Chem Eng - Catalysis Flashcards
How does a catalyst change the rate of a reaction?
It offers a different molecular pathway (mechanism) for the reaction.
What’s homogenous and heterogenous catalysis?
Homogenous - one phase. Catalyst is in solution with at least one of the reactants. (easy)
Heterogenous - involves more than one phase (complex)
How may catalytic reactors be categorised?
By phase (2 or 3 phase)
- 2 phase: fixed bed, moving bed, or fluidised bed
- 3 phase: slurry, fixed bed (trickle bed, packed bubble, or moving bed)
By catalyst motion
- slow/no motion: fixed bed, trickle bed, moving bed
- high motion: fluidised bed, slurry reactor
List the characteristics, pros, and cons of fixed (and packed bed) reactors:
- Packed with catalyst particles
- Down-flow
- Catalyst particles are 1-20 mm in diameter/length
- Used in biodiesel production
- Low cost of construction, operation, and maintenance
- Effective at high temp and pressure
- More contact between reactant and catalyst than other reactor types
Cons: - Catalyst is difficult to replace - Hard to control temperature - Heat transfer to/from reactor is hard - Plugging -
List the characteristics, pros, and cons of fluidised bed reactors:
- Mobile particles (50 - 100um)
- Gas flows up from bottom and, when the gas reaches a certain velocity, the solids move like a liquid
- Used in fluid catalytic cracking
- Catalyst easily replaced or regenerated
- Allows for continuous, automatically controlled operation
- More efficient contacting of gas and solid catalyst than other reactors
- Expensive
- Regeneration equipment is expensive
- Catalyst particles may be deactivated and broken
- large pressure drop
What occurs in a 3-phase catalytic reactor?
Solid, liquid and gas all present.
The reaction occurs between a dissolved gas and a liquid phase in the presence of a solid catalyst.
List the characteristics, pros, and cons of moving bed reactors:
The solid catalyst is continuously moving in and out of the reactor.
- Easy to regenerate catalyst
- Plug flow
- High conversion rate
- Good selectivity
- Hard to maintain the flow of solids
- Fluid reactants may bypass catalyst bed
- Catalyst particles may be deactivated and broken
How do trickle bed and bubble column reactors differ?
Trickle bed has a continuous gas phase and dispersed liquid phase. Liquid always flow down and gas can flow up or down.
Bubble column has a continuous liquid phase and dispersed gas phase.
How do slurry and fixed bed reactors compare?
Fixed bed reactors are comparable to plug flow reactors, with high conversion.
Regarding heat transfer, they’re less efficient than slurry reactors.
Regarding catalyst handling, problems with bed plugging arise.
Slurry reactors are comparable to CSTRs with low conversion.
Heat transfer is more efficient and easier to control. Large liquid hold up helps avoid hot spots.
There are difficulties in continuous operation (due to filtration). It is easier in processes where frequent catalyst removal is necessary.
How do trickle bed and packed bubble bed reactors compare?
Trickle bed reactors:
- part of the catalyst may not be wetted when operating at low liquid rates
- hot spot formation
- temperature control is difficult
- poorer utilisation of catalyst
- easier in processes where frequent catalyst removal and replacement is necessary
- low liquid hold-up, lower contribution of homogeneous side reactions
Packed bubble bed:
- catalyst is completely wetted
- the pressure drop in down-flow operations less than that in up-flow
- removal of deposited tarry or polymeric substances from the surface of catalyst due to high liquid velocity
- better heat transfer characteristics (due to larger liquid hold-up and velocity
What are the 3 types of slurry reactor?
Agitated slurry
Bubble column
Fluidised bed
How do the 3 types of slurry reactor compare?
(regarding heat and mass transfer, catalyst attrition, design, catalyst separation, power requirement, and catalyst distribution)
Agitated slurry: Heat/mass transfer: Higher Catalyst Attrition: Higher Design: Difficult (moving parts) Catalyst Separation: relatively easy Power requirement: Highest Catalyst Distribution: uniform
Bubble column: Heat/mass transfer: Lower Catalyst Attrition: Lower Design: Simpler Catalyst Separation: Relatively easy Power requirement: Lowest Catalyst Distribution: Non-uniform can exist
Fluidised Bed: Heat/mass transfer: Lower Catalyst Attrition: Lower Design:Simpler Catalyst Separation: Easier Power requirement: Lower Catalyst Distribution: Non-uniform can exist
How many steps are there to a catalytic process?
What are the steps?
1) Transport of reactant from bulk to the catalyst external service
2) Transport through the pores to the internal surface
3*) Adsorption onto internal pore surface
4*) Chemical reaction. A to B
5*) Desorption of product
6) Transport of product from internal pore to external catalyst surface
7) Transport of product from external surface to the bulk
(* are the steps where the actual catalytic reaction occur)
What are the 3 key assumptions made for Langmuir - Hinshelwood kinetics?
The reaction occurs between 2 adsorbed molecules at the catalyst surface
All steps are reversible
The surface reaction is rate limiting, and all other steps are in equilibrium
What are the 4 main (reversible) reactions considered in the Langmuir - Hinshelwood model?
A + B ⇌ AB
A + S ⇌ AS
B + S ⇌ BS
AS + BS ⇌ ABS + S
ABS ⇌ AB + S
Where S is an active site on the catalyst surface and A and B are reactants.
How do the Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal mechanism assumptions differ?
- Langmuir-Hinshelwood assumes two reactants need to be adsorbed
- Eley-Rideal assumes direct reaction between an adsorbed molecule and a gas molecule
What is the Biot number?
What does it show?
Bi = kc*dp/D
= Internal diffusion resistance / External diffusion resistance
kc - mass transfer coefficient
dp - particle diameter
De - effectuve diffusivity
A large Bi means that internal diffusion resistance is much more important than external
What are the key parts of a rate expression?
Rate = Kinetic term * Driving force term / Adsorption (Inhibition) term
What is effective diffusivity a function of?
Pore constriction
De = Da * Porosity * Pore constriction / tortuosity
Where Da is the overall diffusivity (considering molecular and Knudsen) and De is the effective diffusivity
What is the definition of the square of the Thiele Modulus?
φ^2 = surface reaction / max rate of diffusion
How does the effectiveness factor (n) vary with the Thiele modulus?
When φ is very small, n = 1
When φ is very large, n = 1 / φ
n can be greater than 1 for non-isothermal conditions
What are the 3 main states of a catalytic reactor under non-isothermal conditions?
Extinguished steady state (almost nothing happens)
Unstable intermediate steady state (less control)
Ignited steady state (high effectiveness factor)
Why can the external surface area of the catalyst pellet be neglected when deriving the overall effectiveness factor?
It is significantly smaller than the internal surface area
If the external mass transfer rate is limiting, what is the overall rate of reaction?
-r”A = -Ωr”Ab
What do effectiveness factor, n, and overall effectiveness factor, Ω, account for?
n: internal diffusion and surface reaction only
Ω: internal diffusion, external diffusion, and surface reaction
How does a catalytic process for a 3-phase reactor differ between the following?
i) A(g) + B(l) ⇌ P(l)
ii) A(g) + B(l) ⇌ P(g)
In the first case, A is absorbed into the liquid phase, travels via external diffusion to the catalyst surface, travels via internal diffusion through the pores, and then undergoes a reaction (after adsorption onto the active sites).
The product then diffuses (internal) to the S-L interface before diffusing (external) into the liquid.
In case 2, the product is a gas. A similar process to the above occurs. However, the product must then be absorbed and diffused back into a gas bubble. A gas film and liquid film will exist (when considering mass transfers)
What are the 2 main cases that dictate how fast a catalytic reaction can occur?
i) Rate of mass transfer (diffusion)»_space; Rate of reaction
Here, the reaction is controlled by the chemical reaction steps (and conc’ at active sites ≃ conc’ in bulk liquid)
ii) Rate of reaction»_space; rate of mass transfer
Here, the mass transfer will affect the overall rate of reaction
What are the main mechanisms for modelling the rate of catalytic reactions?
Dual site Langmuir-Hinshelwood
How is an equilibrium constant defined?
As the ratio of the rate of forward reaction to the rate of the backward reaction.
K.eq = k.f / k.b
Why are the concentrations of molecules bound to active sites (e.g. C.AS, C.BS, C.ABS etc) replaced in rate expression derivations?
They are unknown and hard to measure.
We make the assumption that the rate of surface reaction is the rate limiting step, and that all other steps (e.g. adsorption and desorption) are fast and at steady state.
Hence, by rearranging their rate laws, they can be replaced.
E.g. C.AS = K.A * C.A * C.S
Comparing the two rate expression driving force terms below, what can we determine?
i) (C.aC.b - C.ab/K)
ii) (C.aC.b)
Reaction 1 is reversible
Regarding rate expressions, if we know that a certain reactant or product is weakly adsorbing, how many we simplify the rate expression?
Their values of Ki*Pi would be very small, and may be considered negligible.
How may Langmuir – Hinshelwood kinetics be described, considering rate of reaction with increasing partial pressure of A?
(Consider the reaction A + B → AB)
• Initially, rate increases with pressure because this increases the surface concentration of A
• Then, the surface gets equally saturated with
A and B
• With further increase of PA, surface becomes mainly occupied by A, leaving no spaces for B.
This decreases reaction rate.
How does the dual site model differ from the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism?
The reactants adsorb to different types of active sites.
A + S ⇌ AS
B + S* ⇌ BS*
The rest of the modelling process is similar to the LH mechanism, and the rate limiting step is the rate of surface reaction.
How does the Eley-Rideal mechanism differ from the L-H?
The reaction occurs directly between an adsorbed molecule and one which is still in the gaseous phase.
AS + B(g) ⇌ CS
In the case above, B would not bind to an active site, S.
What are the 3 main diffusion mechanisms within catalyst pores?
What is molecular diffusion?
What formula is used to calculate this?
Molecular diffusion is the result of molecular encounters (collisions) in the void space (pores) of the particle.
The Chapman-Enskog formula is used to find D.ab, using: temperature, pressure, molecular weight, collision diameter (σ), and the collision integral (Ω)
What does molecular diffusion (in catalyst pores) depend on?
Temperature Pressure Molecular weight Collision diameter (σ) Collision integral (Ω)
What is Knudsen diffusion, Dk?
What does it depend on?
The result of molecular collisions with the walls of pores.
For straight, cylindrical capillaries, it depends on:
- Pore radius
- Temperature
- Molar mass
- Gas constant, R
For non-intersecting cylindrical capillaries, it depends on:
- Porosity
- Catalyst density
- Specific area [m2/kg]
- Temperature
- Molar mass
- Gas constant, R
What does Knudsen diffusion, Dk, depend on?
For straight, cylindrical capillaries, it depends on:
- Pore radius
- Temperature
- Molar mass
- Gas constant, R
For non-intersecting cylindrical capillaries, it depends on:
- Porosity
- Catalyst density
- Specific area [m2/kg]
- Temperature
- Molar mass
- Gas constant, R
What is the overall diffusivity, D.a, a combination of?
Molecular and Knudsen diffusion.
1/D(A) = 1/D(AB) + 1/D(K)
How is pore constriction, σ, calculated?
σ = smallest diameter / largest diameter
How is tortuosity, 𝜏, calculated?
𝜏 = actual distance / shortest distance
How is effective diffusivity calculated?
De = Daεsσ/𝜏
De = overall diffusivity * porosity * pore constriction / tortuosity
What is surface diffusion?
What does it depend on?
It is the result of the migration of adsorbed species along the surface of the pore due to a gradient in surface concentration.
The flux of species A depends on:
- Tortuosity
- Specific area
- Surface diffusivity
- Surface concentration
How is flux of a species along the surface of a pore calculated?
W.Az = -(D(As)/𝜏)SvdC.As/dz
W.Az = flux of species A [kmol/m2s]
C.As = surface concentration of A [kmol/m2]
Sv = specific area [m2/m3]
𝜏 = tortuosity [-]
E = activation energy [kJ/kmol] (to find D.As)
Why are diffusion and reaction modelled together when considering reaction within catalyst pores?
Because the chemical reaction occurs simultaneously with the diffusion process.
Thus, these steps are coupled.
What are the units for the following rates?
i) -rA
ii) -r’A
iii) -r”A
i) /m3
ii) /kg
iii) /m2
How can the different rates, -rA, -r’A, and -r”A be related?
For the reaction rate of all have the same units (of /m3)
rA = ρcr’A = ρcSa*r”A
= /m3
What does the size of the Thiele modulus, φ, mean?
For φ»_space; 1, internal diffusion usually limits the overall rate of reaction
For φ «_space;1, the surface reaction is usually rate limiting i.e. internal diffusion limitations are less significant
φ^2 = rate of surface reaction / rate of diffusion
What is the solution to d2y/dx^2 = a^2*Y?
Y = ACosh (φx) + BSinh (φx)
What is the effectiveness factor, η?
The ratio of actual observed rate to the rate in the absence of internal diffusional resistance.
Rate in absence of diffusion = rate of reaction that would result if entire interior surface were exposed to the external pellet surface conditions, thus C.A = C.AS and -r.As” = kC.AS
What is the effectiveness factor for a first order reaction?
η = -r”A/(kC.As) = (3/a)[1/tanh(φ) - 1/φ]
How can reaction rate be expressed in terms of the reaction rate at the catalyst surface and the effectiveness factor?
- r’A = η*(-r’As)
- rA = ηρc(-r’As)
Effectiveness is a function of Thiele modulus, and Thiele modulus is a function of radius.
Therefore, the reaction rate will be also a function of the catalyst particle size.
What is the Weisz-Prater criterion used for?
To estimate internal diffusion- and reaction-limited regimes.
C.WP = η*φ^2
C.WP «_space;1, there is no diffusion limitation (i.e. is reaction rate controlling)
C.WP»_space; 1, there IS internal diffusion limitation
C.WP = observed reaction rate / maximum diffusion rate
Why are some effectiveness factor values greater than 1?
The following is used to determine η for highly exothermic reactions,
β = (De(- ΔHr)C.As)/(ke*Ts)
The catalyst’s internal temperature is significantly higher than the exterior temperature, Ts.
The rate constant inside the pellet is therefore much larger than the value at the exterior, leading to an effectiveness factor above 1.
What is the concentration profile for a first-order reaction in a spherical pellet?
CA/CAS = R/r[sinh(φr/R)/sinh(φ)]
How is the Weisz-Prater parameter found?
C.WP = observed reaction rate / maximum diffusion rate
C.WP = (-r’A(obs)ρcR^2/(De*C.As))
What do ρc and ρb mean with regards to catalytic reactions?
How is ρb found?
ρb - catalyst bed density, taking into account the spaces between catalyst particles
ρc - catalyst density
ρb = ρc * (1 - εb)
Where εb is the catalyst bed void fraction
How do εs and εb differ (regarding catalytic reactions)?
εb - catalyst bed void fraction (the fraction NOT occupied by catalyst particles)
εs - catalyst porosity
Is superficial velocity greater than or less than actual velocity?
Superficial velocity is the fluid velocity through a packed reactor is the reactor was empty (i.e. a greater CSA for fluid to flow).
Therefore, superficial velocity is less than actual velocity (since, if the reactor were filled, there would be less area/space for fluid to flow so the fluid would have to travel faster)
If -rA = -r’A*ρc = reaction rate per unit volume of catalyst [kmol /m3s, i.e. is used for a single catalyst], how is the reaction rate per unit volume of catalyst bed found?
-rA = -r’Aρb = -r’Aρc*(1 - εb)
Where εb is the catalyst bed void fraction, ρc is catalyst density, and ρb is catalyst bed density
What is the Mears criterion (equation)?
What is it used for?
It is the ratio of the observed reaction rate to the predicted mass transfer rate.
[-r’Aρc(1 - εb)Rn / (kc*CAb)] < 0.15
then external mass transfer can be neglected.
If external mass transfer is negligible, we assume CAs = CAb
Where: -r'A = observed reaction rate [kmol/(kgcat s)] n = reaction order R = catalyst particle radius [m] ρc = catalyst density [kg/m3] εb = void fraction of catalyst bed CAb = bulk concentration [kmol/m3] CAs = surface concentration [kmol/m3] kc = mass transfer coefficient [m/s]
How is Fick’s law used to model external mass transfer for liquids and gases?
What are the mass transfer coefficients, kl and kg, equal to?
WA = D.ABl/δl * (CAb - CAs)
= kl*(CAb - CAs)
WA = D.ABg/(RTδg) * (pAb - pAs)
= kg*(pAb - pAs)
Hence, mass transfer coefficients:
kl = D.ABl/δl
kg = D.ABg/(RTδg)
[= kc]
Where: WA - flux of A D.AB - diffusivity δ - film thickness R - gas constant T - Temperature
How may the mass transfer coefficient, kc, be calculated?
What dimensionless groups are considered?
Hence, what does the mass transfer coefficient depend on?
It is calculated from (experimental or empirical) correlations with the fluid properties and flow characteristics.
The Frössling correlations may be used for spherical or cylindrical particle shapes, and make use of the:
- Reynolds number, Re
- Sherwood number, Sh
- Schmidt number, Sc
Re depends on: Density Particle diameter Velocity Viscosity
Sh depends on:
Mass transfer coefficient
Particle diameter
Sc depends on:
[T and P also affect kc]
How is the molar rate of mass transfer from bulk fluid to the external surface of a catalyst calculated?
Molar rate = molar flux * external surface area
M.A = W.AracV
Where ac is the external surface area per unit reactor volume.
At the external surface of a catalyst particle, what is the molar rate of mass transfer, M.A, equal to?
Assuming steady state, M.A is equal to the net rate of reaction on and within the pellet.
M.A = -r”A * (external area + internal area)
M.A = -r”A * (acV + Saρb*V)
Thus, substituting in M.A as the rate of mass transfer from bulk fluid to the external surface, and cancelling out the V terms,
W.Arac = -r”A * (ac + Saρb)
The molar rate of mass transfer from the bulk fluid to the external surface of a catalyst is:
M.A = W.AracV
The net rate of reaction on and within a catalyst pellet is:
M.A = -r”A * (acV + Saρb*V)
Equating the two (at steady state), we get:
W.Arac = -r”A * (ac + Saρb)
Why can this be simplified further to:
W.Ar*ac = -r”A * Sa * ρb
acV and Saρb*V calculate the external and internal areas of the catalyst respectively.
For most catalysts, the majority of the total area is internal, i.e. ac «_space;Sa*ρb
And, since -r”A = -r”As * η,
W.Arac = - r”AsηSaρb)
Where W.Ar = kc*(C.Ab - C.As)
What is the overall effectiveness factor?
How is it found / what does it consider?
Ω = actual overall rate / rate if entire surface were at C.Ab
Ω = -r”A / (k1*C.Ab)
How is superficial velocity, U, calculated?
U = v / Ac
Superficial velocity - volumetric flowrate / CSA of reactor
= m3/m2s or m/s
Why is the homogeneous mass balance for catalysis along a packed bed:
[W.Az(z) * Ac] - [W.Az(z + dz) Ac] + [r’AρbAcdz] = 0
i) The mass balance is In - Out + Gen/Con = 0 (at steady state)
ii) We are looking at a small volume of the packed bed reactor (with volume dV = A*dz) so we look at flux from z to z + dz
iii) Rate of formation of A = -rAV = -r’AρbV = r’Aρb(Adz)
[ = kmol / s]
iv) ρb is used as we are looking at catalytic bed and not just one single catalyst particle.
v) V = Az
How is the homogenous mass balance
[W.Az(z) * Ac] - [W.Az(z + dz) Ac] + [r’AρbAcdz] = 0
modified to consider diffusion, convection, and reaction to the form:
D.AB * (d2C.Ab/dz^2) - UdC.Ab/dz - Ωρbk1Sa*C.Ab = 0
i) From the initial In - Out + Gen/Con = 0 mass balance, divide by Acdz (= V) and take the limit as dz → 0:
- dW.Az / dz + r’Aρb = 0
ii) Remember (from TP) that flux considers diffusion and convection and that,
W.Az = -D.ABdC.Ab/dz + UC.Ab
Where the 2 terms consider diffusion and convection respectively and U is the superficial velocity
iii) Substitute ii into i and differentiate,
[D.ABd2C.Ab/dz2] - [UdC.Ab/dz] + [r’A*ρb] = 0
[Diffusion and/or dispersion] - [Convection] + [Reaction] = 0
iv) For the reaction term, the overall rate can be related to the rate of reaction of A that would exist if the entire surface were exposed to the bulk concentration C.Ab through the overall effectiveness factor Ω.
- r’A = -r’AbΩ = k1SaC.AbΩ
v) Hence, replacing the r’A term in iii,
D.AB * (d2C.Ab/dz^2) - UdC.Ab/dz - Ωρbk1Sa*C.Ab = 0
This requires numerical solution!
Regarding the overall homogeneous model with external mass transfer limitation for packed bed catalysis,
D.AB * (d2C.Ab/dz^2) - UdC.Ab/dz - Ωρbk1Sa*C.Ab = 0
how may this be simplified in order to be solved analytically?
If the flowrate through the bed is very large, axial dispersion can be neglected.
I.e. if
| -r’Aρbdp / (UC.Ab) | «_space;| Udp/Da |
[Where | U*dp/Da | is the Peclet number]
Then we assume that:
UdC.Ab/dz»_space; D.ABd2C.Ab/dz^2
And so the equation simplifies to:
dC.Ab/dz = - (Ωρbk1Sa/U)C.Ab
How does producing a heterogeneous model with external mass transfer limitation for catalysis in a reactor differ from that of a homogeneous model?
The gas and solid phases are considered separately (i.e. no reaction in the gas phase and mass transfer occurs between the gas and solid phases)
Reaction is in the solid phase only
Steady state in both phases
Each phase has a separate material balance
Each phase has a separate energy balance
Whilst the homogenous model considered In - Out + Rate of formation of A = 0, the heterogenous model considers the gas phase:
In - Out - Rate of transport of A to solid phase = 0
and the solid phase:
Rate of transport of A to solid phase + Rate pf generation of A = 0
What are the mass balances for the solid and gas phases for a heterogeneous catalysis model in a PBR with external mass transfer limitation?
In - Out - Rate of transport of A to solid phase = 0
[W.Az(z) * Ac] - [W.Az(z + dz) Ac] - [kcac(C.Ab - C.As)Ac*dz] = 0
Rate of transport of A to solid phase + Rate of generation of A = 0
[kcac(C.Ab - C.As)Acdz] + [r’AρbAc*dz] = 0
which is then substituted into the gas phase mass balance, and diffusion/dispersion can again be neglected.
ac - external surface area per unit reactor volume
Ac - cross-sectional area of the reactor
kcac(C.Ab - C.As) = ρbηSakC.As
What 3 transport and reaction mechanisms are considered when modelling for a 3 phase (slurry) reactor?
1) Adsorption of A from gas into the liquid
rA = kbab(C.Ai - C.Ab)
2) Transport to the catalyst pellet rA = kc*ap*m*(C.Ab - C.As)
3) Diffusion and reaction in pellet rA = m(-r'A) = mη(-r'As) = mηk*CAs
At S.S, the rates of all steps are equal.
Each step may be considered a resistance to the overall reaction rate.
kb - mass transfer coefficient for gas absorption
kc - mass transfer coefficient for particles
ab - gas/liquid interfacial area per unit volume of slurry
ap - external surface area of particles
m - catalyst loading aka mass concentration of catalyst
CAi - interfacial conc
k - specific reaction constant
η - effectiveness factor
What is the relationship for the overall rate and sum of resistances for a catalytic reaction occurring in a 3-phase (slurry) reactor?
CAi/rA = [1/(kb*ab)]+1/m [1/(kcap) + 1/ηk]
CAi / rA = Rb + 1/m *(Rc + Rr)
Rb - resistance to gas absorption [s]
Rc - specific resistance to transport to surface of catalyst pellet [kg.cats/m3]
Rr - specific resistance to diffusion and reaction within the catalyst pellet [kg.cats/m3]
Rcr = Rc + Rr
- Specific combined resistance to internal diffusion, reaction, and external diffusion [*s/m3]
How can the overall rate and concept of resistances relationship,
CAi / rA = Rb + 1/m *(Rc + Rr)
be used to identify the different resistance terms?
y = mx + c
Plot CAi/rA vs 1/m
The gradient of the graph is equal to Rc + Rr (= Rcr)
The y-intercept would be equal to Rb
- Steep gradient = high diffusion and reaction resistances
- High y-int = high gas adsorption resistance
Rb - resistance to gas absorption [s]
Rc - specific resistance to transport to surface of catalyst pellet [kg.cats/m3]
Rr - specific resistance to diffusion and reaction within the catalyst pellet [kg.cats/m3]
How do the slurry reactor resistance terms, Rc, Rr, and Rb, vary with increasing particle size?
As particle diameter increases, the gradient of the CAi/rA vs 1/m graph increases.
Hence, the sum of external diffusion resistance and internal diffusion and surface reaction [Rc + Rr (Rcr)] increases
Rcr increases with increasing dp
Rb (gas absorption resistance) remains the same
How do the slurry reactor resistance terms, Rc, Rr, and Rb, vary with increasing gas bubble size?
With increasing bubble diameter, the gradient of the CAi/rA vs 1/m graph remains constant, however the y intercept increases.
Hence, Rb (gas absorption resistance), increases with increasing bubble size (same gas hold up)
How do diffusion and dispersion differ?
Diffusion - due to individual molecule motion
Dispersion - relative motion of fluid elements due to turbulence
Dispersion is a process where particles get distributed evenly throughout a volume, whereas diffusion is a process where particles are separated from a larger structure.
Regarding the overall rate and concept of resistances for catalytic reactions in slurry reactors, how may the combined resistance,, be split to find Rc (resistance due to internal diffusion) and Rr (resistance due to surface reaction and external diffusion)?
Note: is found as a single value from the plot of C.Ai/R.A vs 1/m
Conduct experiments on catalysts of different sizes (diameters) and different catalyst loadings (m).
- Plot the C.Ai/R vs 1/m results of these experiments and determine the (combined resistance) of the differently sized particles.
Once has been found for various dp (diameter), plot a graph of ln( vs ln(dp)
Note: = 1/(kcap) + 1/(ηk)
[Where kc is the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient, ap is the external area of a catalyst particle, η is the effectiveness factor, and k is the specific reaction constant.]
1) Small particles. ~ 1/k ≠ f(dp)
The slope of the ln( vs ln(dp) graph is 0 and surface reaction is rate limiting
2) Moderate sized particles. = 1/(ηk) = α1dp
The slope of the ln( vs ln(dp) graph is 1 and internal diffusion is rate limiting
3.i) Large particles with shear between particles and fluid.
Frossling correlation used, relating Sh and Re. = α3*dp^1.5
3.ii) Large particles without shear between particles and fluid.
Frossling correlation used, relating Sh and Re. = α3*dp^2
How does the slope of the ln( vs ln(dp) graph vary with particle size?
1) For very small particles, the slope = 0.
Particle diameter has no effect on the reaction rate and surface reaction is rate limiting.
2) For moderate particles, the slope = 1 and the reaction is internal diffusion limited
3) For large particles, the slope = 2, the reaction is external diffusion limited without shearing between the particles and fluid.
4) For large particles, the slope = 1.5, the reaction is external diffusion limited with shearing between the particles and fluid.
If the slope is between any of these values, this suggests that more than one resistance is rate limiting.
Regarding catalytic reactions in slurry reactors, if the controlling step was gas absorption, Rb (i.e. causing the greatest resistance), what processing changes could be made to reduce this resistance and increase the reaction rate?
[List major, minor, and insignificantly influential changes]
Changes that have a major influence:
- Stirring rate
- Reactor design (impeller, gas distributor, baffling, etc.)
- Concentration of reactant in gas phase
Changes that have a minor influence:
- Temperature
Changes that have an insignificant influence:
- Concentration of liquid-phase reactant
- Amount of catalyst
- Catalyst particle size
- Concentration of active component(s) on catalyst
Regarding catalytic reactions in slurry reactors, if the controlling step was external mass transfer [ln( vs ln(dp) slope = 1.5-2] (i.e. causing the greatest resistance), what processing changes could be made to reduce this resistance and increase the reaction rate?
[List major, minor, and insignificantly influential changes]
Changes that have a major influence:
- Amount of catalyst
- Catalyst particle size
- Concentration of reactant in liquid phase
Changes that have a minor influence:
- Temperature
- Stirring rate
- Reactor design
- Viscosity
- Relative densities
Changes that have an insignificant influence:
- Concentration of reactant in gas phase
- Bubble size distribution
Regarding catalytic reactions in slurry reactors, if the controlling step was internal mass transfer [ln( vs ln(dp) slope = 1] (i.e. causing the greatest resistance), what processing changes could be made to reduce this resistance and increase the reaction rate?
[List major, minor, and insignificantly influential changes]
Changes that have a major influence:
- Amount of catalyst
- Catalyst particle size
- Catalyst pellet material
Changes that have a minor influence:
- Temperature
Changes that have an insignificant influence:
- Stirring rate
- Reactor design
- Gas-side properties
Regarding catalytic reactions in slurry reactors, if the controlling step was surface reaction [ln( vs ln(dp) slope = 0] (i.e. causing the greatest resistance), what processing changes could be made to reduce this resistance and increase the reaction rate?
[List major, minor, and insignificantly influential changes]
Changes that have a major influence:
- Amount of catalyst
- Temperature
- Catalyst type
Changes that have a minor influence:
Changes that have an insignificant influence:
- Stirring rate
- Reactor design
- Gas-side properties
What are the 4 main divisions of catalyst deactivation?
Coking or fouling (physical)
Poisoning (chemical)
Sintering or agglomeration (physical)
Solid phase transformation (physical)
Other mechanisms of deactivation include loss of the active elements via
volatilisation, erosion and attrition
What is coking (or fouling)
For catalytic reactions involving hydrocarbons, side reactions occur on the catalyst surface leading to the formation of carbonaceous residues (usually referred to as coke or carbon) which tend to physically cover the active surface.
Coke deposits deactivate the catalyst by covering the active sites or blocking the pores.
(Usually carbon refers to the product of CO disproportionation whereas coke refers to the material produced by decomposition (cracking) or condensation
of hydrocarbons).
What is poisoning (regarding catalyst deactivation)?
Poisoning is the loss of activity due to the strong chemisorption of impurities present in the feed stream on the active sites of a catalyst.
It can be reversible (the poison is not too strongly adsorbed and accordingly regeneration of the catalyst usually occurs simply by poison removal from the feed) or irreversible (irreversible damage is produced).
What is selective and non-selective (catalyst) poisoning?
Nonselective: the catalyst active sites have uniform affinity to the poison (the net activity of the surface is a linear function of the amount of poison chemisorbed).
Selective: there is some distribution of the characteristics of the active sites and accordingly the strongest active sites will be poisoned first. This may lead to various relationships between catalyst activity and amount of poison chemisorbed.
How does sintering cause catalyst deactivation?
Structural modification and the agglomeration of active sites leads to the loss of active site area.
- Generally a thermally activated process and is physical in nature.
- In supported catalysts reduction of the active surface area is provoked via agglomeration and coalescence of small metal crystallites into larger ones with lower surface-to-volume ratios
How is catalyst activity defined?
As the ratio of the reaction rate at time t to the initial rate (with fresh catalyst).
a(t) = rA (t) / rA (0)
a = Nt / N0
Where Nt is number of active sites at time t and N0 is the number of active sites on a non-deactivated catalyst..
Note - it is hard to relate a(t) and a
What does the Re number show?
Ratio of inertial to viscous forces
What does the Sh (Sherwood) number show?
The ratio of convective to diffusive mass transport
Sh = kc*dp/D.AB
What does the Sc (Schmidt) number show?
The ratio of viscous to molecular (mass) diffusion rates
Sc = μ/ρ*D.AB