Chem Eng - Separations Flashcards
What are the (2) types of polymer/ceramic membrane?
Symmetric porous membranes:
Symmetric porous membranes are those characterised by little or no variation
along the thickness of the membrane through on a local scale (<10 um d,ave)
Asymmetric membranes:
Asymmetric membranes are those containing a minimum of two bands with differing porous networks or a combination that includes a minimum of one porous and one compact band.
• Asymmetric membranes of a special type are those with a porous structure continuously varying along the membrane thickness.
• Asymmetric membranes are in high demand as they may optimise separation ability, permeability, and mechanical strength. For an example a selective layer with a 100um thickness is fully adequate for a separation performed by 10 um pores.
What’s a hydrophobic/philic membrane?
A material that uses hydrophobicity to act as a membrane.
An appropriate chemical treatment (Plasma) or physico-chemical treatment of a membrane may render the surface of a hydrophilic or hydrophobic or activated molecular sieving effect.
What’s phase inversion?
Phase inversion or phase separation is a chemical phenomenon exploited in the fabrication of artificial membranes. It is performed by removing the solvent from a liquid-polymer solution, leaving a porous, solid membrane.
What materials are used to produce hollow fibre or flat sheet membranes?
High performance polymer materials such as polyethersulfone (PESF), polyvinylidendifluoride (PVDF) and modified polyethylene.
- These polymer materials exhibit excellent chemical, thermal and mechanical stabilities.
- As long as polymer could be dissolved in a solvent, hollow fibres membrane or flat sheet membranes could be made by phase inversion technique.
Polyamide is a typical polymer for membrane production.
The membrane may be either in the form of a flat sheet or a hollow fiber. In general, hollow fibers are preferred as they achieve a higher effective membrane area within a given module volume.
How are hollow fibre membranes manufactured?
1) After preparing a homogeneous dope (polymer dissolved in a solvent), the spinning dope was transferred to a stainless steel container, the feed vessel was pressurized to 5 – 6 bar using nitrogen during the spinning process.
2) A triple orifice spinneret (lace die) with external layer(dout/din,3.2/, internal layer (dout/din, 2.0/1.4 mm), and bore diameters 0.4 mm (small bore) and 0.8mm (standard bore) is used to obtain double or single-layer hollow fibres.
3) A distilled water/solvent mixture can be used as the internal coagulant and tap water as the external coagulant for all spinning runs.
4) Finally, in forming the hollow fibre the precursor was passed through an initial water bath to complete the phase inversion process.
5) The hollow fibre was then washed thoroughly in a second water bath. Automated fibre guide rollers avoided any mechanical dragging of the fibre.
6) Hollow fibres were collected at the end in a large water container to remove NMP. Water was changed twice over three days. Fibres were then removed from the water bath and allowed to dry under atmospheric conditions.
What are the advantages of Alumina Triple Layer Fibres with Quadruple Orifice Spinneret?
Pore size of the fibres are being controlled by alumina particle size in the formulation.
Important Points: strong fibres (mechanical strength), compact defect free, fine pore fibres with dense separative layer suitable for gas separation.
What are the main problems that arise with using membranes?
Operational reliability
What materials may gas separation membranes be?
Ceramic or polymeric
What are some advantages of using membranes?
Separation technology enables processors to simultaneously concentrate, fractionate, and purify their products.
Large volumes can be treated with remarkable energy efficiency since the technology does not require a phase change to effect water removal, nor do the processes require a steam source or ancillary equipment such as heat generators, evaporators, or condensers.
How is permeation rate important to membranes?
Gas separation with membrane technology- involves the separation of individual components on the basis of the difference in their rates of permeation through a thin porous membrane barrier.
The rate of permeation for each component is determined by the characteristics of the gas mixture, the characteristics of the membrane, and the partial pressure differential of the gaseous component across the membrane.
Since separation is based on a difference in the rates of permeation rather than on an absolute barrier to one component, the recovered component that flows through the membrane (the permeate) is never 100% pure.
However, that relatively high product purities and high recoveries are possible with membrane systems (at increased cost) by the use of multiple stages and recycle systems or when used in combination with other technologies.
What are the advantages of gas purification and separation by membrane permeation?
- Low capital investment
- Ease of operation; Process can be operated unattended
- Good weight and space efficiency
- Ease of scale up. However, there is little economy of scale
- Minimal associated hardware
- No moving parts
- Ease of installation
- Flexibility & Reliability
- Minimal utility requirements
- Low environmental impact
- Ease of incorporation of new membrane developments. Many users can install the next generation of membranes into existing equipment at the scheduled membrane replacement time.
What is PSA?
Pressure swing absorption
A technique used to separate some gas species from a mixture of gases (typically air) under pressure according to the species’ molecular characteristics and affinity for an adsorbent material.
What are some issues with polymeric membranes?
Plasticisation Compaction Aging Competitive sorption Fouling
Cannot withstand high temperatures and aggressive chemical environments.
Heavy hydrocarbons (in certain industries) can be a problem, particularly in hollow fibre modules.
Many polymers can be swollen or plasticised when exposed to hydrocarbons or CO2 with high partial pressure, even in low concentrations.
What are some key challenges in gas separation?
Fouling is a critical factor in ultrafiltration, microfiltration and in gas separation field therefore dominates the entire membrane operation.
In gas separation, fouling is usually not a problem and only minimal pretreatment of the feed stream is required. On the other hand, in a typical membrane gas- separation process, it is only necessary to develop one defect per square meter of membrane to essentially destroy the efficiency of the process.
The ability to make, and maintain, defect-free membranes is, therefore, a key issue in gas separation.
Another factor that leads to operational unreliability is poor membrane stability. In facilitated-transport membranes, instability is such a problem that the process has never become commercial.
Membrane instability has also proved to be a major problem area in reverse osmosis, gas separation and pervaporation.
What is membrane selectivity?
The membrane selectivity is a measure of the ability of the membrane to separate 2 gases A and B. It is the ratio of the permeabilities of A and B.
The selectivity is given by the ratio of permeability coefficients: (also called ideal separation factor):
a(AB ideal) = P(A) / P(B)
What are some of examples of membrane preparation techniques?
Membranes can be prepared from a wide range including both organic and inorganic materials.
Polymer membranes could be made from either rubbery or glassy polymers. Generally, membranes made from glassy polymers are porous and rubbery polymers tends to produce dense membranes.
Techniques employed using organic polymers include:
- stretching
- track-etching
- phase inversion
- sintering
Techniques employed using inorganic materials include (inorganic membranes e.g. alumina and silica):
- sintering
- sol/gelprocess
- anodicoxidation
What are the 2 inorganic membrane categories?
(i) dense inorganic membranes (mostly Pd and Pd-alloy) (Pd materials useful for H2 separation)
(ii) porous inorganic membranes
What are typical materials used for inorganic membranes?
- alumina (Al2O3)
- zirconia (ZrO2)
- titania (TiO2)
- silica & carbon molecular sieves
- zeolite
- stainless steel,
- porous glass
Generally ceramic membranes comprise a highly controlled surface membrane layer that is formed on the inner (feed-side) surface of a more open support
All of these materials are FDA-listed for suitability in pharmaceutical processes.
Ceramic membranes exhibit near zero non-specific adsorption of biological materials.
These ceramic membranes can separate gas mixtures based on Knudsen diffusion, which is inversely proportional to the square root of molecular mass leads to a low separation factor.
What provides the driving force for a membrane?
The driving force of the molecules transport is given by concentration,
pressure, electrical or chemical gradient across the membrane.
What are the main membrane module configurations?
- Hollow fibre (tube-in-shell module)
- Flat membranes (plate and frame)
- Spiral-wound membranes
What are the properties of the geometry of hollow fibre membrane modules?
The membranes are in the shape of very small diameter hollow fibres. The inside diameter of the fibres is in the range of 100 to 500μm range and the outside 200 -1000 μm with length up to 3 to 5m
The hollow fiber configuration consists of thousands of hollow fibers packaged in bundles mounted in a pressure vessel resembling a shell and tube heat exchanger.
Thousands of fine tubes are bound together at each end into tube sheet that is surrounded by a metal shell having a diameter of 0.1 to 0.3 m, so that membrane area per unit volume could be up to 30,000 m2 m-3.
For high pressure applications, the fiber diameter is usually in the order of 100 um ID and 150-200um OD. The feed gas is introduced on the shell side because hollow fibers are much stronger under compression than expansion.
The faster permeating gases migrate into the fiber bore and exit via the open end of the bundle.
For low pressure applications the fibers have a diameter greater than 400 um and the feed gas enters the bore side while the permeate exits via the shell side. This configuration reduces pressure drop on the feed side.
What is potting?
When hollow fibres are sealed together using a resin-like material.
The end is then cut so that the hollow fibre tubes are open/exposed to gas, but the resin in between the fibres is completely gas-tight.
What occurs in one-side and both-side potting?
One side potting: If the feed gas mixture is fed to the outside surface of the tube bundle, then the bundle can be bent over in two in a U shape and the both ends of the bundle can be potted in a single, common tube, the permeate being collected from the lumen.
Both side potting: If the feed gas mixture is fed to the fiber lumen, then a separate tube sheet must be formed around each end of the bundle.
▪ To form a tube sheet, some form of resinous or other plastic or glue-like material must be caused to flow between the individual fibers (usually by slightly heating the resin) and fill all the inter-fiber interstices, so that no gaps are left between the fibers to allow a flow leak.
▪ A wide variety of thermoplastic and thermosetting materials are used for this purpose and most common ones are epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, silicone resin.
▪ First the fiber ends are clogged with a quick-setting resin to prevent the casting resin from filling the fiber to the height of the tube sheet casting.
▪ Pouring the liquid resinous casting material into a mold in which the ends of the fiber bundle have been previously placed and then allowing the mixture to harden. After the tube sheet is formed, the fiber ends are cut open to unclog the pre-sealed fibers.
Why is a membrane support and feed spacer required in spiral-wound membranes?
The material between the membranes (permeate channel spacer) supports them against the operating pressure and defines the permeate flow channel. A net-like spacer sheet that has two functions:
I) It keeps adjacent membranes apart to form a feed channel.
2) It promotes turbulence of the feed gas mixture as it passes through the module, thus reducing concentration polarisation.
What are the advantages of inorganic membranes?
Ease of use and high flux
Wide chemical and pH compatibility [more resistant to chemical attack]
Excellent thermal stability
Sanitisable and sterilisable
Generally element burst pressures are relatively high (> 50 bar)
Able to withstand high frequency back pulsing cycles
Need 100% bubble point integrity testing if using for gas separation
How is stretching used to produce membranes?
Stretching may be applied to semi-crystalline polymers, and the arrangement of crystallites appears to control crazing of the amorphous section.
Materials are often stretched and annealed (heat treated)
What is track etching?
A method of membrane production.
Ion etching - heavy, high-energy ions are accelerated towards the membrane / polymer film. This produces tracks on the film surface.
Chemical etching - a chemical solution is used and the damaged zone of a latent track is removed and transformed into a hollow channel.
What is phase inversion?
A method of membrane production.
It is performed by removing the solvent from a liquid-polymer solution, leaving a porous, solid membrane.
(Polymer is often cast and fed into a precipitation bath.)
What is a sol-gel process?
the sol–gel process is a method for producing solid materials from small molecules. The method is used for the fabrication of metal oxides, especially the oxides of silicon (Si) and titanium (Ti). The process involves conversion of monomers into a colloidal solution (sol) that acts as the precursor for an integrated network (or gel) of either discrete particles or network polymers.
A “sol” (a colloidal solution) is formed that then gradually evolves towards the formation of a gel-like diphasic system containing both a liquid phase and solid phase.
Why is the sol-gel technique useful (for producing inorganic membranes)?
A ceramic can be obtained at relatively low temperatures
The particle size which controls the pore diameter is small and homogeneous,
The cut-off range is very narrow.
What are the two main types of membrane materials?
Natural polymers (wool, rubber, cellulose)
Synthetic polymers (PVDF, PES, PI)
What is the glass transition temperature?
The point at which a material alters state – going from a glass-like rigid solid to a more flexible, rubbery compound.
What are industrial gas separation membranes dependent on?
Structure and thickness
Module and system design
What is membrane permeability and what does it depend on?
The rate at which any component permeates through a membrane.
This depends on the thermodynamic factor (looking at partitioning of species between feed and membrane phases) and the kinetic factor (e.g. diffusion in a dense membrane or surface diffusion in a microporous membrane).
What is membrane selectivity?
The ability of a membrane to accomplish a given separation.
What are the various transport mechanisms occurring across membranes?
Soluble (Transport in dense/non porous materials - dominant factor is solubility)
Knudsen flow in narrow pores
Viscous flow (Poiseuille flow) in wide pores (not suitable for gas separation)
Surface diffusion along pore wall.
‘Slip’ flow
Sieving action - larger particles will not fit through membrane pores
When does Knudsen diffusion occur?
This occurs where the pore size of the membrane is smaller than the mean free path of the molecules. e.g. microporous alumina type membranes.
Knudsen diffusion is a likely mechanism to control the transport rate if the pore diameter is smaller than the mean free path of the molecule involved.
What occurs in Knudsen diffusion?
This occurs where the pore size of the membrane is smaller than the mean free path of the molecules. e.g. microporous alumina type membranes.
The diffusion rate of the molecule is then related to the inverse square root of gas molecule molar mass. In Knudsen flow; collisions between molecules are
less frequent than collisions with the pore wall.
Note: D(k,i) = Knudsen diffusivity
What is molecular sieving?
When gas components are separated based on size exclusion, the size being the kinetic diameter of the gas molecules.
Steric hindrance at the entrance of the pores and frictional resistance in the pores also play an important role during the separation process.
What is kinetic diameter?
Kinetic diameter is a measure applied to atoms and molecules that expresses the likelihood that a molecule in a gas will collide with another molecule
What occurs in solution diffusion?
The gases are separated by their solubility within the
membrane and their diffusions through the dense membrane matrix.
What occurs in viscous flow (Poisseuille) for separation?
Flow occurs at high concentrations where the molecule-molecule collisions are predominate.
In larger pores (r > 10 µm) viscous flow is dominant and gas molecules collides exclusively with each other and no separation is obtained.
What is the mean free path of a molecule, λ?
The distance that a molecule travels between collisions.
When gas transport takes place by viscous flow, no separation is achieved because the mean free path of the gas molecules is very small relative to the pore diameter.
By decreasing pore diameter of a membrane, the separation factor could be slightly improved.
What is tortuosity?
The ratio of the actual pore length to the pore length if it were straight in the direction of diffusion.
How is the Knudsen number calculated?
Kn = λ/d
Where λ is the mean free path and d is the membrane pore diameter.
What are the advantages of membrane gas separation compared to other separation technologies?
“Membrane technology is a growing field as membrane separation process has more advantages over other separation technologies e.g., easy operation, low cost, low energy consumption, low maintenance, low labour intensity, environmentally friendly and also without any corrosion.
Furthermore, as the membranes do not have any moving parts so they occupy less space and are best choice for offshore applications and have great potential to complement or replace conventional gas separation technology like absorption, adsorption and cryogenic.”
“…glassy polymeric membranes have been in the centre of attention for gas separation because of their mechanical strength, reproducibility, economical processing capacity as well as being simple and versatile.” (e.g. polystyrene).
Briefly indicate the typical materials suitable for membranes.
Organic - polymeric materials, cellulose.
Inorganic - mainly made of metal oxides (ceramics) e.g. silica, alumina, or oxides of titanium, zirconium, magnesium. Glass. Carbon. Metal.
What determines whether a polymeric membrane is glassy or rubbery?
“The polymer is glassy at low temperatures, under glass transition temperature, as the temperature increases modulus falls dramatically through Tg region to rubbery area.”
How do glassy and rubbery (polymeric) membranes differ?
Rubbery: High flux but low selectivity
Glassy: Low flux but high selectivity
“This behaviour of polymers can be explained by their molecular structure; as glassy polymers have more rigid chains so they act as obstacles for gas molecules to pass through and resulting in low permeability however rubbery polymer chains are more flexible so they allow more gas molecules to pass and then permeability will increase but selectivity is sacrificed”
Describe flat membranes (plate and frame):
The contained plate-and-frame configuration consists of stacking the flat membranes on top of one another with porous spacers in between. The size of the spacing depends on the amount and size of suspended solids in the feed. The feed enters the module from one end and is collected at the membrane support plates. Such a module is easy to operate and membrane defects can be detected and replaced simply. However, their packing density is low and so most of the time they are limited to use for small-scale applications.
Describe hollow fibre membranes:
Hollow fibre filtration utilizes thousands of long, porous filaments ranging from 1-3.5mm wide, that are potted in place in a PVC shell.
Each filament is very narrow in diameter and flexible. Hollow fibre can find uses in all types of filtration, ranging from microfiltration to reverse osmosis.
They offer a large membrane surface per module volume. It is also a flexible system in that it can carry out the filtration by two ways, either “inside-out” or “outside-in”.
It has a few disadvantages. Membrane fouling of hollow fibre is more frequent than other membrane configurations. Contaminated feed will increase the rate of membrane fouling, especially for hollow fibre.
The hollow fibre system is more expensive than other membrane systems available in market because of its fabrication method.
Both polymer hollow fibre and the porous support may be affected by high temperature conditions and corrosive gases during use.
Describe spiral-wound membranes:
Spiral wound modules are constructed using flat sheet membranes in the form of a ‘pocket’ consisting of two membrane sheets separated by a highly porous support plate, a permeable mesh which defines the region for permeate flow. The configuration of the spiral-wound module is formed by a membrane envelope of spacers and a membrane wound around a porous tube. The feed gas mixture is sent in the axial direction through the feed channels across the membrane surface. The permeate gas mixture is collected in the central porous tube.
- What are the main issues relating to using a membrane unit for gas separation?
Selectivity, productivity/cost, operational reliability.
Mainly with ceramics, separation depends on Knudsen diffusion. Flux and purity will be low, and defects will be a problem.
Polymeric membranes are currently suitable however, suitable porous matrix and polymer type is essential for gas separation. Defects and plasticization are major issues.
Give examples of different gas separation technologies:
Membrane separation Distillation Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) Temperature swing adsorption (TSA) Adsorption (physical, chemical) Cryogenic distillation Solvent extraction / absorption Condensation
What are the advantages of membrane gas separation compared to other separation technologies?
Can be made module Doesn't need a phase change Lower energy demand Small footprint Economic efficiency Relatively small units
What is a membrane?
A selective semipermeable barrier that allows different fluids to move through at different rates.
The membrane restricts motion of particles passing through, and a wide range of mechanisms are responsible for this (e.g. molecule size, affinities, and permeation driving forces)
It is a technology that can help solve environmental problems since it is easy to operate and allows footprint downsizing and continuous separation.
What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric membranes?
Symmetric - same material with uniform porosity.
Asymmetric - has a thin skin of lower porosity material over a symmetric support acting as a membrane.
Briefly indicate the typical materials suitable for membranes:
Natural (wool, rubber, cellulose)
Synthetic polymers
Inorganic materials (mainly made of metal oxides (ceramics) e.g. silica, alumina, or oxides of titanium, zirconium, magnesium. Glass. Carbon. Metal.)
What is a dense amorphous membrane?
When the pores, if any, are less than a few Angstroms in diameter (no detectable pores).
A mixture of molecules is transported through dense membranes via diffusion under a pressure, concentration, or electrical potential gradient driving force.
In most cases, diffusing species must dissolve into the polymer and then diffuse through the polymer.
What is a microporous membrane?
Microporous membranes are thin polymeric film, or filament, walled structures made up of millions of microscopic pores. Typically, they have an open morphology pore size ranging from 0.03 μm up to 10 μm in diameter.
They have high permeability but low selectivity.
List factors which influence diffusion in polymer matrix:
Molecule size and physical state
Polymer morphology
Solute volatility
Surface or interfacial energies of monolayer films
Solubility limit of the solute within the polymer matrix
Limitations of membrane technology:
Plasticisation (of polymer membranes)
What are rubbery and glassy membranes better suited for?
Rubbery - VOC (solubility mechanism is dominant)
Glassy - Oxygen (diffusion mechanism is dominant). Almost all industrial membrane gas separation processes use glassy polymers (for high selectivity and good mechanical properties)
What is Barrer?
A measure of permeability
1 barrer = 10^-10 (cm3 STP / cm * s * cmHg
How are permeability, solubility, and diffusivity related?
P = S * D Permeability = Solubility * Diffusivity
What is the stage cut - V/L?
The fraction of feed that is recovered as permeate
What can be used to encourage desorption / catalyst regeneration?
Changes in temperature (can use a heated inert gas stream)
Changes in pressure
What mechanisms may selective separation depend on?
Differences in adsorption equilibria between adsorbates and the adsorbent (the equilibrium mechanism)
Differences in the rates of adsorption and/or desorption of different adsorbents within the adsorbent structure (the kinetic mechanism)
Complete exclusion of one or more adsorbates from the adsorbent pores because they are too small (the true molecular sieving mechanism)
How do temperature and partial pressure impact the amount of adsorbate which is adsorbed onto an adsorbent?
The amount of an adsorbate which is adsorbed onto an adsorbent is always decreased with:
i. increased temperature
ii. reduced partial pressure (or concentration).
What is the process for PSA?
Pressure swing adsorption process (PSA) is based on the phenomenon that under high pressure, gases tend to be trapped onto solid surfaces, i.e., to be “adsorbed”.
The higher the pressure, the more gas is adsorbed. When the pressure is dropped, the gas is released, or desorbed. PSA can be used to separate gases in a mixture because different gases are adsorbed onto a given solid surface more or less strongly.
How does TSA work?
Thermal swing adsorption is based on regeneration by raising the temperature of the adsorbent and purging.
For any given partial pressure of the adsorbate in the gas phase (or concentration in the liquid phase), an increase in temperature leads to a decrease in the quantity adsorbed.
If the partial pressure remains constant at p1, increasing the temperature from T1 to T2 will decrease the equilibrium loading from q1 to q2.
How do physisorption (physical adsorption) and chemisorption differ?
- Low heat of adsorption
- Mono or multi layer
- No dissociation of adsorbed species
- Only significant at low temperatures
- Rapid, non-activated, reversible
- No e- transfer
- High heat of adsorption
- Monolayer only
- May involve dissociation of adsorbed species
Possible over wide range of temperatures
- Activated (may be slow and irreversible)
- e- transfer leads to bond formation (between sorbate and solid surface)
What are important adsorption properties required from adsorbents?
High contaminant adsorption capacity
Selectivity and fast kinetics
Tolerance to feed impurities and moisture
What are the 3 ways of representing the equilibrium of a single adsorbate/single adsorbent system?
- Loading (i.e. concentration) on the adsorbent (q) as a function of partial pressure in the gas (p) or concentration in the liquid (c) at a given temperature; this is known as an isotherm and is the most
common representation. - Loading on the adsorbent (q) as a function of temperature (T) at a given gas partial pressure (p) or concentration in the liquid (c); this is known as an isobar; this is not a common representation.
- Most of the adsorptions are exothermic reactions, Hence adsorption generally depend on temperature. The extent of adsorption decreases with increase of temperature at constant pressure.
What are the 3 mechanisms of adsorptive separation?
Kinetic (via diffusion rates of different molecules)
Steric (from molecular sieving)
Does high pressure favour adsorption or desorption?
Pros and cons of pressure (vacuum) swing:
- Good for weakly adsorbed species required in high purity
- Rapid cycling (gives efficient use of adsorbent)
- For gases only
- The faster the cycle time, the smaller the size of the equipment and adsorbent inventory.
- Very low pressure may be needed for strong adsorption
- Mechanical energy is more expensive to provide than thermal energy
- Desorbate is recovered at low purity
Describe the TSA (temperature swing adsorption) process:
Feed gas is passed through the adsorption bed (typically, down flow is preferred as up-flow at high rates may fluidise the particles, causing attrition and loss of fines).
The feed gas is switched to the other bed when the solute conc’ in the exit gas reaches a certain value.
The bed is then regenerated by steam or a hot, inert gas (purging).
Pros and cons of thermal swing adsorption:
- Good for strongly adsorbed species
- Desorbate is recovered in high concentrations
- Can be used for gases and liquids
- The adsorbent will experience thermal ageing
- Heat losses due to thermal inefficiency
- Long cycle times (hours) means inefficient use of adsorbent (PSA can take a few seconds)
- High latent heat to be input for liquids
Pros and cons of purge gas stripping:
- Carried out at essentially constant temperature and pressure
- Only for weakly adsorbed species, otherwise a very high purge gas flow is required
- Cannot be used when recovery of the desorbate is required
How does (adsorbent) regeneration occur?
Regeneration reverses the adsorbate-adsorbent equilibrium:
- Raise the temperature to shift the equilibrium constant
- Lower the pressure (vapour-phase adsorbate) change the equilibrium
- Displace the adsorbate with an alternative (e.g. steam).
Regeneration time is shorter when done in the reverse direction to loading.
How are fixed bed adsorbers typically orientated?
They are typically vertical and cylindrical vessels.
Whilst horizontal are often used, vertical orientation is preferred to avoid the creation of flow maldistribution when settling or movement of particles occurs.
Regarding packed bed adsorption, what is MTZ?
Mass transfer zone, where adsorption takes place.
The equilibrium zone is where the isotherm applies
Regarding packed bed adsorption, what are s-shaped curves used for?
Indicating that there is mass-transfer resistance and axial dispersion and mixing
Regarding packed bed adsorption, what is the breakthrough?
It is arbitrarily defined as the time when either
i) the lower limit of adsorbate detection is reached
ii) the maximum allowable adsorbate in the effluent has left the bed.
Briefly describe packed bed adsorption:
As fluid is passed through a fixed bed of adsorbent the transfer of adsorbate molecules from the feed to the solid initially occurs at the bed entrance.
Then adsorbent in this region becomes saturated with adsorbate molecules, the zone in which the mass transfer occur moves progressively through the bed towards the exit.
When breakthrough of the adsorbate begins to occur it is necessary to take the bed off-line so it can be regenerated.
List materials used as adsorbents?
Silica gel
Activated alumina
Activated carbons
Carbon molecular sieves
Zeolites (molecular sieves)
Polymers, resins, clays, etc
What do LES and LUB represent when considering mass transfer in an adsorption column?
LES - length of equilibrium section
LUB - length of unused bed
Compare gas and liquid adsorption:
- Fast mass transfer
- Conc and adsorption determined by P and T
- Adsorb as monolayers, multilayers, and condenses into liquid within pores due to high capillary pressures
- Removal of adsorbed gases via P and T swings and gas purges
- Slower mass transfer
- Adsorbent pores are already filled with liquid
- Adsorbs primarily as monolayers
- Regeneration via T swing and liquid purge
- Adsorbents can be less selective, and competitive adsorption between components is crucial.
How have membranes been used for the enrichment of uranium-235?
[UF - uranium hexaflouride]
UF6 gas is slowly fed into the plant’s pipelines, where it is pumped through porous alumina membranes.
The membrane pores are so small that there is barely enough room for the UF6 gas molecules to pass through.
Isotope enrichment occurs when the lighter UF6 gas molecules (with U234 and U235 atoms) diffuse faster through the porous membranes that heavier U238.
It takes hundreds of membrane units in series before the UF6 gas contains enough U235 to be used in reactors.
This means that low separation factors are generally obtained. [High separation only obtained via a cascade operation involving a number of modules connected together. A composite membrane (with dense top-layer on a porous structure) could be used to improve the Knudsen flow].
(For economical reasons, separation of uranium molecules via Knudsen flow alone is very unattractive. Commercial application of this method has only been with regards to the enrichment of UF)
Briefly describe two-bed PSA:
Focus on separation of oxygen from air
A simple PSA scheme for air separation uses two beds of molecular sieves, with one adsorbing at several atms. pressure and other being regenerated at 1 atm.
For the same concentration, N2 is adsorbed 3 to 4 time as strongly as O2 - so nearly pure O2 can be produced.
However, the adsorption time is short (less than a minute) because of the high concentration of N2in air and the low capacity of the adsorbent.
Therefore the holdup of gas in the bed is significant relative to the amount adsorbed.
After adsorption, the bed is depressurised, which removes most of the gas holdup and some of the adsorbed gas.
The depressurisation of column 1 to atmospheric pressure is commonly known as blow down (flow counter-current to the direction of feed).
The bed is purged at 1 atm with part of the product gas from the other adsorber to finished the desorption.
Then the bed is pressurised with product gas (in this case O2) before being switched to air feed.
Column 2 goes through a similar cycle of events to column 1 during a cycle.
What is considered in the solution diffusion model?
It describes the transport of gases through a membrane as a three step process:
- Sorption of gas in the membrane
- Diffusion through the membrane due to an applied concentration gradient
- Desorption of the gas.
Both the sorption/desorption and diffusion steps are dependent on the characteristics of the membrane material and the gases, and are studied separately with various sorption and diffusion models.