Transparent Language Flashcards
at random
på måfå
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Vi valde en plats på måfå.
Sentence meaning: We chose a seat at random.
to pass
att köra om
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Man får inte köra om på den här vägsträckan.
Sentence meaning: You can’t pass on this stretch of road.
To agree
att hålla med: to agree
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Jag håller med dig om det.
Sentence meaning: I agree with you on that issue.
(en) segelbåt: sailboat
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Min farbror har en segelbåt ute på sjön.
Sentence meaning: My uncle has a sailboat out on the lake.
to defrost
att tina upp: to defrost
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Man måste tina upp kalkonen innan man lägger in den i ugnen.
Sentence meaning: You have to defrost the turkey before putting it in the oven.
(ett) utkast: draft
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Första utkastet är färdigt imorgon.
Sentence meaning: The first draft will be ready by tomorrow.
To melt
att smälta: to melt
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Vintersnön har redan smält.
Sentence meaning: The winter snow has already melted.
(en) rubrik: headline
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Såg du rubrikerna i morse?
Sentence meaning: Did you see the headlines this morning?
Leap year
(ett) skottår: leap year
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Nästa år är ett skottår.
Sentence meaning: Next year is a leap year.
(ett) tips: hint
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Låt mig ge dig ett tips.
Sentence meaning: Let me give you a hint.
boarding pass
(ett) boardingkort: boarding pass
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Kvinnan på flygplatsen kontrollerade våra boardingkort.
Sentence meaning: The woman at the airport checked for our boarding passes.
to call (a telephone)
att ringa: to call (a telephone)
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Ring mig ikväll, så gör vi planer.
Sentence meaning: Call me tonight and we’ll make plans.
(en) buske: bush
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Ska vi vila bredvid den där busken därborta?
(en) klippa: cliff
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Under vår resa runt i England, besökte vi klipporna i Dover.
Sentence meaning: During our trip around England we visited the cliffs of Dover.
(en) sprinkler: sprinkler
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Branden spreds inte eftersom sprinklerna var aktiverade.
Sentence meaning: The fire did not spread because the sprinklers were activated.
To dream
att drömma: to dream
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: I natt drömde jag att jag flöt bland molnen.
Sentence meaning: Last night I dreamt I was floating amongst the clouds.
(ett) nötkött: beef
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Annika föredrar fläsk framför nötkött.
Sentence meaning: Annika prefers pork to beef.
to be constipated
att vara förstoppad: to be constipated
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Man ska dricka mycket vatten när man är förstoppad.
Sentence meaning: You have to drink a lot of water when you’re constipated.
(en) kind: cheek
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: När hon såg mig, pussade hon mig två gånger på kinderna.
Fire drill
(en) brandövning: fire drill
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Få inte panik, det är bara en brandövning.
Sentence meaning: Don’t panic, it’s only a fire drill.
(ett) museum: museum
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Idag hade museet en intressant utställning om indisk folkmusik.
Sentence meaning: The museum had an interesting exhibit about Indian folk music today.
(en) passagerare: passenger
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Fordonets passagerare blev inte skadad.
Sentence meaning: The passenger of the vehicle was unharmed
To complete
att komplettera: to complete
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Du kompletterar mig.
Sentence meaning: You complete me.
flätor: braids
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Hennes hår ser jättebra ut i flätor.
Sentence meaning: Her hair looks really good in braids.
Second cousin
(en) syssling: second cousin
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Min granne är gift med sin syssling.
Sentence meaning: My neighbor married her second cousin.
(en) gräsmatta: lawn
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Bort från min gräsmatta!
Sentence meaning: Get off my lawn!
to sit down
att sätta sig: to sit down
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Ibland gillar jag att bara sätta mig med en bra bok.
(ett) skaldjur: seafood
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Jag älskar skaldjur men min kompis är allergisk mot det.
movie star
(en) filmstjärna: movie star
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Vem är din favoritfilmstjärna?
Sentence meaning: Who’s your favorite movie star?
(en) mygga: mosquito
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Myggorna vill inte lämna mig i fred!
Sentence meaning: The mosquitoes will not leave me alone!
to bite
att bita: to bite
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Min hund kommer inte att bita dig.
Sentence meaning: My dog will not bite you.
pengar: money
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Ingen verkar ha tillräckligt med pengar.
Sentence meaning: Nobody seems to have enough money.
to make up one’s mind
att bestämma sig: to make up one’s mind
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Jag kan inte bestämma mig. Ska vi singla slant?
Sentence meaning: I can’t make up my mind. Shall we flip a coin?
(ett) sinne: mind
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Du har ett öppet sinne.
Sentence meaning: You have an open mind.
auto mechanic
(en) bilmekaniker: auto mechanic
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: En bilmekaniker reparerade vår bil.
Sentence meaning: A mechanic fixed our car.
(en) matematik: mathematics
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Jag fick aldrig bra betyg i matematik.
Sentence meaning: I never received good grades in mathematics.
to hike
att fotvandra: to hike
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Vill du fotvandra genom skogen?
Sentence meaning: Do you want to hike through the woods?
(ett) skogsmurmeldjur: groundhog
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Såg skogsmurmeldjuret sin skugga?
Sentence meaning: Did the groundhog see his shadow?
(en) strand: beach
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Hon och jag ska gå till stranden imorgon.
Sentence meaning: She and I will go to the beach tomorrow.
french fries
pommes frites: french fries
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Vill du ha pommes frites till?
Sentence meaning: Do you want fries with that?
(en) lök: onion
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Om löken är för stor, använd bara halva.
Sentence meaning: If the onion is too big, use only half of it.
huvudvärk: headache
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Skruva ner volymen, jag får huvudvärk.
Sentence meaning: Turn down the volume, I’m getting a headache.
to study
att plugga: to study
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Jag har varit uppe hela natten och pluggat inför det här provet.
Sentence meaning: I’ve been up all night studying for this test.
to dare
att våga: to dare
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Jag vågar inte fråga henne en tredje gång.
Sentence meaning: I don’t dare to ask her a third time.
(ett) tålamod: patience
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Tålamod är en dygd.
Sentence meaning: Patience is a virtue.
to block
att blockera: to block
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Varför blockerade du mig på Twitter, vännen?
Sentence meaning: Why’d you block me on Twitter, friend?
junk mail
(en) skräppost: junk mail
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Meddelandet har kanske råkat hamna i din mapp för skräppost.
Sentence meaning: The email may have accidentally gone into your junk mail folder.
To need
att behöva: to need
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Du kommer att behöva en större båt.
Sentence meaning: You’re going to need a bigger boat.
inrett: decorated
Part of speech: adjective
Example sentence: Hennes hem är fint inrett, som vanligt.
Sentence meaning: Her house is, as usual, very well decorated.
inrett: decorated
Part of speech: adjective
Example sentence: Hennes hem är fint inrett, som vanligt.
Sentence meaning: Her house is, as usual, very well decorated.
to improvise
att improvisera: to improvise
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Skådespelarna improviserade hela scenen.
Sentence meaning: The actors improvised the entire scene.
(en) skatt: tax
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Glöm inte att betala skatt!
Sentence meaning: Do not forget to pay your taxes!
to imply
att innebära: to imply
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Vad tror du talet innebär?
Sentence meaning: What do you think the speech implied?
to ignore
att strunta i: to ignore
Part of speech: verb
Example sentence: Man ska inte strunta i sina kompisar.
Sentence meaning: You shouldn’t ignore your friends.
(ett) sjukhus: hospital
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Hur kommer man till sjukhuset?
Sentence meaning: Which way is the hospital?
(en) klocka: clock
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: För trettio år sedan slog blixten ner i det där klocktornet.
Sentence meaning: Thirty years ago, lightning struck that clock tower.
(en) historia: history
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: De studerade historia vid universitetet.
Sentence meaning: They studied history at the university.
(en) äng: meadow
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Det fanns en grön äng nedanför klippan.
Sentence meaning: There was a green meadow below the cliff.
(en) gräsklippare: lawnmower
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Gräsklipparen behöver bensin.
Sentence meaning: The lawnmower needs gasoline.
to graduate
att ta studenten: to graduate
Part of speech: expression
Example sentence: Min bror tar studenten om en månad.
Sentence meaning: My brother will graduate in a month.
(en) hals: throat
Part of speech: noun
Example sentence: Min hals gör ont idag.
Sentence meaning: My throat is hurting today.