Typed of RNA
tRNA- serves as and adapter for transcription
mRNA- contains the genetic code to be translated
rRNA- maschinery for synthesis
snRNA- ripening of premRNa
snoRNA- chemical modification of rRNA
miRNA- prevents translation
siRNA- degrades RNA molecules
RNA Polymerase Versus DNA Polymerase
- polymerase only works on one strand
- own helicase activity
- NO for need priming
- RNA polymerase does NOT proofread product
RNA polymerase - Prokaryotes
RNA polymerase “core” enzyme: två aplha, en beta, en beta prime
- Sigma factors are one component of the multicomponent RNA polymerase enzyme that allow the RNA polymerase to recognize the initiation (promoter) site.
RNA polymerase holoenzyme:
aplha: Binds regulatory sequences
Beta :Forms phosphodiester bonds
beta prime: Binds DNA template
Sigma factor
allow the RNA polymerase to recognize the initiation (promoter) site.
Termination of Transcription in E. coli
Two types of terminator sequences occur in prokaryotes:
1. Type I (rho-independent)
Palindromic, inverse repeat forms a hairpin loop and destabilize the DNA-RNA hybrid.
Type II (Rho-dependent)
Involves rho factor proteins, believed to break the hydrogen bonds between the template DNA and RNA.
Inhibitors of transcription
aplpha-amantin: RNA pol 2
Rifampicin: blocks promoter clerance
actinomycin-D: elongation
Activation of chromatin
- Acetylation
2. Remodelling
cis-acting elements
DNA sequences close to a gene that are required for gene expression
a.Core promoter when to occur
in eukaryote: TATA-box, Initiator (Inr)
in prokaryote: -10 region, Inr
b.Proximal elements of promoter hoe frequent
in prokaryote: -35 region
in eukaryote: CAAT-box,(CTF) GC-box(sp1)
UPE: upstream promoter element
UAS: upstream activating sequence
2.terminator: signal to stop
3.EnhacerA regulatory DNA sequence that greatly enhances the transcription of a gene
- Silencer
A DNA sequence that helps to reduce or shut off the expression of a nearby gene.
Trans-acting factors
proteins, that bind to the cis-acting elements to control gene expression.
1) RNA polymerase prokaryotic RNA Pol eukaryotic RNA Pol (2) Transcription factors Basal/general TFs Specific TFs (3) Domains of trans-acting factors DNA binding domain DBD transcription activating domain
Eukaryotic RNA polymerase
RNA Polymease 1 (rRNA (28S,16S,5,8S)
RNA Polymerase2 (mRNA, snRNA, miRNA, lncRNA)
RNA Polymerase 3( tRNA, 5S RNA)
RNA Polymerase(mt)
Finding promoter in Eukaryotes
reguire GTF
RNAP binds to DNA with ist GTF
OPen complex
Unwind DNA by TFIIH getsphosphorylated at CTD(carboxy terminus domain) by TFIIH
Post transcriptional modification
5 cap
poly A tail
RNA edeting
where does capping and poly A tailing occur
protein U2AF
helps U2 snRNP to bind to the branchpoint
Production of miRNA
dsRNA is cleaved by Dicer (protein) into multiple ±20 nucleotide long dsRNA. These are then incorporated into RISC complex (=RNA induced silencing complex) where 1 of the strands is degraded. siRNA are used for recognising and degrade an identical RNA from which it derives.
hnRNA processing
equences of RNA that must be removed in a process which also joins together the appropriate coding segments to form the mature mRNA. In most cases, the introns are much longer than the coding regions exons.
A residue of 7-methylguanosine linked to 5´-terminal residue of mRNA through 5´-5´-triphosphate linkage
- protection
- binding to ribosome
Slicosomal introns
GU at 5´ end
AC at 3´-end
Ribosomal RNA in bacteria
16, 23S, 5S rRNAs arising from 30S rRNA precursor
10 pseudouridine, 1 dihydrouridine, 12 methylated nucleosides
Ribosomal RNA in eukaryote
45S(18S, 28S, 5,8) rRNAs
Assemly in nucleolus
catalyzes the degradation of RNA into smaller components.
half-life of mRNA eu vs pro
half-life mRNA shorter in pro
what is homing
when DNA is introduced into a cell by parasites or other means
ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes with tandem repeats of TG that is longer than its compliment. So 3´end has a has a region of single stranded DNA
acts as reverse transcriptase, addidng TG to ´end
rna dependent dna polymerase
an enzyme used to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template, a process termed reverse transcription.