Transform Phelgm & Stop Cough Flashcards
Which Cool and Transform Phl Heat herb: Clears heat and transforms phlegm, Clears heat and dissipates nodules; cools, moistens, directs LU Qi and HT fire downward to transform phl, alleviate cough, relieve constraint, disperse clumped phlegm heat Chuan Bei Mu Zhi Bei Mu Gua Lou Zhu Ru Tian Zhu Huang
Chuan Bei Mu (baby mother) – COUGH (#1 - every type)
Bitter, Sweet, Sl. Cold — HT, LU
Which Cool and Transform Phl-Heat herb: Clears and transforms phl heat, Clears heat and dissipates nodules, especially in neck and breasts; releases constraint Chuan Bei Mu Zhi Bei Mu Gua Lou Zhu Ru Tian Zhu Huang
Zhe Bei Mu ***
Bitter, Cold — HT, LU
Which Cool and Transform Phl- Heat Herb: Clears heat and transforms phlegm-heat, Unbinds the chest and dissipates nodules, Reduces abscesses and dissipates nodules; Moistens INT, directs turbid phlegm downward Chuan Bei Mu Zhi Bei Mu Gua Lou Zhu Ru Tian Zhu Huang
Gua Luo (Mellon Basket) Sweet, Cold --- LI, LU, ST
Which Cool and Transform Phl Heat herb: directs qi downward and dispels phlegm (cough), disperses and scatters wind heat; assists the dissemination of LU qi, expelling EPF; directs fire down (dissolves phlegm)
Qian Hu ***
Bitter, Acrid, Sl. Cold — LU
Cough or wheezing with thick sputum due to turbid clogging of LU
What herb that Cools and transforms phl heat:
facilitates the flow of qi and expands the chest, disperses constrained clumping; breast abscesses
Gua Lou Pi
Gua Lou Ren
Kun Bu
Hai Zao
Ge Qiao
Gua Lou Pi ***
T - yellow, sticky, red
P - rapid, slippery
“Works on CHEST
Which herb that cools and Transforms Phl-heat:
slippery, moistens both the LU and INT, cools and transform phlegm; expands chest, and promotes healing of sores
Gua Lou Pi
Gua Lou Ren
Kun Bu
Hai Zao
Ge Qiao
Gua Lou Ren ***
Sweet, Cold —- LU, ST, LI
MOISTEN INT + Heal Sores (– Ren herbs = Moisten INT)
Which herb cools and transforms phl-heat:
cools the LU, ST and GB, scours phlegm, releases constraint, alleviates nausea and stops vomiting; clear phl-heat LU (cough) or HT (irritability)
Chuan Bei Mu
Zhi Bei Mu
Gua Lou
Zhu Ru
Tian Zhu Huang
Zhu Ru ***
Sweet, Sl Cold
Compare: Zhi Ban Xia
Which herb cools and transform heat-phelgm:
reduces phlegm and softens hardness, promotes urination, eliminates edema; reduces swelling
Gua Lou Pi
Gua Lou Ren
Kun Bu
Hai Zao
Ge Qiao
Kun bu ***
Salty, cold — KD, LV, ST
Which herb cools and transforms heat-phlegm:
softens areas of hardness, clears damp heat, promotes urination and reduces edema
Gua Lou Pi
Gua Lou Ren
Kun Bu
Hai Zao
Ge Qiao
Hai Zao ***
Bitter, Salty, cold —- KD, LV, LU, ST
Nodules of neck such as goiter and scrofula
Kun Bu and Hai Zao are SOFTEN AREAS OF HARDNESS herbs
Compare with Ge Qiao
Which herb cools and transforms heat-phlegm:
arrests palpitations, extinguishes wind, dislodges phlegm and opens the orifices; settles tremors and convulsions
Chuan Bei Mu
Zhi Bei Mu
Gua Lou
Zhu Ru
Tian Zhu Huang
Tian Zhu Huang **
Sweet, Cold —- GB, HT, LV
Especially for children - phl-heat – LV Wind – convusions
Which herb cools and transforms heat-phlegm:
cold, slippery, ideal for transforming hot, thick phlegm and opening the orifices; penetrates to channels, stops cough
Zhu Li ** (bamboo)
Sweet, Cold —- HT, LU, ST
– “best herb to treat hot, sticky phlegm
30 - 60 grams (Liquid, not stored for long)
- contra - cough due to cold, SP xu
Which herb cools and transforms heat-phlegm:
reduces edema and damp heat, clear LU heat downward, soften hardness and disperses clumps such as scrofula; mildly promotes urination, controls acidity and stops pain
Gua Lou Pi
Gua Lou Ren
Kun Bu
Hai Zao
Ge Qiao
Ge Qiao (Ge Ke) ** --- Clam Shell Bitter, Salty, Cold --- LU, ST
Which herb cools and transform heat-phlegm:
gently cools and moistens the throat and INT; unblocks bowels, encourages rashes, clears and disseminates LU qi
Pang Da Hai **
Sweet, Cold —- LI, LU
–hoarseness of voice, mild/mod constipation (HA, fever), can use alone
2-3 pieces
BING USES IN HER DRINK - compare with Jie Geng
Which Transform Cold-Phlegm herb: Dries dampness, transforms phlegm (LU), and causes rebellious qi to descend; for cough with copious sputum, as in cold-phlegm in LU; especially effective for transforming phlegm due to dampness in SP Zhi Ban Xia Zi Bai Fu Zi Zhi Tian Nan Xing Xuan Fu Hua
Zhi Ban Xia (process half summer") *** MOST IMPORTANT**** Acrid, Warm, Toxic ---- LU, SP, ST -- Key Herb to dry Damp-Phlegm -- Cough (cold phlegm) -- Vomiting --- Acrid = Disperse Nodules
What Transform Cold Phlegm herb: Expels wind, and stops spasms; resolves toxicity and dissipates nodules (scrofula and nodules); and dries damp and stops pain and itching for wind-cold damp Zhi Ban Xia Zi Bai Fu Zi Zhi Tian Nan Xing Xuan Fu Hua
Zhi Bai Fu Zi
Acrid, Sweet, Warm, Toxic —- LV, SP, ST