American Revolution Flashcards
What is the American Revolution?
It is the colonists fight against the British for independence
What was the cause of the American Revolution?
In a simplified sense, British government’s practice of taxation without representation led to the American Revolution. To illustrate, issues with taxation led to the Boston Tea Party which led to the Intolerable Acts which led to the colonists feeling more disgruntled toward Britain which led the colonists to unite and demand independence.
Who helped the colonists in their war against the British government?
The French
What is the Stamp Act?
A bill that placed a tax on all printed materials.
What is the Townshend Act?
A bill that placed taxes on paper, lead, glass, and tea.
Boston Tea Party
When Bostonians dumped pounds of tea into the river. The dumping was organized by the Sons of Liberty (Samuel Adams).
Who was Thomas Jefferson (4)?
3rd president,
principal author of the Declaration of Independence,
founder of the Democrat-Republican party,
favored a weaker central government
Who was Alexander Hamilton (3)?
Federalist (favored a strong central government)
founding father
Federalist Papers
Who is John Locke?
His theory of social contract was Jefferson’s inspiration in writing the Declaration of Independence.
John Locke is one of the figures of the Enlightenment (i.e. thoughts based on scientific observation and reason).
Who was George Washington (4)?
First president,
military general in the American Revolution,
favored a stronger central government (just not power hungry),
no party
What were the first political parties?
Federalist Party (wants strong central government, Alexander Hamilton)
Democratic-Republican (wants a weaker CG, more power for states, Thomas Jefferson)
What were the second political parties?
Democratic party
Republican party
Whig (wants strong CG, later joined the Republican party)
Who is Thomas Paine?
He wrote the Common Sense and the American Crisis. These works laid out political and moral arguments about the need for American independence. Ultimately, they inspired commoners to fight in the American Revolution.
Who is John Adam?
He was a diplomat, a Federalist, and the 2nd President.
What were the major ideas (3) of the Declaration of Independence and their impacts?
The major ideas of the declaration were that “men” were equal and had natural rights (life, liberty, and happiness) and that government was bound under a social contract to serve the people.
This concept of equality would inspire universal white-male suffrage, abolitionism, and women’s suffrage.
What was the Second Continental Congress?
The meeting that produced the Article of Confederation.