Relieve Coughing and Wheezing Flashcards
Which relive cough and wheeze herb: relieves cough and expels phlegm, acrid-dispersing, bitter-draining, yet warm and moistening without drying; stops coughs, facilitates urination and enter both the qi and blood Zi Wan Xing Ren Kuan Dong Hua Zi Su Zi
Zi Wan (purple flower) *** acrid, bitter, sl. warm
Which relieve cough and wheezing herb: moistens the LU, directs qi down, stops cough and transforms phlegm; acrid and warm, but not drying; dispersing, but not draining Zi Wan Xing Ren Kuan Dong Hua Zi Su Zi
Kuan Dong Hua ***
Acrid, Warm —- LU
Similar to Zi Wan
Which relieve cough and wheezing herb: stops cough and calms wheezing, redirects qi down, and dissolves phlegm; Moistens INT and unblocks stool (constipation) Zi Wan Xing Ren Kuan Dong Hua Zi Su Zi
Zi Su Zi ***
Acrid, warm —- LI, LU
Which relieve cough and wheezing herb: Stops cough and clams wheezing Moistens the INT and unblocks the bowels Zi Wan Xing Ren Kuan Dong Hua Zi Su Zi
Xing Ren *** (apricot kernel)
Bitter, Sl. Warm, Sl. Toxic — LU, LI
Which relieve coughing and wheezing herb:
transforms phlegm, clears LU heat, and directs LU qi downward (stops cough); Harmonizes ST, clears ST heat, and redirects ST qi downward (nausea and vomiting)
Pi Pa Ye
LU, ST — Bitter, Neutral
Which relieve coughing and wheezing herb:
Moistens the LU and stops cough, particularly in chronic and Xu types; Expels parasites and kills lice; topically or tincture
Bai Bu ***
Sweet, Bitter, Sl. Warm — LU
Contraindicated for loose stools/SP xu
Which coughing and wheezing herb:
Drains heat from LU, stops cough, and calms wheezing; Promotes urination and reduces edema; Recently hypertension
Sang Bai Pi *** (Mulberry White Skin)
Sweet, Cold —- LU
Which coughing and wheezing herb:
Drains the LU, reduces phlegm, calms wheezing worse when lying flat; Moves water and reduces edema (of face); very harsh herb
Ting Li Zi ***
Acrid, Bitter, V. Cold — LU, BL
Which coughing and wheezing herb:
Moistens LU and clears voice; Comforts LV and regulates qi; also used topically to promote healing of ulcerated suppurative sores
Mu Hu Die **
Sweet, bland, cool — LV, LU
Which coughing and wheezing herb:
drives upward and thereby expels pathogenic influences (induces vomiting to relieve phlegm-heat or retained food); very bitter and somewhat toxic; dispels damp-heat and relieves jaundice
Gua Di **
Bitter, Cold, Sl. toxic – - ST