Transition areas and upper limb vasculature Flashcards
Subclavian artery pathway
suprascapular –> supraspinus fossa –> dorsascapular –> rhomboids
Axillary artery pathway
Lat. margin of rib 1 –> pec. major (inf. border) or teres major (inf. border) –> brachial artery –> neck radius
3 parts of the axillary artery
1: 1 branch- superior thor. A
2: 2 branches- thoraco-acromial A and lat thor. A
3: 3 branches- subscap. A, ant. circ. hum. A, post. circ. hum A.
Which arteries go around surgical neck and run with axillary nerve?
Circumflex arteries
Superior thoracic A supplies what?
upper part of thoracic cavity
Thoracoacromial A. supplies what?
pec and delt regions
Lateral thoracic artery supplies what?
lat. thor. wall (ser. ant)
Subscapular artery supplies what?
Scapular region
Ant/post circumflex hum. A’s.
Ant/post around surgical neck
When does the artery turn into the brachial artery??
After passing the inf. border of teres major or pectoralis.
Which artery supplies serratus ant. and breast tissue?
Arterial thoracic artery
2 main branches of brachial artery
deep brachial (post comps. arm)
muscular branches (2-5) ant. comps arm
When brachial artery ends at distal part of cubital fossa, it divides into which 2 arteries?
Ulnar A. supplies what?
Ulnar: elbow, med. ant. comp. forearm, deep ant. comp. forearm, post. comp. majority, wrist.
*deep and superficial arterial arch
Radial A. supplies what?
lat side
elbow, lat. ant. comp. lat. post. comp., wrist
snuff box –> 1st interos. space in hand –> palm of hand (deep palmar arch)
*dorsal art. arch
* sup and deep palm. art. arch with ulnar
Lateral or medial side?
1.) cephalic vein
2.) basilic
cephalic: lateral
basilic: medial (Basement-under)
Cubital fossa
bicep tendon splits it in 2
lat. side- radial N. divides into 2 (sup. and deep)
med side- medial N. runs with brachial artery
Bones of carpal tunnel?
(Tammy tells Timmy He Can’t Play)
Axilla borders
ant.-pectoral region
post.- scapular region
med.-upper 4 ribs, upper serratus ant. that attaches to these ribs
lat- upper humerus
Contents of Axilla
Ax. artery
Ax. vein
Ax. lymphs
Brachial plexus
Borders cubital fossa
lat- med. brachioradialis
sup.- between epicondyles
med.- lat. pro. teres
Contents of cubital fossa
med. N.
deep radial N.
brachial A.
ulnar A.
radial A.
biceps. brachii T.
Quadrangular space borders
- teres minor
- long head triceps
- lat head triceps
- teres major
Contents of quadrangular space
post. hum. circ. A
Axillary N.
Triangular space
lat-med. margin long head triceps
Inf.- sup. margin teres major
Sup.-inf. of teres minor
Contents triangular space
circ. scap. A.
circ. scap V.
Contents triangular interval space
profunda brachii A
radial N.
Tri. int. space boreders
- teres major
- long head triceps
- lat. head triceps
Carpal tunnel contents
9 tendons/ 1 nerve
flex. dig. sup x4
flex. dig. pro x4
median nerve