Release Exterior Herbs Flashcards
When do you use Warm Release Ext Herbs?
Aversion to Cold (Mild Chills) Sweating HA Body and Neck pain No Thirst
What are Gen’l char. of Release Ext Herbs?
Warm, Acrid
LU Channel
Ma2 Huang2 (Ephedra) *** Ma (cloth) Huang (yellow) "My Juan" - Sweaty Porcupine, Life Vest, Dingy
Acrid, Sl. Bitter, Warm (2-9 grams)
LU BL (Decoct 1st!)
-Induce sweating (release ext),
-Dissemin. and facilitates LU qi, calms wheezing, stops coughing
-Promotes urination and reduces Edema
- Warms and disperses cold pathogens
What formula is Ma Huang used in
Ma Xing Shi Gan Cao
Ma Huang
Xin Ren
Shi Gao (cool)
Gan Cao
What are CI of Ma Huang
“My Juan” - Sweaty Porcupine, Wheezing and Peeing
Strong effect of inducing sweating
Not too large of dose
Gui4 Zhi1
“Guigi” - Warm hearted Porcupine, You SOB Breaks Yang Qi Chest
Warm and Unblock Channels
Acrid, Warm, Sweet
-Release Ext and assists yang
- Warms and unblocks the channels and collaterals
- Warms the yang and transforms thin mucus
- Assists the Heart yang and unblocks the yang qi of the chest
What are CI for Gui Zhi
“Guigi” - Warm Hearted Porcupine SOB, breaks Yang Qi Chest
3-9 grams (VERY SAFE)
Easy to damage yin and disturb the blood
Zi Su Ye
Perillae Folium
Zi3 Purple Su1 Ye4 (Leaf)
“Suzy” - Sweet Seasick Porcupine, Big Chest moves Qi
Acrid, Aromatic, Warm LU, SP -RELEASE EXT and disperses COLD - promotes movt of Qi and expands chest - use during pregnancy -resolves seafood poisoning
What is CI and Dosage of Zi Su Ye
“Suzy” - Sweet Seasick Porcupine, Big Chest moves Qi
5-9 grams
What are properties, channels and key char. of
“Jing Joe” - Medic Military Porcupine, Poops and Vents Blood
Acrid, Sl warm LU, LV Harmonious in nature Both wind heat and WIND COLD Venting Blo
Which herb has the actions of
Release the Exterior and Dispels Wind
Vents Rashes and alleviates itching
Stops Bleeding, best used Charred
Jing Jie *** "Jing Joe" - Medic Military Porcupine, Poops and Vents blood ---Wind Cold and Wind Heat Rashes - used internally and externally --Stops Bleeding!!
What are CI and Dosage of Jing Jie ***
Don’t overcook (VERY SAFE HERB)
“Jing Joe” - Medic Military Porcupine, Poops and Vents blood
Where there is Xu of Exterior
What are prop, channels and key char. of Fang Feng ***
Fang - Prevent
Feng - Wind
“Fan” - Sweet, Hot Military Porcupine, knows how to inflict pain and release tight muscles
Acrid, Sweet, Slightly warm
less drying than most expel herbs
ALL WIND disorders (Internal = Stroke, and
Treats DAMPNESS, and also DIARRHEA and PAIN in bowels
Which herb has the following actions?
Releases Exterior and Expels wind
Expels wind-dampness and alleviates pain
Expels wind and relieves spasms
Fang Feng ***
“Fan” - Sweet, Hot Military Porcupine, knows how to inflict PAIN and loosen muscles
Not Harsh (moistening herb in wind)
Wind Heat AND Wind Cold, and Wind DAMP (not as popular as Jing Jie)
All kinds of PAIN (Bi Syndrome). Parkinson’s
What is Dosage and CI of Fang Feng?
“Fan” - Sweet, Hot Military Porcupine, knows how to inflict Pain and relieve tight muscles
4.5-9 g
Mostly used for Exterior wind
What are prop, Channels and key char of Qiang Huo ***
“Qon Ho” Don Ho Porcupine, will break your Head (Occ. HA) and squeeze Damp-Cold, kicks bees out of your back and arms
Acrid, Bitter, Aromatic, Warm
Travels through Qi level
Reaches VERTEX and upper body (ORBITAL HA)
Travels through LIMBS and expels superficial DAMPNESS
What herb has the following actions?
Release Ext and Disperse COLD
Unblocks Painful obstruction and alleviates pain
Guides Qi to Greater Yang channel and GV
Qiang Huo (Use Root mostly) "Qon Ho" Porcupine, breaks your head (Occ. HA) and Squeeze the Cold Damp right out of you. He can kick the bees out of your back and arm. Used with Wind Cold + Dampness Painful obstruction of UPPER limbs
What is dosage and CI of Qiang Huo
“Qon Ho” Porcupine - will break your head (Occ. HA) and squeeze the Damp-cold out of you. He kicks the bees out of your Back and Arms.
What are char., prop., and key char. of Bai Zhi ***
Sweet DJ “BZ” Buddha Porcupine can’t spin due to Front HA, Ulcers and Nasal congestion
Acrid, Warm LU, ST, SP Aromatic, warm, releases Exter Opens Orifices, dries dampness Good for WIND COLD FRONTAL HA
Which herb has these actions
Expel wind, elimin dampness, unblock nasal passages and alleviates pain (Frontal HA)
Reduces swelling and expels Pus
Expels damp and alleviates Discharge … ULCERS
Bai Zhi *** (Bai - White/LU; Zhi - Twig)
Sweet DJ “BZ” Buddha Porcupine can’t spin records due to Frontal HA, Ulcers and Nasal congestion
Early stages of swollen sores
Gyn- Vaginal discharge
What is Dosage and CI for Bai Zhi?
3-9 g
Sweet DJ “BZ” Buddha Porcupine can’t spin records due to frontal HA Ulcers and Nasal Congestion