Transformation & Development of the Early 20th Century Flashcards
What caused World War 1 (1914-1918)?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary started the war.
This said, U.S. joined in 1917 because of the Zimmermann’s letter to Mexico and because of Germany’s unrestricted submarine campaign.
Why was World War 1 called the “Great War”?
Woodrow Wilson believe that it was the war to end all war. He believe that WWI would bring lasting peace in the world.
Who were the Allied Powers?
Britain, Russia, United States, and France
Who were the Central Powers?
Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Germany
Who was the U.S. president during World War I?
Woodrow Willison
What was the Espionage Act?
It is the bill that made it illegal to interfere with military operations, including its recruitment of servicemen.
Why did the United States enter WWI?
Germany’s sinking of the Lusitania (an action which killed about 120 U.S. citizens) prompted the United States to join the war despite Woodrow Wilson’s initial reluctance.
What is the Treaty of Versailles (2)?
It is a peace treaty that ended WWI. It imposed strict mandates on Germany for its role in the war and created the League of Nations, which the U.S. did not join.
What were the four main developments of the 1920s?
1) Harlem Renaissance
2) Prohibition
3) Technological advancements such as automobile and electricity and the industries and products they both spurred
4) Women’s suffrage
What is the Harlem Renaissance (1920-1930)?
A period of cultural and intellectual revival in the African American community of Harlem, NY.
Name 3 key figures of the Harlem Renaissance
1) Nora Neale Hurston (Author, Their Eyes Were Waiting on God)
2) Langston Hughes (Poet)
3) Louis Armstrong (Jazz musician)
What is the Prohibition (1920-1933)?
The period when alcohol was constitutionally banned in the United States. (18th Amendment)
Ironically, the Prohibition era led to the raise in organized crime.
What is the Women’s Suffrage movement (1848-1920)?
The near hundred year fight for women’s right to vote. It started with the Seneca Falls convention in 1848. Susan B. Anthony was a critical figure in the women’s suffrage movement.
What is the 19th Amendment?
A bill that ensured that people will not be denied the right to vote on the basis of gender.
List the main women’s rights leaders (5)
Susan B. Anthony Lucy Stone Sojourner Truth Elizabeth Stanton Alice Paul
What was the Great Depression?
It is the most severe economic downturn in U.S. history. It started in 1929 and lasted until 1939.
What caused the Great Depression?
The stock market crash of 1929 is thought of as the chief factor that led to the depression.
What was the New Deal (1933-1939)?
The programs, projects and legislations that FDR created to encourage economic recovery.
It dramatically expanded the federal government’s role in the economy. It is a sharp contrast to Herbert Hoover’s laissez-faire approach to the economy.
What is the Work Progress Administration?
WPA is FDR’s program designed to employ the unemployed to build infrastructure projects.
What is the Social Security Act of 1935?
FDR’s bill that created general welfare for the older population, children, and people with disabilities. The Social Security Act also created unemployment benefits.
What is the National Labor Relations Board?
A department created by FDR to protect workers by addressing unfair practices and regulating labor laws.
What is the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934?
A legislation that regulated the market and mandated financial transparency in publicly traded companies.
Which group were most affected in the Great Depression?
The poor and working class were the most affected. Unemployment was 25% (15 million workers were unemployed). Plus, many people lost their savings when thousands of banks folded.
What was the New Deal (3)?
FDR’s domestic policy to deal with the Great Depression. It entailed
Relief (for the unemployed)
Recovery (of the economy through federal spending and job creation)
Reform (by regulating big business and creating social welfare programs).