very little or no aquatic vegetation and are relatively clear. Few nutrients.
Mesotrophic - have moderate alkalinity and nutrient levels, which result in a high diversity of aquatic plant and macroinvertebrate species.
Eutrophic - where of a water body has lost so much of its dissolved oxygen that normal aquatic life begins to die off.
Hypereutrophic - very nutrient-rich lakes characterized by frequent and severe nuisance algal blooms and low transparency.
From top to bottom (O to H):
Chlorophyll conc’: increases (i.e. more algal blooms)
Secchi depth: decreases (i.e. visibility/clarity decreases)
P conc’: increases
What is the basic phosphorus balance on a lake?
VdP/dt = P(in)Q(in) - kP(out)*V - P(out)Q(out)
- k is the phosphorous removal rate
- Q is flow rate
- P is phosphorus conc’
At s.s. dP/dt = 0
If the removal rate (sometimes called the settling velocity where it does not include biological uptake) is given in units of distance per time (e.g., m s-1), the velocity should be multiplied by the surface area of the lake, rather than the volume.
What are population dynamics?
Why are they important?
Population dynamics is the study of the changes in the numbers and composition of individuals in a population within a study area and the factors that affect these numbers.
For environmental engineers evaluating population dynamics is critical to
1) understand how environmental perturbations affect populations
2) predict human populations for example to determine water resource needs
3) predict bacterial populations in engineered systems
4) use as indicators for environmental quality
Resource development specialist and wildlife biologists use population dynamics to
1) estimate how many animals can be harvested
2) predict when a species is threatened or endangered with extinction
3) understand species interaction (competition or predation)
How may the population of bacteria after the nth generation be calculated?
P = P(0)*2^n
P is population
P(0) is initial population
n is the number of generations
How is the change in numbers of animals within a population per unit time calculated?
N = N(0)e^(rt)
Where r is the specific rate of change
Define environmental science. What relevance does it have to people?
Environmental science, interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics to study environmental problems and human impacts on the environment.
Environmental science is a quantitative discipline with both applied and theoretical aspects and has been influential in informing the policies of governments around the world. Environmental science is considered separate from environmental studies, which emphasizes the human relationship with the environment and the social and political dimensions thereof.
Give some basic examples of causes of environmental problems:
Global warming, local air pollution in an urban area, desertification, microplastics pollution of the ocean, decrease of insects across Europe, eutrophication of lake, collapse of fisheries, disappearance of wetlands across the world, drying out of lakes and rivers.
Global warming, local air pollution, microplastics pollution, decrease of insects, eutrophication of lake are all examples that overwhelm the natural cleaning capabilities of the environment by pollution.
Desertification, collapse of fisheries, disappearance of wetlands, lake and rivers are due to the overuse of resources that cannot be renewed as fast as they are used up.
What is the first law of ecology?
Everything Is Connected to Everything Else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all.
What is the second law of ecology?
Everything Must go Somewhere. There is no “waste” in nature and there is no “away” to which things can be thrown. Any waste produced in one ecological process is recycled in another. A core principle for the Circular Economy.
What is the third law of ecology?
Nature Knows Best.
Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but any human change in a natural system is, says Commoner, “likely to be detrimental to that system” And in the context of chemicals of concern we are looking to eradicate from buildings (through eg the ILFI Red List) “The absence of a particular substance in nature, is often a sign that it is incompatible with the chemistry of life”
What is the fourth law of ecology?
There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch. Exploitation of nature, will always carry an ecological cost and will inevitably involve the conversion of resources from useful to useless.
What are the 4 laws of ecology?
- Everything is connected to everything else
- Everything must go somewhere
- Nature knows best
- Nothing comes for free (i.e. exploiting nature will always have a cost)
Pick two of the 18th/19th century explorers mentioned in the lecture and research how their activities contributed to our modern understanding of the environment:
Georg Foster: botany, ethnology, modern travel literature (not direct contribution to environmental science and understanding of environment).
Charles Darwin: principles of natural selection (principles of evolution).
Joseph Hooker: mostly botany and defender of Darwin’s theory.
What are the five basic developmental stages in the relationship between people and the environment? Briefly describe each:
The five stages are Gathering and Hunting, Agriculture, Industry, Transition and Post-industrial.
Gathering and Hunting: Early humans were at mercy of their environments, weather, predators, disease etc. Population was relatively low and human-induced effects on the environment were localised.
Agriculture: Shift from hunting and gathering to cultivating food. This allowed increased populations and more people living in cities. However, land became an exploited resource and wilderness vanished.
Industry and environmentalism: Population grew faster with industrialisation, environment seen as both source of raw materials and place to dispose waste and by-products of industry. The result was a rapid decrease in air and water pollution, as well as problems with solid and hazardous waste disposal. At the end of this stage, pollution became so widespread that antipollution social movements emerged: The classic “environmentalism” movement.
Transition and sustainability: This is the transition stage since humanity must now decide how to act to determine the long-term fate of the environment.
Post-industrial: The next (future) stage of society has been called the postindustrial stage.
What form postindustrial society will take is open to speculation and debate,
but two possible alternatives have been proposed. One is a sustainable future
and the second is overshoot, where the population becomes too great and technology is harmful.
Explain the concept of ‘Commons’:
How does it apply to environmental issues?
Biologist Garrett Hardin argued that property that many people hold in common will be destroyed or at least overused until it deteriorates.
As a simple example one can imagine a pasture where herdsmen of a village can keep their cattle. Each cow that an individual herdsperson adds will benefit the owner, but the community will bear the cost of overgrazing. Because the benefit of adding another cow goes to the individual and the cost of overgrazing goes to the community, the “rational” choice of everyone is to add cows. Thus, the commons rewards behaviour that lead to deterioration, such as overgrazing, and punishes individuals who show restraint.
What is the precautionary principle?
The precautionary principle states that in the face of uncertainty the best course of action is to assume that a potential problem is real and should be addressed.
Better safe than sorry!
However, the precautionary principle acknowledges that urgent environmental problems exist and that these problems need to be addressed within the next few years, or at least decades, or they may lead to large-scale environmental degradation and overshoot.
Define the terms ecosystem and ecology. What are the differences in these terms?
Ecosystem - a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life.
Ecology - the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them.
Ecology studies the different ecosystems
Describe the difference between a food web and an ecological pyramid:
A food web is multiple food chains and an energy pyramid shows how energy moves through trophic levels.
What is ‘carrying capacity’, K?
The numbers of individuals an area
can support.
What are the 5 major processes occurring within the nitrogen cycle?
Fixation, uptake, mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification – all driven by microorganisms.
What are the 5 major steps of the phosphorus cycle?
Weathering Fertilizer Excretion and decomposition Dissolved phosphates Geologic uplift
How does the P cycle differ to other nutrient cycles?
The phosphorous cycle differs from other nutrient cycles, because it never passes through a gaseous phase like the nitrogen or carbon cycles.
What is natural and cultural eutrophication?
Eutrophication - excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water which causes a dense growth of plant life.
Natural eutrophication has been occurring for millennia. It is the process of addition, flow and accumulation of nutrients to water bodies resulting in changes to the primary production and species composition of the community.
Cultural eutrophication occurs when human water pollution speeds up the aging process by introducing sewage, detergents, fertilizers, and other nutrient sources into the ecosystem.
What are the phases of bacterial growth?
Lag Acceleration (log) Growth Stationary Death
What factors determine the number of a particular species in the wild?
- Density - dependent factors as the availability of food, locations to live and build nest for their young, concentration of toxic waste products, disease, predators, parasite, and so on.
- Environmental factors such as weather, temperature,
flooding will affect population dynamics.
What 5 components explain changes in population?
Birth Death Gender ratio Age structure Dispersal
What is the simplest model for animal population dynamics, assuming exponential growth and that there are limited resources?
dN/dt = rN
Where r is specific rate of change and N is number
The value of r can be found by plotting ln(N/N0) vs t.
What is the model for animal population dynamics, assuming that there is a limited amount of food and space?
N(t+1)/N(t) = λ = e^r
What is the model for animal population dynamics, assuming resource limitation?
A logistic growth model, which adds a density dependent term to describe the limitations that exist, is more useful than the simple model.
This model includes a term called the carrying capacity, K, which is simply the numbers of individuals an area can support. As the numbers approach K, the mechanisms (increased mortality, decreased reproduction, increased dispersal) that result in a decrease in the rate of population growth take over.
dN/dt = rN[(K-N)/K]
N(t) = KN0/(N0 + (K-N0)e^(-r*t))
What models explain the relationship between the number of predators, K, and prey, P?
dP/dt = aP - bPK
dK/dt = cPK - dK
Where: a = growth rate of the prey b = mortality parameter of the prey c = growth rate of the predator d = mortality parameter of the predator
These equations are often referred to as the Lotka-Volterra model and result in a cycling nature.
What are some examples of human activities which can have an impact on ecosystems and the
abundance of species?
- Large scale agriculture results in release of pesticides, fertilizers, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
- Hydroelectric power plants can have detrimental effects on river ecosystems.
- Release of chemicals such as (DDT), heavy metals, acid rain can have wide ranging effects.
- Introduction of non-native (exotic, invasive) species can destroy ecosystems and kill native species.
- Excessive hunting.
- Habitat disruption.
What are some causes of population growth and decline?
Cause of growth:
Increase available resources - Nutrient pollution in lakes
Competitive release - Poisoning of insect pests (competitors are killed)
Predator release - Overhunting of large carnivores
Introduce to new areas - Game release
Cause of decline: Habitat disruption (physical) - Draining a swamp, toxic pollution
Introduce new species (biological) - New predator / competitor
Overkill - Big-game hunting
Secondary extinctions - Loss of food species
Soils have six key parts in providing ecosystems services. State these 6 ways:
• Soils support plant growth, by providing habitat for plant roots and nutrient elements for the entire plant. Soil properties often determine the nature of the vegetation present and indirectly, the number and
types of animals (including people) that the vegetation can support.
- Soils regulate water supplies. Water loss, utilization, contamination, and purification are all affected by the soil.
- Soil functions as nature’s recycling system. Within the soil, waste products and dead bodies of plants, animals and people are assimilated, and their basic elements are made available for reuse by the next generation of life.
- Soils are alive and inhabit small mammals and reptiles, insects, microorganisms in large number and diversity.
- Soils influence the composition of the atmosphere by taking up and releasing, CO2, O2 and other gases and by contributing dust and re-radiated heat to the air.
- Soils are an important engineering medium by providing building material (earth fill and bricks) and providing the foundation for roads and houses.
What is soil?
A combination of weathered, disintegrated, decomposed rocks and minerals (technically known as regolith) plus the decayed remains of plants and animals (organic matter and humus); small living animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and other microscopic organisms; water; and air.
For all purposes, soil is alive. Typical soil is about 50% mineral and organic matter by volume and about 50% of water and air.
What are some threats towards soil?
Soil availability - In most parts of the world nearly all soils best suited for growing crops are already being farmed.
Soil degradation - Erosion (water, wind), overgrazing, top-soil loss, desertification, chemical contamination, soil quality decline, mismanagement of forests, farms, and rangeland.
Competition with natural ecosystems.
Chemical contamination and soil quality decline.
In the scale of human lifetimes they cannot be considered a renewable resource. Soils need thousands of years to develop.
What is a horizon, regarding soil?
Examination of a vertical section of a soil, as seen in a roadside cut or in the walls of a pit dug in the field, reveals the presence of more or less distinct
horizontal layers.
Such a section is called a profile, and the individual layers are known as horizons.
What are the 5 horizons of soil?
O - Litter A - Litter and topsoil B - Subsoil C - Transition zone D - Parent material
How are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock formed?
Igneous rock, formed by the cooling of magma (molten rock) inside the Earth or on the surface.
Sedimentary rocks, formed from the products of weathering by cementation or precipitation on the Earth’s surface.
Metamorphic rocks, formed by temperature and pressure changes inside the
What are features of the soil horizons?
The all organic O-horizon does not occur in all soils but for example in forest soils. The uppermost layers of horizon of a soil profile are darker in colour than the lower horizons. This difference is due to the accumulation of organic matter that results from the decay of plant roots and of other organic
residues incorporated into the upper soil layers.
Also weathering tends to be more intense in the upper horizon than in the lower layers.
Some products of weathering have been leached out of these upper layers, which are collectively termed the A horizons.
The underlying layers contain comparatively less organic matter than those nearer the surface. They are characterized by an accumulation of varying amounts of substances such as silicate clays, iron and aluminium oxides, gypsum, and calcium carbonates. These materials may have been washed down from upper layers or they may have been formed in place through the weathering process. These underlying layers are referred to as B horizons.
The C horizon is a transition zone between which is often composed of unconsolidated parent material, i.e. weathered, partially decomposed rock.
Collectively, these horizons make up the solum of the upper part of the profile above the parent material (D horizon). The solum extends to a depth of 1 – 2 meters in temperate region soils, highly weathered soils of the tropics may be much deeper.
What does solum mean?
The altered soil or material overlying the parent material, often including the A-horizon and the B-horizon.
What factors affect soil formation?
- Climate (particularly temperature and precipitation)
- Living organisms (especially native vegetation, microbes, soil animals, and human beings).
- Nature of parent material
- Topography (physical arrangement) of the site.
- Time that parent material was subjected to soil formation.
What are the main processes involved in soil genesis?
- Weathering and organic matter breakdown, by which soil constituents are modified or destroyed and others are synthesized
- Translocation of inorganic and organic materials up and down the soil profile, the materials being moved mostly by water but also by soil organisms
- Accumulation of soil materials in horizontal layers in the soil profile.
What do mineral soils contain?
A mineral soil is a physical mixture of inorganic particles, decaying organic matter, air and water. The larger mineral fragments are usually embedded in
and coated with clay and other colloidal materials.
What is the particle density, bulk density, and pore space of mineral soils?
Particle density - the mass of a unit volume of soil solids and is called particle density (Dp).
Bulk density - Db is the weight of the solid particles in a standard volume of field soil (solids plus pore space occupied by air and water).
Pore space - the pore space (in %) is that portion of the soil volume occupied by air and water.
What pH of soil can be found?
Soils can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. Soil acidity is common in all regions where precipitation is high enough to leach appreciable quantities of exchangeable base-forming cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+) from the surface layers of soil.
Alkalinity occurs in the presence of base-forming cations such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium carbonates, some soils can reach a pH of 9 or even
10. Alkaline soils are characteristic of arid and semiarid regions.
The soil pH significantly affects the availability of most of the chemical elements of importance to plants and microbes.
What is arable land?
Arable land is land that is or that can be cultivated. Agriculturally productive land consists of arable land and that which is not arable but is suitable for grazing.
What organisms assist with nitrogen fixation (into soils)?
- Symbiotic systems, nodule forming (obligatory)
a) with legumes
b) with non-legumes - Symbiotic systems, non-nodule forming (associative)
- Non-symbiotic systems
What are the 2 main issues with practical management and control of nitrogen in soils?
- The maintenance of and adequate nitrogen supply in the soil.
- The regulation of the soluble forms of nitrogen to ensure a ready availability to meet crop demands, while avoiding leaching and atmospheric loss.
What are the two ways in which water (vapour) is lost from soils?
Vapour losses of water from soils occur by evaporation (E) at the soil surface and by transpiration (T) from the leaf surfaces.
The combined loss resulting from these two processes, termed evapotranspiration (ET).
What is evapotranspiration and what does it depend on?
Vapour losses of water from soils occur by evaporation (E) at the soil surface and by transpiration (T) from the leaf surfaces. The combined loss resulting from these two processes, termed evapotranspiration (ET).
Evapotranspiration is dependent on radiant energy by the sun, atmospheric vapour pressure, temperature, wind and soil moisture content of the soil.
What is the water efficiency (T efficiency) of a crop?
The kg water transpired to produce 1kg of dry matter.
What practises affect the efficient use of water, regarding water management for soils?
- Those that increase the amount of water entering the soil and remaining there until taken up by plants.
- Those that increase crop production per unit of water taken up by plants.
What is tillage?
The preparation of land for growing crops.
What measures have been made to control wind erosion on croplands?
Conservation tillage, planting windbreaks, and tilling at right angles to the prevailing winds, so that furrows act as small windbreaks to capture blowing soil.
What are the major factors affecting accelerated soil erosion, mentioned in the universal soil loss equation?
A = (R)(K)(LS)(C)(P)
Where: A = predicted soil loss (in Mg ha-1) R = rainfall erosion index K = soil erodibility factor LS = topographic factor, a function of L = length in m; S = slope (%) C = crop management factor P = conservation practice factor
What are the 6 general kinds of pollutants that commonly reach soil?
Inorganic pollutants (e.g. mercury and lead)
Organic waste (e.g. from food-processing plants)
Acid rain
How do pesticides move within soils?
In 6 major directions:
- Vaporize into atmosphere without chemical change.
- Adsorbed by humus and clay.
- Move downward in liquid or solution and be lost from soil by leaching.
- Undergo chemical reaction within or on surface of soil.
- Broken down by microorganisms.
- Adsorbed by plants, and potentially detoxified
If soils are contaminated with pesticides addition of easily degradable organic matter can help to bring levels down. Growth of high-nitrogen cover crops or addition of large quantities of animal manures should be also helpful.
What are methods of water management that increase the amount of water entering the soil and remaining there until taken up by plants?
Selective tillage Keep residues on the surface No excessive tillage that destroys surface roughness Terraces to avoid water runoff Small furrows
What are methods of water management that increase crop production per unit of water taken up by plants.
Control of evapotranspiration, T is a plant process subject to minor control in given climate, E is not essential to plant growth and can be controlled through measures.
Selection of crop species and time of year is important, when possible grow in cool season to decrease both T and ET.
Keeping dense crop cover.
Fallow cropping to increase next year’s soil moisture levels. Mulching with sawdust, manure, straw and other litter.
Paper and plastic mulches (expensive, for high-value crops only). Crop residue and conservation tillage/ no tillage / till planting.
Why are the physical properties of soil important?
It’s necessary for determining how soils can and should be used, e.g. building properties, planting schemes for crop plants, erosion tendency.
A mineral soil is a physical mixture of inorganic particles, decaying organic matter, air and water. The larger mineral fragments are usually embedded in
and coated with clay and other colloidal materials. Where the larger particles predominate, the soil is gravelly or sandy, where the mineral colloids are
dominant the soil is clay like. All gradations between these extremes are found in nature.
Organic matter acts as binding agent between individual particles, thereby encouraging the formation of clumps of soil or aggregates.
How does the calculation of bulk density and solid particle density differ?
Bulk = weight of oven dry soil / volume of soil (solid + pore space)
Density = weight of solids / volume of solids (only - no empty space considered)
What are the chief soil factors influencing plant growth?
Nutrient supply
Soil acidity
Soil salinity (with reference to arid and semi-arid land)
Depth available for rooting
What are examples of nitrogen management solutions?
Nitrification inhibitors
Biological nitrogen fixation (onto fields/soils, increasing soil N2 conc’)
What important reactions take place within our atmosphere?
One of the major difference between aqueous and atmospheric reactions is the importance of gas-phase and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere.
One of the most important gas-phase photochemical reactions that occurs in the troposphere is the formation of ozone from the reaction of ultraviolet
radiation hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
Another critical set of reactions is the absorption of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases. Fluorinated gases are sometimes used as alternatives for chemicals that deplete stratospheric ozone. Because of the ability of these gases to absorb infrared radiation and therefore warm the troposphere they are
referred to as greenhouse gases. Because of the different extents to which these chemicals absorb infrared radiation, they are often reported in units of
What is Dalton’s law of partial pressures?
The total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures that each type of gas would exerts if it along occupied the container.
How are pollutant concentrations in air measured / what are the units?
When dealing with concentrations of gases in air, the approximation of 1 ppm = 1 mg L-1 is no longer valid as with dilute aqueous solutions. This is because the density of air is not 1 g mL-1 and varies significantly with temperature. With air, concentration are often
reported in units of micrograms per cubic meter or parts per million.
With air, the units of parts per million are reported on a volume-volume bases (in water mass-volume basis). The advantage is that changes in temperature and
pressure do not change the ratio of the volume of pollutant to volume of air.
For particles in air, micrometre is used as unit.
What is leaching?
The loss of substances from the soil as a result of precipitation.
What are the key steps of the Nitrogen cycle?
1 and 2) N enters soil via natural processes (e.g. precipitation) and human activities (e.g. via fertilizers). Plants and animals cannot directly use atmospheric nitrogen (N2 gas) because it does not easily react with other biological molecules. Because of this, plants and animals need to get their nitrogen from more reactive nitrogen compounds.
3) N-fixing bacteria covert (or fix) atmospheric nitrogen into more chemically-reactive nitrogen compounds such as ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4+). Other bacteria, called nitrifying bacteria (4) can convert the ammonium in the soil into nitrite (NO2-) and then into nitrate (NO3-). (Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter)
5) Plants uptake nitrates to produce proteins
6) Animals consume plants and uptake the proteins from the plants
7-9) Decomposers in the soil break down matter such as excrement and dead animals, re-introducing ammonia into the soil.
10) Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back to unreactive nitrogen which can be re-introduced back into the atmosphere – and the cycle begins again.
N enters lakes in the form NO3- from rivers or groundwater.
What are the key steps of the Phosphorus cycle?
1-2) Inorganic phosphate ions enter soil and water from weathering and erosion.
3) Plants take up inorganic phosphate from soil however, since inorganic phosphorus is not very soluble in water, only a small amount of the total phosphorus is available to plants.
4) Plants, containing phosphate ions, are eaten by animals which then utilise such ions to build organic molecules e.g. DNA and proteins.
5-6) Following the death of an animal or animal excrement, organic phosphate returns to the soil.
Mineralization occurs, where bacteria break down organic matter into inorganic phosphorus. The reverse is called immobilization.
Fertilizers and plant decomposition allow increase total phosphorous levels in soil.
7) As well as via plant uptake, phosphorus is also removed from soil via leaching. The leaching of excess phosphorus into waterbodies can cause excessive growth of plants, leading to eutrophication (8).
How does the phosphorus cycle differ from the C and N cycles?
Unlike the compounds of other matter cycles phosphorus cannot be found in air in the gaseous state.
This is because phosphorus is usually liquid at normal temperatures and pressures. It is mainly cycling through water, soil and sediments. In the atmosphere phosphorus can mainly be found as very small dust particles.
What are the 5 mechanisms attributed to air pollution.
Abrasion e.g. sand storms
Chemical attack e.g. acid rain
Electrochemical corrosion on metals
How far do particles penetrate into the respiratory system?
The degree of penetration of particles is a function of the size of particles and breezing rate. Particles greater than 5-10 μm are screened out by the hairs of
the nose.
Particles in the 1-2 μm size range penetrate to the alveoli. These particles are small enough to bypass screening and deposition in the upper respiratory tract. Particles that are less than 0.5 μm may diffuse in the alveolus cell wall.
What are the risks of CO?
It is highly lethal within a few minutes at concentrations above 5000ppm.
CO binds to haemoglobin irreversibly (greater affinity than O2)
What are the main air pollutants?
CO2 CO NO2 O3 PM 2.5 PM 10 SO2 SO3 Lead
What are the human sources and sinks of CO?
Motor vehicles, fossil fuel burning, industrial processes, solid waste disposal and burning of vegetation.
Possible sinks are photochemical degradation to CO2 and removal by soil microorganisms.
How does nitric oxide form?
In the upper troposphere and stratosphere, atomic oxygen reacts with the nitrous oxide to form nitric oxide (NO).
N2O + O ⇌ 2NO
The nitric oxide further reacts with ozone to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
NO + O3 ⇌ NO2
What are sources of sulphur oxides?
Sulphur oxides may be both primary and secondary pollutants. Power plants, industry, volcanoes, and the oceans emit SO2, SO3, and SO4 2-
In addition, biological decay processes and some industrial sources emit H2S, which is oxidized to form the secondary pollutant SO2.
What are ecosystem services?
The direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being. They support directly or indirectly our survival and quality of life and can be categorized into several categories:
Provisioning services (food, water, fuels)
Regulating services (climate, disease, and water regulation, pollination)
Cultural services (Educational, recreational, spiritual)
Supporting services (soil formation, nutrient cycling, primary production)
Describe soil horizons and explain their importance in determining the properties of soil:
Soil horizons are parallel to the surface of the soil and together form a soil profile. Each horizon is distinctive by colour and structure.
A typical horizontal profile of soils has five horizons:
O-horizon for an organic layer
A-horizon at the surface, enriched in organic matter, and weathered minerals
B-horizon, subsoil and different colour due to less organic matter
C-horizon, less weathered, coarser, partly the original bedrock.
R-horizon: the original bedrock.
The horizons can serve to diagnose the type of soil. Horizons also determine the properties of the soil by their structure, chemical composition and organics content
What are the 4 major soil components?
Inorganic materials
Organic materials
Explain briefly the role of each of the four major soil components.
The four major components of soil are inorganic minerals, organic matter, air and water.
The inorganic minerals make up roughly 40-45%, the organic matter 5-10%, air and water 25% each.
Inorganic minerals are initially the same composition than parent rock but may change over time due to transformation and transport processes. The mineral particles determine the soil structure and their chemical properties.
Organic matter increases the water storage capacity of soil, increases buffer capacity, binds soil particles together, improves soil structure, provides food for soil organisms.
Water is contained in spaces between soil particles but can be also more tightly bound in capillaries and pore, providing plant available water over long periods of time.
Air space is vital to organisms as well as plant roots to deliver oxygen and allow gas-exchange with the atmosphere.
How do weathering forces differ in humid and arid regions?
There are significant changes in temperature between day and night, promoting disintegration of rock.
Wind-effects cause abrasion.
Chemical weathering is slow due to lack of precipitation.
Dissolvable salts may not leach deep into the soil, but may enrich upper soils due to runoff followed by the evaporation of water.
Soils are less deep, coarser in structure, and also contain low amounts of organic carbon due to limited plant growth.
Mechanical weathering is dominant.
Wet climates accelerate the rates of chemical weathering, caused when C02 in dirt mixes with air and water to form a weak acid. The weak acid breaks down rocks more rapidly in wet climates.
Easily dissolvable minerals are leached out.
How is porosity calculated?
= 1 - Bulk Density / Particle Density
Give examples of soil as a resource:
Soil for agriculture Grazing Crop production Carbon storage Water management
Explain why modern meat production practices can result in nitrate build up in groundwater:
Modern meat production produces large amounts of manure that contain organic nitrogen. Common practice is to use the manure as fertilizer. Brought out on soils this fertilizer turns ammonia and nitrate by ammonification, nitrification. Nitrate is leached out of soils into groundwater.
Give examples of soil remediation techniques:
Soil remediation is a way of purifying and revitalizing the soil. It is the process of removing contaminants in order to protect both the health of the population and the environment.
In short, the goal of the process is to restore the soil to its natural, pollution-free state.
Traditionally, there are three main soil remediation technologies:
- soil washing
- bioremediation
- thermal desorption.
Explain the difference between parts per million in air pollution and parts per million in water pollution:
Parts per million in air pollution are reported on basis of volume, but parts per million in water pollution are reported on basis of mass.
1 ppm = 1 mg/L
To convert from ppm by mass to ppm by volume, divide by the density of the particles.
What is temperature inversion?
Where temperature increases with height.
This often happens in areas of high pressure, where the air high up often sinks towards the ground. As it falls, it dries out and warms up. This warm layer of air can act as a lid and trap cooler air near the surface (this is because warm air is more buoyant than cold air, and so it will tend to ‘float’ above the colder air, trapping it).
What does anthropogenic mean?
Originating from human activity
What is a PBT chemical?
A chemical (anthropogenic) that is persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic.
The challenge is to replace these with environmentally benign compounds.
What are POPs?
Persistent organic pollutants.
They’re a group of diverse chemicals that are categorized by their fate characteristics (which make them of particular environmental concern).
What are the characteristics of POPs?
Persistent organic pollutants
- They persist in the environment, which means that neither abiotic nor biological transformation leads to significant removal of the chemical in any environmental compartment
- They are prone to long-range transport and, thus, to global distribution, even to remote regions where the chemical has not been used or disposed
- They accumulate in the food web
- They are toxic to living organisms, including humans and wildlife.
What is bio accumulation?
What chemical properties favour bioaccumulation from air or water?
The gradual accumulation of substances, such as pesticides or other chemicals, in an organism.
Bioaccumulation occurs when an organism absorbs a substance at a rate faster than that at which the substance is lost or eliminated by catabolism and excretion.
Low volatility
Significant hydrophobicity
What do BTEX and PAH stand for?
BTEX - benzene, toluene, ethylene, xylene (used in gasoline and as solvents).
PAH - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (some are carcinogenic)
Why are tertiary dialkyl ethers of environmental concern?
They are fuel ethers, added in large quantities as oxygenates to gasoline.
E.g. MTBE causes problems due to high water solubility and low biodegradability.
They do, however, improve the combustion process and reduce CO emissions
What are the human sources of CO?
Motor vehicles, fossil fuel burning, industrial processes, solid waste disposal, and burning vegetation.
What are secondary pollutants?
Pollutants which form in the atmosphere. These pollutants are not emitted directly from a source (like vehicles or power plants).
What is albedo?
The ratio of (solar) radiation reflected by an object to that absorbed by it.
The Earth’s albedo is taken to be 0.3.
How are energy intercepted by the Earth and energy absorbed by Earth calculated?
E.int = Spir^2
Where S is the solar constant (W/m2)
E.abs = (1 - a)*E.int
Where a is albedo.
We assume Earth is a blackbody and, at steady state, would emit everything it absorbs
What are the main methods for removing gaseous pollutants and particles from the atmosphere?
Gaseous pollutants: absorption, adsorption, combustion, chemical reactions, and changes in operation
Particles: centrifugal separation / cyclones, filtration, and electrostatically.
What is ESP?
Electrostatic precipitation.
It’s a very effective method for removing particles (from air).
A large direct current potential is established between alternating plates or wires, which results in the creation of an ion field between the wire and plate.
Particles in the gas stream attach to ions and obtain a negative charge.
The particles then migrate to the positively charged plate, where they stick.
The plate are rapped at frequent intervals and the particles fall into a hopper.
How do flame retardants work / how do polyhalogenated compounds inhibit combustion?
Via 2 pathways.
First, halogenated radicals form when the flame retardant heats up. This traps other highly reactive radicals formed when materials catch fire.
This then interrupts the gas phase radical reactions generating heat that promote continued combustion.
(Brominated compounds are more effective at
combustion suppression than chlorinated ones because the carbon-bromine bond is more easily cleaved than the carbon-chlorine bond).
Secondly, upon combustion, polyhalogenated compounds do not burn completely, thus building a char layer that shields the material from oxygen and the flame.
What are PFCs?
Polyfluorinated chemicals
What are the risks of PFCs (Polyfluorinated chemicals)?
Numerous studies now reveal that PFCs are ubiquitous in the environment and in humans, and accumulate in aquatic and terrestrial food chains.
Certain anionic PFCs strongly associate to proteins because of their charged nature and surfactant properties and, therefore, are found in the blood and liver of mammals, including humans rather than in fatty tissue.
Indoor sources, such as home furnishings and carpets, may significantly contribute to the accumulation of PFCs in humans, where some of these compounds exhibit half-lives of several years.
What is a complexing agent?
A complexing agent is also called a ligand.
A complexing agent is a chemical species capable of binding with metal ions or other chemical entities in a system through its single or multiple sites.
These are of environmental concern because of their ability to (re)mobilize heavy metals in WWTPs (waste water treatment plants) and in the aquatic environment.
How do pharmaceuticals enter the environment?
Why are pharmaceutical products of concern when entering the environment?
Pharmaceuticals, including anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, beta-blockers, contraceptives, lipid regulators, antiepileptics, and antidepressants, are consumed daily in large amounts, as are personal care products such as soaps, shampoos, moisturizers, cosmetics, deodorants, fragrances, and sunscreens. Those chemicals enter the environment primarily via municipal, industrial, and hospital wastewaters.
Large sources of pharmaceuticals to the environment are also agricultural runoff from fields fertilized with sewage sludge or animal manure, latter commonly contains a variety of veterinary products including antibiotics and hormones.
Most compounds are of concern because they may act as endocrine disruptors (e.g. disturbing hormone system in animals) or may lead to built up of antimicrobial resistance in the environment (antibiotics).
What are the 3 types of isotopes?
Artificially produced (and radioactive)
What do alpha, beta, and gamma radiation consist of?
Alpha - 2 protons and 2 neutrons
Beta - an electron
Gamma - waves
What is the unit for activity (considering radioactivity)?
One becquerel of radioactive material is that quantity of unstable atoms whose frequency of decay is one disintegration per second, both for mixtures and
single isotopes.
How is radioactive waste categorized?
Into levels.
High-level wastes (HLW) are those with activities measured in curies per litre
Intermediate-level wastes have activities measured in millicuries per litre
Low-level wastes (LLW) have activities measured in microcuries per litre.
List some features of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act:
- The design and operation of the facility should not pose an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of the public. The radiation dose limit is a small fraction of that due to natural background.
- A multiple barrier to be used.
- A thorough site study must be made. Geologic and hydrologic characteristics of the site must be favourable.
- The repository must be located where there are no attractive resources, be far from population centres, and be under federal control.
- High-level wastes are to be retrievable for up to 50 year from the start of operations.
- The waste package must be designed to take into account all of the possible effects from earthquakes to accidental mishandling.
- The package is to have a design life of 300 years.
- Groundwater travel time from the repository to the source of public water is to be at least 1000 years.
- The annual release of radionuclides must be less than 1/1000 of a percent of the amount of the radioactivity that is present 1000 years after the
repository is closed.
Discuss the natural and anthropogenic origin of the six criteria air pollutants and identify the likely mechanisms for their removal from the atmosphere.
CO - incomplete fuel combustion, vehicle emissions, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, lightning.
Sinks and removal: photochemical degradation to CO2, removal by soil microorganisms, carbon capture
NO2 - vehicles, industrial emissions, volcanoes, oceans, biological decay, and lightning strikes.
Sinks and removal: trees, filtration and storage
O3 - vehicles, lawn and garden equipment, paints and solvents, refuelling stations, factories, and other activities that result in the burning of fossil fuels.
Sinks and removal:
SO2¬ - power plants, industry, volcanoes, oceans, biological decay (producing H2S which is oxidized to form SO2 as a secondary pollutant)
Sinks and removal: It is converted to sulphate salts which are removed by sedimentation.
PM - The result of anthropogenic sources may be from combustion processes, mechanical or industrial, vehicular emissions and cigarette smoke. Regarding natural sources it includes volcanoes, forest fires, dust storms, sea salt aerosolized
Sinks and removal: filters
Lead - Lead released from natural sources, such as volcanoes, windblown dust, and erosion, are minor compared with anthropogenic sources. Industrial sources of lead can result from the mining and smelting of lead ores, as well as other ores in which lead is a by-product or contaminant.
Sinks and removal: RO and distillation
Gaseous pollutants can be removed through various methods: absorption, adsorption, combustion, chemical reactions, and changes in operation.
Particles can be removed by centrifugal separation, filtration and electrostatically.
How is absorption used to remove pollutants from the air?
Absorption column: aims to trap the pollutant by moving it from the gaseous to liquid phase (mass transfer process).
Removal of the pollutant takes place in 3 steps -
i. Diffusion of the pollutant gas to the surface of the liquid
ii. Transfer across the gas-liquid interface (dissolution)
iii. Diffusion of the dissolved gas away from the interface and into the liquid
Partial pressure of the gas must increase as the liquid accumulates more pollutant, else it will not stay in the liquid, but the partial pressure is decreasing since the liquid is removing the pollutant.
Thus the gas and liquid flow in opposite directions.
How is adsorption used to remove pollutants from the air?
Adsorption column: In adsorption, the gas is bonded to a solid. The gas (adsorbate) penetrates the pores of the solid (adsorbent) [the bond may be physical or chemical].
The relation between the amount of pollutant adsorbed and the equilibrium pressure at constant pressure is called adsorption isotherm.
The relation can be described by an equation derived by Langmuir.
The pollutant remains in the adsorption bed as long as saturation is not reached.
Typically, 2 adsorption beds are used to allow for continuous processing.
How can catalytic combustion (or incineration) be used to remove pollutants from the atmosphere?
Hydrocarbons, VOC and CO can be combusted to produce CO2 and water.
How are cyclones used to remove pollutants from the atmosphere?
Cyclone separators (dry scrubbers) that use the principle of inertia to remove particulate matter from flue gases. Cyclone separators is one of many air pollution control devices known as pre-cleaners since they generally remove larger pieces of particulate matter.
Particle laden gas is accelerated through a spiral motion, which imparts a centrifugal force to the particles
What is a baghouse?
How is it used for removing pollutants from air?
A baghouse, also known as a baghouse filter, bag filter, or fabric filter is an air pollution control device and dust collector that removes particulates or gas released from commercial processes out of the air.
The industrial waste gas stream enters the baghouse either via an inlet air plenum or directly into the hopper. Upon entry, the larger particulate drops directly into the hopper below, thanks to a decrease in conveying velocity.
Because the gas flows upward into the bag mass, the finer particles attach to the surface of the filter bags, allowing only the clean air to undergo the filter media, into the clean air plenum, then released into the environment.
Once a layer of dust cake is made on the surface of the filter bags, bag cleaning takes place to regenerate the permeability of the filter media. The dust cake being built actually adds to the filtration efficiency of the system, but eventually, this will begin to figure against the system and supply an excessive amount of resistance to the flow.
The build-up of the dust cake on the filter bag increases the differential pressure measured over the baghouse which then prompts the cleaning process.
Explain the difference between prevention and post-combustion techniques for reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions and give an example for each.
Prevention - minimise emissions
Post combustion - manage emissions
Achieved through lower temperatures in the combustion zone, using low nitrogen fuel. Low excess air and flue gas recirculation work on the principle that reduced oxygen concentrations lower the peak flame temperatures.
In contrast in lean combustion, additional air is introduced to cool the flame. Other options include staged combustion or water-steam injection to lower the flame temperature.
Three processes may be used to convert NOx to nitrogen gas:
i. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) - ammonia (NH3) is injected after the combustion process over a catalyst bed, which reacts with the NOx.
ii. Selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) - ammonia or urea is used.
iii. Non-selective catalytic reduction (NCSR) - uses a three-way catalyst. In addition to NOx, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide are converted to CO2 and water.
How do CO, hydrocarbons (HC) and NOx emissions from automobiles vary with increased air-to-fuel ratio?
CO - relatively sharp decrease in emissions with increasing air : fuel
Hydrocarbons - gradual decrease with increasing air : fuel
Nitrogen oxides - increase, peak, and decrease with with increasing air : fuel
How are the time period and frequency of a (sound) wave related?
P = 1/f
How are wavelength, speed of sound (c), and frequency related?
λ = c/f
What is the root mean square (rms) sound pressure, (p.rms)?
The square root of the average of the square of the pressure of the sound signal over a given duration.
(if not used, the overall average of the peaks and troughs of the sound wave would be equal to zero).
How are sound intensity, sound power, and area related?
I = W/A
Where A is the area normal to the direction of propagation of the sound wave.
How are sound intensity, root mean square sound pressure, density, and speed of sound related?
I = (p.rms)^2/(ρ*c)
And both ρ of air and speed of sound are a function of temperature.
What is a damage risk criteria, regarding noise pollution?
A damage risk criterion specifies the maximum allowable exposure to which a person may be exposed if a risk of hearing impairment is to be avoided.
Give some methods of reducing noise from a source:
- Reduce the forces inside a machine or piece of equipment.
- Reduce speed.
- Reduce frictional resistance.
- Reduce noise leakage.
- Isolate and dampen vibrating elements.
- Built-in mufflers or other silencers
- Protect the receiver
Noise can be also controlled in the transmission path by
- Absorbing the sound along the path.
- Deflect the sound in some other direction by placing a barrier in its path.
- Contain the sound by placing source inside a box or enclosure.
What are the 2 main considerations regardings water issues?
The first is quantity – i.e. the global water cycle and how it works, on the technologies used to control water and manage its use, including public policies that are put in place to govern different uses of water.
The second is quality – i.e. water pollution and its consequences, drinking water treatment, sewage-treatment technologies, and public policies to deal with water pollution issues.
What main processes occur in the hydrological cycle?
Precipitation / Condensation
As precipitation hits the grounds three pathways are possible: surface runoff, infiltration, and reabsorption by plants.
How do convection currents occur about the Earth’s surface?
At the equator, the rays of the Sun are nearly perpendicular to the Earth’s surface, at the poles, light rays strike the land at an angle.
That difference causes the surface of the Earth to be hotter in some places than others and drives great air movements, called global convection currents.
As the air at the equator is heated, it expands, rises, and cools; condensation and precipitation occur. Rising air over the equator is just half of the convection current, however. The air, now dry, must come down again. Pushed from beneath by more rising air, it “spills over” to the north and south of the equator and descends over subtropical regions (25° to 35° north and south of the equator), resulting in subtropical deserts.
The two halves of the system composed of the rising and falling cell make up a Hadley cell.
What is a rain shadow?
How does it form?
A rain shadow is a patch of land that has been forced to become a desert because mountain ranges blocked all plant-growing, rainy weather. On one side of the mountain, wet weather systems drop rain and snow. On the other side of the mountain - the rain shadow side - all that precipitation is blocked.
The condition exists because warm moist air rises by orographic lifting to the top of a mountain range.
As atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude, the air has expanded and adiabatically cooled to the point that the air reaches its adiabatic dew point (which is not the same as its constant pressure dew point commonly reported in weather forecasts).
At the adiabatic dew point, moisture condenses onto the mountain and it precipitates on the top and windward sides of the mountain.
The air descends on the leeward side, but due to the precipitation it has lost much of its moisture.
Typically, descending air also gets warmer because of adiabatic compression (see Foehn winds) down the leeward side of the mountain, which increases the amount of moisture that it can absorb and creates an arid region.
What is the infiltration-runoff ratio?
The ratio of the amount of groundwater that soaks into the ground vs the amount that runs off the surface.
What are aquifers?
The (layers of) porous material through which groundwater moves.
What is a water budget?
What are the key terms used?
A water budget is a hydrological tool used to quantify the flow of water in and out of a system.
E - evaporation Et - evapotranspiration P - precipitation G - infiltration F - interflow R - surface runoff I - seepage
Infiltration (aka percolation) - water moving vertically in the ground
Interflow - water moving laterally in the ground
Regarding human impacts on the hydrological cycle, what are the main changes to the surface of the Earth?
Loss of vegetation
Tamed rivers and wetlands (via irrigation, channelization, dam construction etc.)
Building impervious surfaces (increases runoff)
What are the classifications of indirect human impacts to the hydrological cycle?
1) Changes to the Earth’s surface
2) Changes to the Earth’s climate
3) Atmospheric pollution
4) Withdrawals for human use
What are examples of point and non-point sources of water pollutants?
Point (from single place): domestic sewage, municipal sewage, and industrial wastes
Non-point (from multiple sources): urban and agricultural runoff
Much of nonpoint source pollution occurs during rainstorms or spring snowmelt, resulting in large flow rates that make treatment even more difficult.
What are the major pollutant classes regarding water pollution?
Oxygen demanding material (poses a great threat to aquatic life which require O2 to live)
Nutrients (N and P. Can lead to eutrophication and nutrient pollution)
Pathogenic organisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa)
Suspended solids (organic and inorganic particles. This results in an increase in turbidity, decrease in light penetration, increase in bacterial populations, and solid deposit on the water bed which destroys habitats)
Salts (high salt conc’ can reduce crop yields)
Toxic metals
Heat (coral bleaching and local extermination of fish populations)
What does ThOD stand for?
What is it?
Theoretical oxygen demand
The amount of oxygen required to oxidize a substance to carbon dioxide and water.
This can be calculated by stoichiometry.
What does COD stand for?
What is it?
Chemical oxygen demand
The amount of dissolved oxygen that must be present in water to oxidize chemical organic materials.
In contrast to the ThOD, the chemical oxygen demand, COD, is a measured quantity that does not depend on one’s knowledge of the chemical composition of the substances in the water. In the COD test, a strong
chemical oxidizing agent (chromic acid) is mixed and reacted with a water.
The difference between the amount of oxidizing agent before and after is used to calculate the COD.
What does BOD stand for?
What is it?
Biochemical oxygen demand.
If the oxidation of an organic compound is carried out by microorganisms using the organic matter as a food source, the oxygen consumed is known as biochemical oxygen demand, or BOD.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms while they decompose organic matter under aerobic (oxygen is present) conditions at a specified temperature.
How is BOD measured in the lab?
i) A small bottle is filled with a sample of water diluted and inoculated with microorganisms, stoppered to exclude air bubbles.
(Samples require dilution since the only oxygen available to the organisms is dissolved in the water used for dilution).
ii) Blank samples containing inoculate dilution water only are too placed in BOD bottles and stoppered.
(These are needed to estimate the amount of oxygen consumed by the added inoculum in the absence of the sample).
iii) The samples are incubated in the dark at 20oC for x number of days.
(Samples are incubated in the dark to prevent photosynthesis from adding oxygen and invalidating the oxygen consumption results).
iv) After x days, dissolved oxygen concentrations in each bottle are measured, and the BOD of the undiluted sample is found by:
BOD,bt = (DO,bt - DO,st)/P
DO,bt - dissolved oxygen concentration in blanks after x days
DO,st - dissolved oxygen concentration in samples after x days
P - dilution factor
What is a DO sag curve?
A curve which sags initially due to the increased oxygen demand and recovers asymptotically downstream due to the increased rate of oxygen replenishment.
The DO concentration dips as oxygen-demanding materials are oxidized and the rises again further
downstream as the oxygen is replenished from the atmosphere and photosynthesis.
All rivers have some capacity for self-purification. As long as the discharge of oxygen demanding wastes is well within the self-purification capacity, the DO level will remain high, and a diverse population of plants and animals, including game fish, can be found.
As the amount of waste increases, the self –purification capacity can be exceeded, causing detrimental changes in plant and animal life. The stream loses its ability to cleanse itself, and the DO level decrease.
What is the Streeter-Phelps model used for?
Describing the change in BOD in a river stream with distance or time from a wastewater outfall.
The model assumes that:
- The river is completely and uniformly mixed in the horizontal direction across the river and in the vertical direction with depth.
- There is no dispersion of the pollutant as it moves downstream.
The Streeter-Phelps model has essentially two reaction terms reaeration (kr) and dexoxygenation (kd). Reaeration describes the rate at which oxygen is
replenished and is a function of the stream properties. As you might expect, the greater the turbulence, the more rapids, the greater the rate of reaeration.
Reaeration will also depend on the oxygen deficit. The greater the oxygen deficit, the greater the reaeration rate.
What are the 2 terms of the Streeter-Phelps model?
The Streeter-Phelps model has essentially two reaction terms: reaeration (kr) and deoxygenation (kd).
Reaeration describes the rate at which oxygen is replenished and is a function of the stream properties. As you might expect, the greater the turbulence, the more rapids, the greater the rate of reaeration.
Reaeration will also depend on the oxygen deficit. The greater the oxygen deficit, the greater the reaeration rate.
What measures are taken to avoid eutrophication?
Limit the input of phosphorus into the lake (The natural source of phosphorous is the weathering of rock. However, for many lakes the principal sources of phosphorous are the result of human activity. The most important sources are municipal and industrial wastewaters, seepage from septic tanks, and agricultural runoff that carries phosphorous fertilizers into the water.
Precipitation of phosphorous with aluminium (alum)
Removing phosphorous rich sediments by dredging
What are the major sources of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)?
The combustion of fossil fuels
Application of asphalts and coal tars
Use of creosotes as wood preservatives
Produced from barbecuing food
What are PCBs?
Where are they found?
Polychlorinated C1- and C2- hydrocarbons (legacy POPs).
They have been used as solvents in the dry cleaning and metal industries.
Why are MTBEs (a tertiary dialkyl ether) a problem for the environment?
Its release into the subsurface is an issue since the MTBE has high water solubility (x20 that of benzene), low biodegradability, and relatively low odour and flavour thresholds.
Hence, it is transported much faster and can cause contamination at a greater scale than benzene.
What are volatile methylsiloxanes (VMS)?
Why are they a threat to the environment?
They’re a group of solvents used in a range of industrial applications (from cosmetics to cleaning products).
This is since they have low viscosity, low surface tension, high thermal stability, hydrophobicity, and relatively high volatility.
They accumulate in air and waterways and are potentially toxic
What are the properties of volatile methylsiloxanes (VMS)?
Low viscosity, low surface tension, high thermal stability, hydrophobicity, and relatively high volatility.
What characteristics render an organic compound to be qualified as POP? What are so-called legacy “POPs”?
Give some examples of these compounds.
What other compounds exhibit typical POP characteristics?
POPs are ‘persistent organic pollutants’ which are a range of chemicals characterized by their “fate characteristics”.
The main characteristics shared amongst POPs include how:
• They persist in the environment (neither abiotic nor biological transformations lead to significant removal of the chemical)
• They are prone to long range transport (and hence global distribution)
• They accumulate in food webs
• They are toxic to living organisms (humans and wildlife)
Legacy POPs - (e.g. polychlorinated pesticides (like hexachlorobenzene [HCB], DDT, aldrin), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and unintentionally produced polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs)).
Legacy POPs were the initial chemicals listed and regulated.
Another group of considerable concern are the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which exhibit similar POP characteristics.
What is the composition of petroleum and what are its major components? What happens to petroleum after a spill?
Original oil has a range of n-alkane carbon chains, the majority being in the range of 2-18. Major components being organic carbon and hydrogen compounds.
2 particular groups of interest are the BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and three xylene isomers), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Resulting from leaks and spills, the liquid gasoline or oil phase, commonly referred to as NAPL (non-aqueous phase liquid), spreads in the soil. When exposed to infiltrating rainwater, the NAPL components dissolve and are transported into the groundwater (contaminating drinking water resources).
After a spill, the oil’s composition may change over time due to weathering processes. The more volatile fraction of oil is lost relatively quickly due to volatilization and, to a lesser extent, dissolution of the more water-soluble aromatic compounds (particularly regarding oil spills in the sea).
Regarding the weathering process, there is an increase in the fraction of compounds making up the “unresolved complex mixture” (UCM) or the ‘hump’ in a gas chromatogram.
What are the main sources of BTEX compounds in the environment? Which is the most problematic among these compounds and why?
Gasoline. However, the individual compounds are also used in large quantities in industry as a solvent and as starting materials for the synthesis of other chemicals.
(Besides benzene) They are used as cleaning agents and solvents, hence there are numerous pathways for BTEX compounds entering the environment.
Natural sources of BTEX include gas emissions from volcanoes and forest fires.
Benzene and ethylbenzene are cancer causing. Toluene and xylene cause irritation and can be lethal.
When considering organic solvents as groundwater pollutants, what are the main differences between the polychlorinated C1- and C2-compounds and other solvents including BTEX and dialkyl ethers such as MTBE.
PCBs are even more harmful groundwater pollutants than gasoline and heating oils.
Liquid PCBs are denser than water, forming DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids) which tend to sink through aquifers until they reach impermeable bedrock and thus contaminate even more sources.
Moreover, under oxic conditions, the PCB solvent chemicals are persistent and, when dissolved in water, are mobile in the subsurface. This leads to long-lasting contamination of large groundwater areas.
Finally, under anoxic conditions, they may be transformed into less halogenated products that are more toxic than the parent compound.
Explain how organic flame retardants work. Why are polybrominated aromatic compounds well suited as flame retardants? Why are many of these compounds considered to be of particular concern?
Flame retardants interfere with the combustion process in different chemical and physical ways.
Polyhalogenated compounds effectively inhibit combustion via two pathways. Firstly, halogenated radicals form when the flame retardant is heated, which traps other highly reactive radicals formed when the material catches fire (interrupting the gas phase radical reactions).
Secondly, upon combustion, polyhalogenated compounds do not burn completely - this builds a char layer that shields the material from oxygen and the flame.
Brominated compounds are more effective (than chlorinated) since the C-Br bond is broken more easily.
What are the main routes by which pharmaceuticals are introduced into the environment? Which pharmaceuticals are of particular concern and why?
Via municipal, industrial, and hospital wastewaters.
Large sources of pharmaceuticals to the environment are also agricultural runoff from fields fertilized with sewage sludge or animal manure (due to containing veterinary products including antibiotics and hormones).
They’re of concern since they may act as endocrine disruptors or may lead to the build up of antimicrobial resistance in the environment.
What is en electon volt, eV?
The energy gained by an electron (a charged particle carrying unit electronic charge) when the electrical potential at the electron increases by one volt. The electron volt equals 1.602 × 10−12 erg, or 1.602 × 10−19 joule.
How can the number of (radioactive) decays occurring in a time dt be written?
dN = −𝜆Ndt
Where N is the number of nuclei present at the time and 𝜆 is the radioactive decay constant.
N = N0*e^(−𝜆t)
What is the equation for the half life of a radioactive isotope?
T (1/2) = ln (2) / 𝜆
Where 𝜆 is the radioactive decay constant.
What is radiation exposure?
A measure of the ionization of air due to ionizing radiation from photons (gamma and x-rays).
It is defined as:
electric charge freed by radiation in a specified volume of air / the mass of that air
[C / kg -> Coulomb per kg]
Explain what an isotope is:
Explain why some isotopes are radioactive and others are not:
Isotopes are different forms of the same element, which have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei (their atomic mass differs but not their chemical properties).
Some ratios of neutrons to protons in the nucleus result in unstable conditions, typically because the n:p ratio is too large.
Due to this instability, the nucleus changes its state to attain equilibrium and, in doing so, emits a particle or electromagnetic wave to emit the excess energy.
This phenomenon of nuclear disintegration is known as radioactivity (and these isotopes are referred to as radioisotopes).
Explain how alpha, beta, x-ray, and gamma ray emissions occur and how they differ:
Alpha - contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons (equivalent to the nucleus of a He atom). This occurs mainly in radioisotopes whose atomic number is greater than 82. Atoms undergoing alpha decay change into a new element.
Beta - instability arises from the fact that the n:p ratio in the nucleus is too high. To achieve stability, a neutron in the nucleus decays into a proton and electron. The proton remains in the nucleus, so the n:p ratio decreases, and an electron is ejected. The electron is the beta particle.
Gamma - gamma radiation changes the energy state of the nucleus. If the frequency of radiation is v, and the nucleus changes from energy state E1 to E2, the energies can be related by:
E1 - E2 = hv
Where h is the Planck’s constant (and hv is the energy emitted by the gamma ray).
Define the unit becquerel, Bq:
One becquerel (Bq) of radioactive material is the quantity of unstable atoms whose frequency of decay is one disintegration per second (both for mixtures and single isotopes).
Define radiation exposure, absorbed dose, and equivalent dose, and the units of roentgen, rad, Gy, Sv, and rem:
Radiation exposure - a measure of the ionization of air due to ionizing radiation from photons. Its unit (C/kg) has largely replaced the roentgen.
Absorbed dose - measure of the energy deposited in matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass. The SI unit of measure is the gray (Gy) [J/kg] (The older, non-SI unit ‘rad’ is sometimes used in the US).
Equivalent dose - expressed in Sieverts (Sv), represents the probability of radiation-induced cancer and genetic damage. Equivalent dose (symbol HT) is a measure of the radiation dose to tissue where an attempt has been made to allow for the different relative biological effects of different types of ionising radiation. In quantitative terms, equivalent dose is less fundamental than absorbed dose, but it is more biologically significant. Equivalent dose is measured using the Sievert but rem is still commonly used (1 Sv = 100 rem).
List the pattern of biological effects of radiation:
The first stage after exposure to ionizing radiation is a latent period, which is a time delay between exposure and when effect become obvious. The time range of the latent period can be vast.
There is a distinction between short-term, acute and long-term effects. Acute effects appear after minutes, days or weeks. Effects, that appear years, decades or generations later are called delayed effects.
During the demonstrable effects one can observe chromosome breaks, clumping of chromatin, formation of giant cells, alteration of mitosis and alteration of cell-membranes and walls. Recovery may occur to a certain extend but some damage may not be recoverable/is irreparable.
[Stages of acute effects: Prodrome (initial phase with sickness and malaise) -> Latent stage (changes may occur in blood-forming organs) -> Manifest illness stage -> Recovery or Death]
Describe the sources of background radiation:
Background radiation is present at all times.
Natural sources include: cosmic radiation, food and water, the ground and soil (terrestrial), the human body (internal).
Man-made sources also exist (e.g. trace amounts from nuclear weapons tests or nuclear reactor accidents, and medical technologies).
List and describe the three types of radioactive waste (HLW, transuranic, and LLW):
HLW - High level wastes are those resulting from reprocessing spent fuel or the spent fuel itself from nuclear reactors (often measured in curies per L).
Transuranic wastes are those containing isotopes above uranium in the periodic table. They are the by-product of fuel assembly, weapons fabrication, and reprocessing. Generally, their radioactivity is low, but they contain long-living isotopes.
LLW - Low level wastes have relatively little radioactivity. Most require little or no shielding, and they are often measured in microcuries per litre.
How are low-level radioactive wastes (LLW) managed?
Solid radioactive from non-radioactive waste are immediately sorted, which should be done at the source origin.
Only material suspected as being radioactive should be assayed.
The contaminated area should be reduced.
Point source segregation in laboratories
Combustible or compactible waste should be separated. Incineration must be done under controlled conditions to prevent the formation of radioactive aerosols.
What are the 4 categories used to describe drinking water?
Physical - relate to the quality of water for domestic use and are usually associated with the appearance of water, its colour or turbidity, temperature, and taste and odour. Turbidity is caused by the presence of suspended material such as clay, silt, organic material, plankton and other particulate material.
Chemical - includes the identification of its components and their concentrations.
Microbiological - Water for drinking and cooking purposes must be made free from disease-producing organisms.
Radiological - must be considered in areas where the water may have met radioactive substances. Radionuclides may be found in rainfall, runoff, and water-bearing rocks and soils.
Briefly describe the water treatment process:
Raw surface water is pumped from a stream, river, lake or reservoir into the coagulation plant. The water is first screened to remove larger material. During rapid mixing, chemicals called coagulants are added and rapidly dispersed through the water.
In the flocculation basin, the chemical reacts with the colloidal particles in the water to form larger particles. Once the particles are a sufficient size to precipitate, they are usually removed by gravity in sedimentation basins.
Following sedimentation, the clarified water is distributed to rapid sand filters to remove residual turbidity.
Disinfection is then used to reduce the number of pathogenic organisms to levels that will not cause disease. It is usually achieved by the addition of chemicals (chlorine, chloramines, or ozone) or the application of UV radiation.
Fluoridation (for teeth and bone development) and addition of corrosion control to protect pipes in the distribution system can be also part of the treatment process.
What factors are considered in the mass balance on a lake?
Qin - flowrate of streams into the lake
P’ - rate of precipitation
R’ - rate of runoff
I’in - rate of seepage into lake
Q out - flowrate of streams exiting lake
E’ - rate of evaporation from water body
E’t - rate of evapotranspiration
I’out - rate of seepage out of the lake
Density of water
What are examples of changes to the Earth’s surface that impact the hydrological cycle?
Loss of vegetation:
In natural ecosystems, water is intercepted by vegetation and infiltrated into porous topsoil. Following deforestation, the water cycle pathway is shifted from infiltration and recharge to runoff. This leads to flooding, surface erosion, sediments, and other pollutants. Lowered evapotranspiration also means less moisture for local rainfall.
Taming rivers and wetlands:
Same impact as above. Channelizing rivers results in water moving more quickly into oceans.
Building impervious surfaces:
Rainwater cannot infiltrate
They do not lead to increased groundwater recharge. In dry areas pooling water in dams can lead to increased evaporation.
How are we acting to mitigate the negative changes in water flow and the hydrological cycle?
By developing flood retention ponds by new constructions
Protecting wetlands and vegetation
Increasing vegetation in cities
How do aerosols impact rainfall?
Atmospheric particles (aerosols) enable water to condense.
The more particles, the more clouds form. Anthropogenic aerosols are on the increase in the form of sulphate (from sulphur dioxide in coal), carbon (in soot) and dust.
Although aerosols increase cloud formation, they can suppress rainfall because clouds formed are smaller than normal.
Define a recharge area:
The place where water is able to seep into the ground and refill an aquifer because no confining layer is present
Define an aquifer:
A body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.
An aquifer is a body of porous rock or sediment saturated with groundwater. Groundwater enters an aquifer as precipitation seeps through the soil. It can move through the aquifer and resurface through springs and wells.
What is the water table?
The level below which the ground is saturated with water.
What is capillary water, gravitational water, and ground water?
Capillary water - water that remains in the soil after gravitational water is drained out, that is subject to the laws of capillary movement, and that is in the form of a film around the soil grains.
Gravitational water - water that moves through soil under the influence of gravity.
Ground water - water held underground in the soil or in pores and crevices in rock.
How are the sample size % and dilution factor % calculated? (regarding BOD measurements)
Sample size = volume of undiluted sample / volume of diluted sample * 100
Dilution factor is the reciprocal
Regarding RO, how is recovery found?
r = Qp / Qf
Qp - permeate flow rate
Qf - feed flow rate
Identify the microorganism group used as an indicator of faecal contamination of water and explain why it was selected.
E.coli usually inhabits the intestinal tract of humans and other mammals, and so its presence in water is a good indicator of faecal contamination in a water source.
Coliforms are a group of organisms (resent in the digestive tracts of animals, including humans, and are found in their wastes) that survive in natural waters for long periods, but do not reproduce well in this environment.
They also survive better in water than most bacterial pathogens, thus their absence is a reasonably safe indication that pathogens are not present.
What is the total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN)?
A measure of the total organic and ammonia nitrogen in wastewater. (Used alongside BOD and COD)
What are the different groups of pollutants in industrial wastewater?
Define these:
Conventional - BOD, suspended solids, oil, grease, and pH
Non-conventional - pesticide active ingredients, ammonia, fluoride, phenols, phosphorus
Priority - heavy metals and specific organic chemicals e.g. benzene, toluene
What are the different stages involved in sewage/wastewater treatment?
Pre-treatment: provide protection to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) equipment. This involves removal of sludge constituents and large materials that would contribute to blockages.
Primary: to remove materials that either settle or float. (Removing ~ 60% of solids suspended in raw sewage.
Secondary: to remove soluble materials and provided added removal of suspended solids. Typically achieved by biological processes.
Tertiary: involves a wide range of processes including chemical treatment, filtration, N and P removal, final effluent disinfection, etc.
What is the purpose of the following unit operations involved in wastewater pre-treatment:
Bar racks
Grit chambers
Bar racks - remove large objects ( > 50 mm) that would damage pumps, valves and downstream equipment.
Grit chambers - remove dense, inert material (sand, broken glass, silt, pebbles). If not removed, they damage equipment and settle in piping, causing blockages and reduced flow capacity.
Macerators - chop up wastewater solids (rags, paper, plastic, etc)
Equalization - not a treatment process, but is a technique for improving effectiveness of later processes. It dampens the variations in wastewater supply (by collecting and storing wastewater at times of high supply for processing later) so that wastewater can be treated at ~ constant flowrate.
What is mixed liquour?
The mixture of activated sludge and wastewater in the aeration tank.
This then flows from the tank to a secondary clarifier where the activated sludge is settled out.
What is activated sludge?
Aerated sewage containing aerobic microorganisms which help to break it down.
What is the solids retention time?
How does it differ to the hydraulic retention time?
𝜃𝑐 = SRT (solids retention time) = sludge age:
the average amount of time for which microorganisms are kept in the system.
This differs from the hydraulic retention time (t0) which is the average time for which the wastewater is in the tank.
Explain nitrification and denitrification:
Nitrification - when reduced nitrogen compounds (primarily ammonia) are sequentially oxidized to nitrite and nitrate.
Denitrification is the reduction of NO3− → NO2− → NO → N2O → N2 gas that is mediated by bacteria under anaerobic conditions, most generally in microbial mats and sediments.
What do MLVSS and MLSS stand for?
How do they differ?
MLSS - mixed-liquor suspended solids (X’)
MLVSS - mixed-liquor volatile suspended solids (X)
MLSS is used to indicate the concentration of suspended solids in activated sludge. MLVSS represents the concentration of biomass in activated sludge.
What is used to remove P from wastewater?
How do they differ (consider pH):
Conventional treatment plants use ferric chloride, alum, or lime to remove P via precipitation.
Note - ferric chloride and alum reduce pH, whilst lime increases it.
How does the P removal process from wastewater differ depending on the material used to precipitate P out?
Conventional treatment plants use ferric chloride, alum, or lime to remove P via precipitation.
The precipitation of phosphorous requires a reaction basin and a settling tank to remove the precipitate.
When ferric chloride and alum are used, the chemicals may be added directly to the aeration tank in the activated sludge system. Thus, the aeration tank serves as a reaction basin. The precipitate is then removed in the secondary clarifier.
This is not possible with lime because the high pH required to form the precipitate is detrimental to the activated sludge organisms.
How do ground water and surface water compare?
Groundwater: constant composition, high mineral content, low turbidity, low/no colour, may be bacteriologically safe, no dissolved oxygen, high hardness, contains H2S, Fe, and Mn, possible chemical toxicity
Surface water: varying composition, low mineral content, high turbidity, coloured, contains microorganisms, dissolved oxygen, low hardness, has taste and odour, possible chemical toxicity.
Define ammonification:
Ammonification refers to any chemical reaction in which NH2 groups are converted into ammonia or its ionic form, ammonium (NH4+), as an end product.
List common tertiary treatment processes and the pollutants they remove:
Processes: Chemical treatment, filtration, N and P removal, final effluent disinfection
Removing: BOD, N, P, almost all suspended and organic matter.
What is the F/M, food to microorganism ratio?
A commonly used parameter in regulating the performance of the activated sludge process.
F/M = QSo/VX = mg/mg day
A high F/M yields organisms that are saturated with food. The results is that efficiency of treatment is poor.
A low rate of wasting causes a low F/M ratio, which yields organisms that are starved. This results in more complete degradation of the waste.
What is the purpose of coagulation plants?
Treating surface water to remove colour, turbidity, taste, odour, and bacteria.
Most plants use coagulation, flocculation, followed by sedimentation and then filtration and disinfection.
However, higher quality (low turbidity and colour) surface waters can be treated using direct filtration, in which case, sedimentation is omitted.
What is the purpose of softening plants?
They are typically used to treat groundwater which has a high hardness (due to Ca and Mg ions).
It often involves chemical addition and reaction, sedimentation, recarbonation to reduce the pH,
followed by filtration and disinfection.
Explain some of the steps taken in water treatment to remove contaminants:
The water is first screened to remove larger material. During rapid mixing, chemicals called coagulants are added and rapidly dispersed through the water. In the flocculation basin, the chemical reacts with the colloidal particles in the water to form larger
Once the particles are a sufficient size to precipitate, they are usually removed by gravity in sedimentation basins. Following sedimentation, the clarified water is distributed to rapid sand filters to remove residual turbidity.
Disinfection is then used to reduce the number of
pathogenic organisms to levels that will not cause disease. It is usually achieved by the addition of chemicals (chlorine, chloramines, or ozone) or the application of UV radiation. Fluoridation (for teeth and bone development) and addition of corrosion control to protect pipes in the distribution system can be also part of the treatment process.
Sludge from the sedimentation basins contains precipitated chemicals and particles and must be treated further and disposed properly.
The sludge contains 94-98% water. Backwash water from filters contains particulate matter and bacteria and must be also treated and disposed properly.
How do rejection and recovery differ?
Rejection = 1 - Cp/Cf
Recovery = Fp / Ff
What are the main goals of primary (wastewater) treatment?
To remove waste materials that either settle or float.
It includes the physical processes of screening, comminution, grit removal, and sedimentation.
(this stage removes ~ 60% suspended solids and 35% BOD5)
What are the main goals of secondary (wastewater) treatment?
To remove soluble BOD5 and provide added removal of suspended solids.
It is typically achieved by using biological processes.
Microbes consume the organic impurities as food, converting them into carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
Although it removes ~ 85% of BOD5, it doesn’t remove significant amounts of N, P, heavy metals, or pathogens.
What does tertiary wastewater treatment involve?
Unit processes to remove BOD, including filtration such as granular filtration using sand filters or multimedia
filters or membrane filtration.
Refractory organic compounds may be also removed using activated carbon adsorption.
Typically, tertiary treatment processes aim to remove phosphorous and nitrogen in the wastewater. In many conventional treatment plants phosphorous is removed by precipitation using ferric chloride, alum or lime.
Describe the carbon cycle:
On Earth, most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is located in the ocean, atmosphere, and in living organisms. These are the reservoirs, or sinks, through which carbon cycles.
Carbon is released back into the atmosphere when organisms die, volcanoes erupt, fires blaze, fossil fuels are burned, and through a variety of other mechanisms.
In the case of the ocean, carbon is continually exchanged between the ocean’s surface waters and the atmosphere, or is stored for long periods of time in the ocean depths.